125 W. VINE ST. | REDLANDS | 92373 | 4728 | (909) 798-7565 | -1 | -1 | admin@akspl.org | http://www.akspl.org | Don | McCue | Director | dmccue@akspl.org |
2450 STEVENSON BLVD. | FREMONT | 94538 | 2326 | (510) 745-1504 | (510) 745-1400 | (888) 663-0660 | N/A | http://www.aclibrary.org | Cynthia | Chadwick | County Librarian | cchadwick@aclibrary.org |
1550 OAK ST | ALAMEDA | 94501 | 4411 | (510) 747-7747 | (510) 747-7713 | (510) 522-2072 | alamedafree@alamedaca.gov | http://www.alamedafree.org | Jane | Chisaki | Library Director | jchisaki@alamedaca.gov |
101 S. FIRST ST. | ALHAMBRA | 91801 | 3488 | (626) 570-5008 | (626) 570-3212 | -1 | admin@alhambralibrary.org | http://alhambralibrary.org | Hilda | LohGuan | Library Director | hildal@alhambralibrary.org |
270 LARAMIE ST. | MARKLEEVILLE | 96120 | 0187 | (530) 694-2120 | (530) 694-2120 | -1 | library@alpinecountyca.gov | http://www.alpinecountyca.gov/Index.aspx?NID=107 | Rita | Lovell | County Librarian/Archivist | rlovell@alpinecountyca.gov |
600 E. MARIPOSA ST. | ALTADENA | 91001 | 2211 | (626) 798-0833 | (626) 798-0833 | N/A | hello@altadenalibrary.org | http://www.altadenalibrary.org | Nikki | Winslow | District Director | nwinslow@altadenalibrary.org |
530 SUTTER ST. | JACKSON | 95642 | 2379 | (209) 223-6400 | (209) 223-6400 | -1 | library@amadorgov.org | http://www.amadorgov.org/departments/library | Laura | Einstadter | County Librarian | leinstadter@amadorgov.org |
500 W. BROADWAY | ANAHEIM | 92805 | 3699 | (714) 765-1810 | (714) 765-1880 | N/A | tedelblute@anaheim.net | http://anaheim.net/library | Audrey | Lujan | City Librarian | alujan@anaheim.net |
20 W. DUARTE ROAD | ARCADIA | 91006 | 6999 | (626) 821-5567 | (626) 821-5569 | N/A | publiclibrary@arcadiaca.gov | http://www.arcadiaca.gov/library | Darlene | Bradley | Director of Library and Museum Services | dbradley@arcadiaca.gov |
729 N. DALTON AVE. | AZUSA | 91702 | 2550 | (626) 812-5232 | (626) 812-5268 | (626) 812-5200 | library_staff@azusaca.gov | http://www.azusaca.gov/library | Ann | Graf | Director of Information Technology and Library Services | |
21 W. NICOLET ST. | BANNING | 92220 | 4607 | (951) 849-3192 | (951) 849-3192 | -1 | bld@banninglibrarydistrict.org | www.banninglibraryca.gov | Kevin | Lee | District Director | kevin@banninglibrarydistrict.org |
125 E. EIGHTH ST. | BEAUMONT | 92223 | 2194 | (951) 845-1357 | (951) 845-1357 | -1 | info@bld.lib.ca.us | http://bld.lib.ca.us | Luren | Dickinson | Library Director | luren.dickinson@bld.lib.ca.us |
1501 TIBURON BLVD | TIBURON | 94920 | 2530 | (415) 789-2665 | (415) 789-2661 | -1 | refdesk@beltiblibrary.org | https://beltiblibrary.org | Crystal | Duran | Director | cduran@beltiblibrary.org |
150 E. L ST. | BENICIA | 94510 | 3281 | (707) 746-4343 | (707) 746-4343 | -1 | library@ci.benicia.ca.us | https://www.benicialibrary.org | Jennifer | Baker | Library Director | jbaker@ci.benicia.ca.us |
2090 KITTREDGE STREET | BERKELEY | 94704 | 1427 | (510) 981-6195 | (510) 981-6148 | (510) 548-1240 | https://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/about/contactus | http://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/ | Tess | Mayer | Director of Library Services | tmayer@cityofberkeley.info |
444 N. REXFORD DR. | BEVERLY HILLS | 90210 | 4877 | (310) 288-2220 | (310) 288-2244 | N/A | library@beverlyhills.org | http://www.bhpl.org | Karen | Buth | City Librarian | kbuth@beverlyhills.org |
119 N. EIGHTH ST. | SANTA PAULA | 93060 | 2709 | (805) 525-3615 | (805) 525-3615 | N/A | info@blanchardlibrary.org | http://www.blanchardlibrary.org | Ned | Branch | District Director | ned.branch@blanchardlibrary.org |
400 MAIN ST. | BRAWLEY | 92227 | 2491 | (760) 344-1891 | (760) 344-1891 | -1 | library@brawley-ca.gov | brawley-ca.gov/section/Library | Petra | Ortega | Library Manager | POrtega@brawley-ca.gov |
7150 LA PALMA AVE. | BUENA PARK | 90620 | 2547 | (714) 826-4100 | (714) 826-4100 | N/A | library@buenapark.lib.ca.us | http://www.buenaparklibrary.org/ | Helen | Medina | Director | hmedina@buenaparklibrary.org |
110 N. GLENOAKS BLVD. | BURBANK | 91502 | 1203 | (818) 238-5551 | (818) 238-5580 | | asklibrarian@burbankca.gov | http://www.BurbankLibrary.org | Elizabeth | Goldman | Library Services Director | EGoldman@burbankca.gov |
480 PRIMROSE RD. | BURLINGAME | 94010 | 4083 | (650) 558-7400 | (650) 558-7400 | -1 | bplref@plsinfo.org | http://www.burlingame.org/library | Bradley | McCulley | City Librarian | McCulley@plsinfo.org |
1820 MITCHELL AVENUE | OROVILLE | 95966 | 5387 | (530) 552-5652 | (530) 552-5652 | N/A | library@buttecounty.net | http://www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary | Narinder | Sufi | County Librarian | nsufi@buttecounty.net |
200 CIVIC CENTER WAY | CALABASAS | 91302 | 4114 | (818) 225-7616 | (818) 225-7616 | N/A | requests@calabasaslibrary.org | http://www.cityofcalabasas.com/library.html | Barbara | Lockwood | City Librarian | blockwood@calabasaslibrary.org |
1299 GOLD HUNTER ROAD | SAN ANDREAS | 95249 | 9709 | (209) 754-6510 | (209) 754-6510 | -1 | publiclibrary@co.calaveras.ca.us | www.calaveraslibrary.com | Nancy | Giddens | County Librarian | NGiddens@co.calaveras.ca.us |
850 ENCINAS AVE. | CALEXICO | 92231 | 2559 | (760) 768-2170 | (760) 768-7480 | -1 | library@calexico.ca.gov | https://calexicolibrary.org | Lizeth | Legaspi | Library Manager | llegaspi@calexico.ca.gov |
4101 LAS POSAS RD | CAMARILLO | 93010 | 3799 | (805) 388-5222 | (805) 388-5811 | N/A | askus@camarillolibrary.org | http://camarillolibrary.org | Mandy | Nasr | Library Director | mnasr@camarillolibrary.org |
1775 DOVE LANE | CARLSBAD | 92011 | 4048 | (442) 339-2011 | (442) 339-2038 | (442) 339-8113 | librarian@carlsbadca.gov | http://www.carlsbadlibrary.org | Suzanne | Smithson | Library & Cultural Arts Director | suzanne.smithson@carlsbadca.gov |
5141 CARPINTERIA AVE. | CARPINTERIA | 93013 | 2048 | (805) 684-4314 | | | | https://carpinterialibrary.org/ | | | | |
18025 BLOOMFIELD AVE. | CERRITOS | 90703 | 8525 | (562) 916-1350 | (562) 916-1342 | N/A | library@ci.cerritos.ca.us | http://www.cerritoslibrary.us | Annie | Hylton | City Librarian | ahylton@cerritos.us |
365 F ST. | CHULA VISTA | 91910 | 2697 | (619) 691-5069 | (619) 691-5069 | N/A | webmaster@ci.chula-vista.ca.us | http://www.chulavistalibrary.com | Joy | Whatley | Director | jwhatley@chulavistaca.gov |
5655 JILLSON ST. | COMMERCE | 90040 | 1485 | (323) 722-6660 | (323) 722-6660 | -1 | referencel@ci.commerce.ca.us | https://www.cocpl.org | Beatriz | Sarmiento | Director of Library Services | beatrizs@ci.commerce.ca.us |
305 N. FOURTH ST. | COALINGA | 93210 | 2896 | (559) 935-1676 | (559) 935-1676 | -1 | -1 | http://www.coalingahuronlibrary.org/ | Mary | Leal | Director of Library Services | mary.leal@sjvls.org |
656 N. 9TH ST. | COLTON | 92324 | 2807 | (909) 370-5083 | (909) 370-5083 | -1 | coltonpl@coltonca.gov | http://www.ci.colton.ca.us/Pages/librarywelcome.htm | Edward | Pedroza | Library Supervisor | epedroza@coltonca.gov |
738 MARKET ST. | COLUSA | 95932 | 2327 | (530) 458-0372 | (530) 458-7671 | N/A | colusa_library@countyofcolusa.com | https://www.countyofcolusa.org/24/Library | Stacey | Zwald Costello | County Librarian | scostello@countyofcolusa.com |
777 ARNOLD DRIVE, SUITE 210 | MARTINEZ | 94553 | 3633 | (925) 608-7700 | (925) 646-6434 | N/A | Admin@library.cccounty.us | http://ccclib.org | Alison | McKee | Director | |
650 SOUTH MAIN ST. | CORONA | 92882 | 3417 | (951) 736-2381 | (951) 736-2404 | N/A | Aska.lib@coronaca.gov | http://www.coronaca.gov/library | Anne | Turner | Director of Community Services (Parks, Recreation, and Library) | anne.turner@CoronaCa.Gov |
640 ORANGE AVE. | CORONADO | 92118 | 2232 | (619) 522-2475 | (619) 522-2484 | N/A | https://www.coronado.ca.us/cms/One.aspx?portalId=746090&pageId=16947890https://ca-coronadolibrary.civicplus.com/Directory.aspx?DID=6 | http://www.coronado.ca.us/library | Shaun | Briley | Library Director | sbriley@coronado.ca.us |
234 N. SECOND AVE. | COVINA | 91723 | 2198 | (626) 384-5297 | (626) 384-5303 | -1 | covinalibrary@covinaca.gov | http://www.covinaca.gov/library | Lisa | Evans | Director of Parks & Recreation and Library Services | levans@covinaca.gov |
1890 HUNTINGTON DR. | SAN MARINO | 91108 | 2542 | (626) 300-0779 | (626) 300-0777 | -1 | crowellpl@CityofSanMarino.org | http://crowellpubliclibrary.org | Linda | Vera | Library Manager | lvera@CityofSanMarino.org |
111 LAKE MERCED BOULEVARD | DALY CITY | 94015 | 1048 | (650) 991-8023 | (650) 991-8023 | -1 | dcplref@plsinfo.org | https://www.dalycity.org/library | Chela | Anderson | Library Services Manager | canderson@dalycity.org |
190 PRICE MALL | CRESCENT CITY | 95531 | 4395 | (707) 464-9793 | (707) 464-9794 | -1 | info@delnortecountylibrary.org | http://www.delnortecountylibrary.org | Phyllis | Goodeill | Library Director | pgoodeill@delnortecountylibrary.org |
230 N. FIRST ST. | DIXON | 95620 | 3028 | 7076785447 | (707) 693-2746 | -1 | reference@dixonlibrary.com | http://www.dixonlibrary.com | Aida | Buelna | Interim Library Director | |
11121 BROOKSHIRE AVE. | DOWNEY | 90241 | 3860 | (562) 904-7365 | (562) 904-7366 | N/A | questions@downeyca.org | http://www.downeylibrary.org | Benjamin | Dickow | Library Director | BDickow@downeyspacecenter.org |
1140 N. IMPERIAL AVE. | EL CENTRO | 92243 | 2973 | (760) 337-4565 | (760) 337-4565 | N/A | eclib@cityofelcentro.org | http://www.cityofelcentro.org/library/ | Marcela | Piedra | City Manager (Dir. Vacant) | mpiedra@cityofelcentro.org |
345 FAIR LANE | PLACERVILLE | 95667 | 5699 | (530) 621-5540 | (530) 621-5545 | -1 | lib-pl@eldoradolibrary.org | http://www.eldoradolibrary.org/ | Carolyn | Brooks | Director | carolyn.brooks@edcgov.us |
111 W. MARIPOSA AVE. | EL SEGUNDO | 90245 | 2299 | (310) 524-2722 | (310) 524-2728 | (310) 322-4889 | refdesk@elsegundo.org | https://elsegundolibrary.org | Mark | Herbert | Library Manager | mherbert@elsegundo.org |
239 S. KALMIA ST. | ESCONDIDO | 92025 | 4224 | (760) 839-4601 | (760) 839-4839 | N/A | library@escondidolibrary.org | http://www.escondidolibrary.org | Dara | Bradds | Director | dara.bradds@escondidolibrary.org |
411 STAFFORD ST | FOLSOM | 95630 | 2643 | (916) 461-6137 | (916) 461-6131 | -1 | libcirc@folsom.ca.us | https://www.library.folsom.ca.us/ | Thomas | Gruneisen | Library Director | tgruneisen@folsom.ca.us |
2420 MARIPOSA ST. | FRESNO | 93721 | 2285 | (559) 600-6237 | (559) 600-7323 | N/A | countylibrarian@fresnolibrary.org | http://www.fresnolibrary.org | Raman | Bath | County Librarian | raman.bath@fresnolibrary.org |
353 W. COMMONWEALTH AVE. | FULLERTON | 92832 | 1796 | (714) 738-6380 | (714) 738-6326 | N/A | info@fullertonlibrary.org | www.fullertonlibrary.org | Judith (Judy) | Booth | Library Director | judy.booth@cityoffullerton.com |
222 E. HARVARD ST. | GLENDALE | 91205 | 1075 | (818) 548-2030 | (818) 548-2021 | (818) 543-0368 | LibraryInfo@glendaleca.gov | http://glendalelac.org | Gary | Shaffer | Director of Library, Arts & Culture | gshaffer@glendaleca.gov |
140 SOUTH GLENDORA AVE. | GLENDORA | 91741 | 3416 | (626) 852-4891 | (626) 852-4891 | -1 | library@glendoralibrary.org | http://www.glendoralibrary.org | Janet | Stone | Director | jstone@glendoralibrary.org |
500 N. FAIRVIEW AVE. | GOLETA | 93117 | 1797 | (805) 964-7878 | (805) 964-7878 | | goletavalleylibrary@cityofgoleta.org | https://www.cityofgoleta.org/city-hall/goleta-valley-library | B. Allison | Gray | Library Director | agray@cityofgoleta.org |
OCEAN & LINCOLN AVE. | CARMEL | 93921 | 0800 | (831) 624-1366 | (831) 624-7323 | -1 | hml.reference@gmail.com | http://ci.carmel.ca.us/library | Ashlee | Wright | Library and Community Activities Director | awright@ci.carmel.ca.us |
888 C STREET | HAYWARD | 94541 | 5101 | (510) 881-7954 | (510) 293-8685 | (510) 537-7593 | library@hayward-ca.gov | hayward-ca.gov/public-library | Jayanti | Addleman | Library Director | jayanti.addleman@hayward-ca.gov |
300 E. LATHAM AVE | HEMET | 92543 | 4222 | (951) 765-2440 | (951) 765-2440 | -1 | kcaines@hemetca.gov | www.hemetca.gov/library | Katherine | Caines | Senior Librarian | kcaines@hemetca.gov |
1313 THIRD ST. | EUREKA | 95501 | 0553 | (707) 269-1918 | (707) 269-1905 | -1 | hcl@co.humboldt.ca.us | http://www.co.humboldt.ca.us/library/ | Christopher | Cooper | Director of Library Services | ccooper1@co.humboldt.ca.us |
7111 TALBERT AVE | HUNTINGTON BEACH | 92648 | 1232 | (714) 960-8836 | (714) 842-4481 | N/A | library@hbpl.org | http://www.hbpl.org | Jessica | Framson | Library Services Manager | Jessica.Framson@surfcity-hb.org |
1125 W. MAIN STREET | EL CENTRO | 92243 | 9516 | (442) 265-7100 | -1 | -1 | imperialcountylibrary@co.imperial.ca.us | http://www.library.imperialcounty.org | Mary | Guerrero | County Librarian | imperialcountylibrary@co.imperial.ca.us |
200 W. 9TH ST. | IMPERIAL | 92251 | 1213 | (760) 355-1332 | (760) 355-1332 | -1 | library@cityofimperial.org | http://www.cityofimperial.org/public-library | Ember | Haller | Community Services Director | ehaller@cityofimperial.org |
101 W. MANCHESTER BLVD. | INGLEWOOD | 90301 | 1771 | (310) 412-5397 | (310) 412-4280 | | publiclibrary@cityofinglewood.org | http://library.cityofinglewood.org | Kerri | Arroyo | Library Manager | karroyo@cityofinglewood.org> |
168 N. EDWARDS | INDEPENDENCE | 93526 | 0610 | (760) 878-0260 | (760) 878-0260 | N/A | inyocolib@inyocounty.us | https://www.inyocounty.us/services/inyo-county-free-library | Nancy | Masters | Director | nmasters@inyocounty.us |
5050 N. IRWINDALE AVE. | IRWINDALE | 91706 | 2193 | (626) 430-2229 | (626) 430-2229 | -1 | librarystaff@irwindaleca.gov | https://www.irwindaleca.gov/121/Library | Shayna | Balli | City Librarian | sballi@irwindaleca.gov |
701 TRUXTUN AVE. | BAKERSFIELD | 93301 | 4816 | (661) 868-0700 | (661) 868-0701 | N/A | info@kernlibrary.org | https://kernlibrary.org | Andie | Sullivan | Director of Libraries | andie.sullivan@kernlibrary.org |
401 N. DOUTY ST. | HANFORD | 93230 | 3908 | (559) 852-4005 | (559) 852-4003 | -1 | askus@kingscountylibrary.org | http://www.kingscountylibrary.org/ | Natalie | Rencher | Library Director | natalie.rencher@kingscountylibrary.org |
7400 E. IMPERIAL HIGHWAY | DOWNEY | 90241 | 3375 | (562) 940-8462 | N/A | (562) 940-8477 | lacountylibrary.org | http://www.lacountylibrary.org | Skye | Patrick | County Librarian | librarydirector@library.lacounty.gov |
1425 N. HIGH ST | LAKEPORT | 95453 | 3800 | (707) 263-8817 | (707) 263-8817 | -1 | library@lakecountyca.gov | http://library.lakecountyca.gov | Christopher | Veach | County Librarian | christopher.veach@lakecountyca.gov |
400 MAGNOLIA AVE | LARKSPUR | 94939 | 2035 | (415) 927-5005 | (415) 927-5005 | -1 | library@cityoflarkspur.org | http://www.larkspurlibrary.org | Franklin | Escobedo | Community Services Director | |
1618 MAIN ST. | SUSANVILLE | 96130 | 4515 | (530) 257-8113 | (530) 251-8127 | -1 | lassenlibrary@citlink.net | http://www.lassenlibrary.org/ | Heather | Blevins | Library Director | lassenlibrary@citlink.net |
485 TWELVE BRIDGES DRIVE | LINCOLN | 95648 | 8823 | (916) 434-2410 | (916) 434-2406 | -1 | library@lincolnca.gov | http://www.libraryatlincoln.org | Kathryn | Hunt | Director of Library Services | kathryn.hunt@lincolnca.gov |
1188 S. LIVERMORE AVE. | LIVERMORE | 94550 | 4813 | (925) 373-5500 | (925) 373-5505 | (925) 960-4104 | lib@livermore.lib.ca.us | http://www.livermorelibrary.net | Anwan | Baker | Director | adbaker@livermoreca.gov |
201 W. LOCUST STREET | LODI | 95240 | 2013 | (209) 333-5554 | (209) 333-5503 | N/A | library@lodi.gov | library.lodi.gov | Akiliah | Manuel | Library Director | amanuelmills@lodi.gov |
501 E. NORTH AVE. | LOMPOC | 93436 | 3404 | (805) 875-8787 | (805) 875-8778 | -1 | lompocpl@blackgold.org | http://www.cityoflompoc.com/library/ | Sarah | Bleyl | Library Director | s_bleyl@ci.lompoc.ca.us |
200 W. BROADWAY | LONG BEACH | 90802 | 4433 | (562) 570-6291 | (562) 570-7500 | (562) 570-6762 | lbpl_reference@lbpl.org | http://www.lbpl.org/ | Cathy | De Leon | Director | cathy.deleon@lbpl.org |
6050 LIBRARY DR. | LOOMIS | 95650 | | (916) 824-2905 | (916) 824-2905 | | collection@loomislibrary.org | https://loomislibrary.org/ | Sarah | Comstock | Community Engagement Librarian | director@loomislibrary.org |
630 W. FIFTH ST. | LOS ANGELES | 90071 | 2097 | (213) 228-7515 | (213) 228-7272 | (800) 488-4327 | libadmin@lapl.org | http://www.lapl.org | John | Szabo | City Librarian | jszabo@lapl.org |
100 VILLA AVENUE | LOS GATOS | 95030 | 6981 | (408) 354-6891 | (408) 354-6896 | -1 | library@losgatosca.gov | http://library.losgatosca.gov | Ryan | Baker | Library Director | rbaker@losgatosca.gov |
121 N. G ST. | MADERA | 93637 | 3511 | (559) 675-7871 | (559) 675-7871 | -1 | madera@maderacountylibrary.org | www.maderalibrary.org | Krista | Riggs | Director | krista.riggs@maderacountylibrary.org |
3501 CIVIC CENTER DR, RM 414 | SAN RAFAEL | 94903 | 4189 | (415) 473-3220 | (415) 473-6053 | N/A | library@marincounty.org | http://www.marinlibrary.org | Lana | Adlawan | Director of County Library Services | ladlawan@marincounty.org |
4978 10TH ST. | MARIPOSA | 95338 | 0106 | (209) 966-2140 | (209) 966-2140 | N/A | http://mariposalibrary.org/questions | http://www.mariposalibrary.org | Dallin | Kimble | Interim County Librarian | dkimble@mariposacounty.org |
105 N. MAIN ST. | UKIAH | 95482 | 3919 | (707) 234-2873 | (707) 463-4490 | N/A | libtechservices@mendocinocounty.org | https://www.mendolibrary.org | Deborah | Fader Samson | Director, Mendocino County Cultural Services Agency | faderd@mendocinocounty.org |
800 ALMA ST. | MENLO PARK | 94025 | 3460 | (650) 330-2500 | (650) 330-2520 | | mplref@menlopark.org | http://beta.menlopark.org/library | Sean | Reinhart | Director of Library and Community Services | ssreinhart@menlopark.org |
2100 O ST. | MERCED | 95340 | 3637 | (209) 385-7485 | (209) 385-7484 | (000) 000-0000 | info@mercedcountylibrary.org | http://www.mercedcountylibrary.org | Amy | Taylor | County Librarian | amy.taylor@countyofmerced.com |
375 THROCKMORTON AVE. | MILL VALLEY | 94941 | 2698 | (415) 389-4292 | (415) 389-4292 | -1 | reference@cityofmillvalley.org | http://millvalleylibrary.org | Anji | Brenner | City Librarian | abrenner@cityofmillvalley.org |
100 CIVIC CENTER | MISSION VIEJO | 92691 | 5518 | (949) 830-7100 | (949) 830-7100 | N/A | libreference@cityofmissionviejo.org | http://www.cmvl.org | Genesis | Hansen | Director of Library & Cultural Services | ghansen@cityofmissionviejo.org |
212 W. THIRD ST. | ALTURAS | 96101 | 3913 | (530) 233-6358 | (530) 233-6358 | -1 | library@co.modoc.ca.us | http://modoccountylibrary.org | Kristen | Anderson | Library Director | library@co.modoc.ca.us |
400 SIERRA PARK RD. | MAMMOTH LAKES | 93546 | 1120 | (760) 934-8670 | (760) 934-4777 | -1 | mammothlakeslibrary@monocoe.org | http://www.monocolibraries.org | Christopher | Platt | County Library Director | cplatt@monocoe.org |
321 S. MYRTLE AVE. | MONROVIA | 91016 | 2848 | (626) 256-8274 | (626) 256-8259 | N/A | monrovialibrary@ci.monrovia.ca.us | http://www.monroviapubliclibrary.org | Carey | Vance | Library Manager | cvance@ci.monrovia.ca.us |
188 SEASIDE CIRCLE | MARINA | 93933 | 2500 | (831) 883-7573 | (831) 899-2055 | (831) 755-5000 | 611-Seaside-Ref@co.monterey.ca.us | www.eMCFL.org | Hillary | Theyer | Library Director | TheyerHA@co.monterey.ca.us |
318 S. RAMONA AVENUE | MONTEREY PARK | 91754 | 3399 | (626) 307-1269 | (626) 307-1368 | (626) 307-2540 | library@montereypark.ca.gov | www.montereypark.ca.gov/Library | Diana | Garcia | City Librarian | DGarcia@montereypark.ca.gov |
625 PACIFIC ST. | MONTEREY | 93940 | 2866 | (831) 646-5669 | (831) 646-3933 | N/A | refdesk@monterey.org | https://www.monterey.org/library | Brian | Edwards | Library Director | bedwards@monterey.org |
699 MOORPARK AVENUE | MOORPARK | 93021 | 1115 | (805) 517-6370 | (805) 517-6370 | -1 | AskUs@moorparklibrary.org | http://www.moorparklibrary.org | Christine | Conwell | City Librarian | cconwell@moorparklibrary.org |
25480 ALESSANDRO BLVD | MORENO VALLEY | 92553 | 4368 | (951) 413-3880 | (951) 413-3897 | -1 | citylibrary@moval-library.org | http://www.moval.org/mv-library | Maria | Sunio | Library Director | maria.sunio@moval-library.org |
585 FRANKLIN ST. | MOUNTAIN VIEW | 94041 | 1998 | (650) 903-6887 | (650) 903-6887 | -1 | library@mountainview.gov | http://library.mountainview.gov | Tracy | Gray | Library Services Director | tracy.gray@mountainview.gov |
8 TOWN SQUARE | MURRIETA | 92562 | 9172 | (951) 304-2665 | (951) 304-2665 | -1 | n/a | http://www.murrietalibrary.info | Melvin | Racelis | Library Manager | mracelis@murrietaCA.gov |
580 COOMBS ST. | NAPA | 94559 | 3396 | (707) 253-4241 | (707) 253-4235 | (707) 253-6088 | Library@countyofnapa.org | https://www.countyofnapa.org/library/ | Anthony | Halstead | Library Director | anthony.halstead@countyofnapa.org |
1401 NATIONAL CITY BLVD. | NATIONAL CITY | 91950 | 3314 | (619) 470-5800 | (619) 470-5830 | -1 | library@nationalcitylibrary.org | http://www.nationalcityca.gov/government/library | Joyce | Ryan | Library & Community Services Director | jryan@nationalcityca.gov |
980 HELLING WAY | NEVADA CITY | 95959 | 8619 | (530) 265-1407 | (530) 265-7050 | -1 | library.reference@nevadacountyca.gov | http://mynevadacounty.com/library | Nick | Wilczek | County Librarian | |
1000 AVOCADO AVE. | NEWPORT BEACH | 92660 | 7915 | (949) 717-3800 | (949) 717-3860 | N/A | nbplref@newportbeachca.gov | http://www.newportbeachlibrary.org | Melissa | Hartson | Library Services Director | mhartson@newportbeachca.gov |
125 14TH ST. | OAKLAND | 94612 | 4310 | (510) 238-3281 | (510) 238-3138 | (510) 238-3254 | N/A | http://oaklandlibrary.org | Jamie | Turbak | Director | jturbak@oaklandlibrary.org |
330 N. COAST HIGHWAY | OCEANSIDE | 92054 | 2824 | (760) 435-5560 | (760) 435-5600 | N/A | public.library@oceansideca.org | http://www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org | Cathy (CJ) | DiMento | Library Director | CDiMento@oceansideca.org |
215 EAST C STREET | ONTARIO | 91764 | 4111 | (909) 395-2216 | (909) 395-2205 | N/A | library@ontarioca.gov | http://www.ontarioca.gov/library | Shawn | Thrasher | Library Director | sthrasher@ontarioca.gov |
1501 E. ST. ANDREW PLACE | SANTA ANA | 92705 | 4930 | (714) 566-3000 | (714) 566-3000 | N/A | library.admin@occr.ocgov.com | http://www.ocpl.org/ | Julie | Quillman | County Librarian | julie.quillman@occr.ocgov.com |
407 E CHAPMAN AVE | ORANGE | 92866 | 1594 | (714) 288-2471 | (714) 288-2410 | -1 | -1 | http://www.cityoforange.org/library | Dave | Curtis | Library Services Director | dcurtis@cityoforange.org |
333 MILL ST. | ORLAND | 95963 | 1788 | (530) 865-1640 | -1 | -1 | orlandfreelibrary@yahoo.com | http://www.orlandfreelibrary.net | Jody | Meza | City Librarian | jodymeza@gmail.com |
251 SOUTH A ST. | OXNARD | 93030 | 5750 | (805) 385-7500 | (805) 385-7532 | -1 | library@oxnard.org | www.oxnard.org/library | VACANT | VACANT | Library Director | renee.rakestraw@oxnard.org |
550 CENTRAL AVE. | PACIFIC GROVE | 93950 | 2789 | (831) 648-5760 | (831) 648-5762 | (831) 648-5762 | referencedesk@cityofpacificgrove.org | http://www.pacificgrovelibrary.org | Diana | Godwin | Director | dgodwin@cityofpacificgrove.org |
300 S. SUNRISE WAY | PALM SPRINGS | 92262 | 7699 | (760) 322-7323 | (760) 322-7323 | (760) 864-9527 | library.info@palmspringsca.gov | http://www.palmspringslibrary.org | Jeannie | Kays | Director of Library Services | Jeannie.Kays@palmspringsca.gov |
700 E. PALMDALE BLVD. | PALMDALE | 93550 | 4742 | (661) 267-5600 | (661) 267-5600 | (661) 267-5167 | pcl@cityofpalmdale.org | http://www.cityofpalmdale.org/library | Robert | Shupe | Director | rshupe@cityofpalmdale.org |
270 FOREST AVE | PALO ALTO | 94301 | 2512 | (650) 329-2516 | (650) 329-2436 | N/A | pa.library@cityofpaloalto.org | http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/library/ | Gayathri | Kanth | Library Director | gayathri.kanth@CityofPaloAlto.org |
125 W. CHANSLORWAY | BLYTHE | 92225 | 1245 | (760) 922-5371 | (760) 922-5371 | N/A | info@blythelibrary.org | http://www.blythelibrary.org | Kime | Williams | Library Director | kwilliams@blythelibrary.org |
701 SILVER SPUR RD. | ROLLING HILLS ESTATE | 90274 | 3603 | (310) 377-9584 | (310) 377-9584 | -1 | info@pvld.org | http://www.pvld.org | Jennifer | Addington | Director | jaddington@pvld.org |
285 E. WALNUT ST. | PASADENA | 91101 | 1598 | (626) 744-4066 | (626) 744-4066 | (626) 735-2922 | askus@cityofpasadena.net | http://cityofpasadena.net/library | Tim | McDonald | Acting Library Director | timmcdonald@cityofpasadena.net |
1000 SPRING ST. | PASO ROBLES | 93446 | 2599 | (805) 237-3870 | (805) 237-3870 | N/A | library@prcity.com | http://www.prcity.com/library | Angelica | Fortin | Community Services Department Director | afortin@prcity.com |
411 E. CHAPMAN AVE. | PLACENTIA | 92870 | 6198 | (714) 528-1925 | (714) 528-1906 | -1 | information@placentialibrary.org | https://www.placentialibrary.org | Jeanette | Contreras | Library Director | jcontreras@placentialibrary.org |
350 NEVADA ST. | AUBURN | 95603 | 3789 | (530) 886-4501 | (530) 886-4510 | | library@placer.ca.gov | http://www.placer.ca.gov/library | Mary | George | Director of Library Services | mgeorge@placer.ca.gov |
400 OLD BERNAL AVE. | PLEASANTON | 94566 | 7012 | (925) 931-3400 | (925) 931-3400 | | support@pleasantonlibrary.zendesk.com | http://www.cityofpleasantonca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default.asp | Heidi | Murphy | Director of Library and Recreation | hmurphy@cityofpleasantonca.gov |
445 JACKSON ST. | QUINCY | 95971 | 9410 | (530) 283-6310 | -1 | -1 | PCLibQ@psln.com | https://www.plumascounty.us/546/Library | Lindsay | Fuchs | County Librarian | lindsayfuchs@countyofplumas.com |
625 S. GAREY AVE. | POMONA | 91766 | 3322 | (909) 620-2035 | (909) 620-2043 | | library@ci.pomona.ca.us | http://www.pomonalibrary.org | Anita | Torres | Library Manager | anita.torres@pomonaca.gov |
15 EAST THURMAN AVENUE, SUITE B | PORTERVILLE | 93257 | 3704 | (559) 784-0177 | (559) 784-0177 | -1 | library@ci.porterville.ca.us | http://www.portervillelibrary.org | Vikki | Cervantes | City Librarian | vikki.cervantes@sjvls.org |
12505 CULTURAL CENTER DRIVE | RANCHO CUCAMONGA | 91739 | 8546 | (909) 477-2720 | (909) 477-2720 | (909) 483-1218 | reference@cityofrc.us | http://www.rcpl.lib.ca.us/ | Wess | Garcia | Acting Library Director | wess.garcia@cityofrc.us |
71-100 HIGHWAY 111 | RANCHO MIRAGE | 92270 | 4123 | (760) 341-7323 | (760) 341-7323 | -1 | info@ranchomiragelibrary.org | http://www.ranchomiragelibrary.org | Aaron | Espinosa | Library Director | |
303 N. PACIFIC COAST HWY | REDONDO BEACH | 90277 | 2838 | (310) 318-0676 | (310) 318-0675 | -1 | rbplweb@redondo.org | http://redondo.org/library | Dana | Vinke | Director of Library Services | Dana.Vinke@redondo.org |
1044 MIDDLEFIELD RD | REDWOOD CITY | 94063 | 1868 | (650) 780-7061 | (650) 780-7018 | N/A | rclinfo@redwoodcity.org | http://www.redwoodcity.org/library | Derek | Wolfgram | Director | dwolfgram@redwoodcity.org |
325 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA | RICHMOND | 94804 | 1659 | (510) 620-6555 | (510) 620-6561 | N/A | rpl_reference@ci.richmond.ca.us | http://www.richmondlibrary.org | Diana | Lopez | Deputy Director of Community Services - Library | Diana_Lopez@ci.richmond.ca.us |
5840 MISSION BLVD | JURUPA VALLEY | 92509 | 3650 | (951) 274-4512 | N/A | N/A | rivlib@rivlib.net | http://www.rivlib.net | Jon | Solomon | Director | jon.solomon@lsslibraries.com |
3900 MISSION INN AVE. | RIVERSIDE | 92501 | 3377 | (951) 826-5213 | (951) 826-5201 | N/A | rpllibrary@riversideca.gov | http://www.riversideca.gov/library/ | Erin | Christmas | Director | |
225 TAYLOR ST. | ROSEVILLE | 95678 | 2681 | (916) 774-5221 | (916) 774-5221 | (916) 774-5220 | library@roseville.ca.us | http://www.roseville.ca.us/library | Natasha | Martin | Parks, Recreation & Libraries Manager | nmartin@roseville.ca.us |
828 I ST. | SACRAMENTO | 95814 | 2508 | (916) 264-2965 | (916) 264-2920 | (916) 264-2855 | contact@saclibrary.org | http://www.saclibrary.org | Peter | Coyl | Library Director & CEO | pcoyl@saclibrary.org |
350 LINCOLN AVE. | SALINAS | 93901 | 2692 | (831) 758-7458 | (831) 758-7311 | N/A | salinaspubliclibrary@ci.salinas.ca.us | https://www.salinaspubliclibrary.org | Kristan | Lundquist | Library and Community Services Director | kristanL@ci.salinas.ca.us |
110 TUNSTEAD AVE. | SAN ANSELMO | 94960 | 2617 | (415) 258-4656 | (415) 258-4656 | N/A | library@townofsananselmo.org | http://sananselmolibrary.org | Linda | Kenton | Town Librarian | lkenton@townofsananselmo.org |
470 FIFTH ST. | HOLLISTER | 95023 | 3885 | (831) 636-4097 | (831) 636-4107 | -1 | library@cosb.us | www.sbcfl.org | Nora | Conte | County Librarian | nconte@cosb.us |
777 EAST RIALTO AVE | SAN BERNARDINO | 92415 | 0035 | (909) 387-2220 | (909) 790-3146 | N/A | N/A | www.sbclib.org | Melanie | Orosco | Interim Director | Melanie.Orosco@lib.sbcounty.gov |
555 W. SIXTH ST. | SAN BERNARDINO | 92410 | 3094 | (909) 381-8215 | (909) 381-8221 | N/A | webmaster@sbpl.org | http://www.sbpl.org | Edward | Erjavek | Library Director | erjavek.ed@sbpl.org |
701 ANGUS AVE. W. | SAN BRUNO | 94066 | 3490 | (650) 616-7078 | -1 | -1 | sbpl@plsinfo.org | http://www.sanbrunolibrary.org | Tim | Wallace | Community Services Superintendent | wallace@plsinfo.org |
5560 OVERLAND AVE., SUITE 110 | SAN DIEGO | 92123 | 1204 | (858) 694-2415 | (760) 643-5130 | -1 | askalibrarian@sdcounty.ca.gov | https://www.sdcl.org | Migell | Acosta | Library Director | Migell.Acosta@sdcounty.ca.gov |
330 PARK BLVD | SAN DIEGO | 92101 | 7416 | (619) 236-5870 | (619) 236-5800 | (619) 233-4361 | weblibrary@sandiego.gov | http://www.sandiego.gov/public-library | Misty | Jones | Library Director | MNJones@sandiego.gov |
100 LARKIN ST | SAN FRANCISCO | 94102 | 4705 | (415) 557-4400 | (415) 557-4400 | (415) 557-4433 | info@sfpl.org | http://sfpl.org | Michael | Lambert | City Librarian | michael.lambert@sfpl.org |
150 E SAN FERNANDO STREET | SAN JOSE | 95112 | 3580 | (408) 808-2000 | (408) 808-2397 | (800) 735-2929 | admin.sjpl@sjlibrary.org | http://www.sjpl.org | Jill | Bourne | City Librarian | jill.bourne@sjlibrary.org |
801 SECOND ST. | SAN JUAN BAUTISTA | 95045 | 1420 | (831) 623-4687 | (831) 623-4687 | -1 | library@san-juan-bautista.ca.us | http://www.san-juan-bautista.ca.us/city/library.htm | Rochelle | Eagen | Library Tech Lead | library@san-juan-bautista.ca.us |
300 ESTUDILLO AVE. | SAN LEANDRO | 94577 | 4706 | (510) 577-3980 | (510) 577-3971 | | https://www.sanleandro.org/505/Library-Locations-Hours | http://www.sanleandrolibrary.org | Brian | Simons | Director | bsimons@sanleandro.org |
995 PALM ST. | SAN LUIS OBISPO | 93401 | 3218 | (805) 781-5784 | (805) 781-5989 | -1 | | http://slolibrary.org | Christopher | Barnickel | Director of Libraries | cbarnickel@co.slo.ca.us |
125 LESSINGIA COURT | SAN MATEO | 94402 | 4065 | (650) 312-5258 | N/A | N/A | smcl@smcl.org | http://smcl.org | Anne-Marie | Despain | Director of Library Services | despain@smcl.org |
55 WEST THIRD AVE | SAN MATEO | 94402 | 1513 | (650) 522-7802 | (650) 522-7818 | | smplref@plsinfo.org | http://www.smplibrary.org | James | Moore | City Librarian | jmoore@cityofsanmateo.org |
1100 E ST. | SAN RAFAEL | 94901 | 1900 | (415) 485-3323 | (415) 485-3321 | (415) 485-3198 | library@cityofsanrafael.org | http://www.srpubliclibrary.org | Henry | Bankhead | Assistant Library & Recreation Director/City Librarian | henry.bankhead@cityofsanrafael.org |
26 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA | SANTA ANA | 92701 | 4010 | (714) 647-5265 | (714) 647-5250 | -1 | saplcomments@santa-ana.org | https://www.santa-ana.org/library | Brian | Sternberg | Library Director | bsternberg@santa-ana.org |
40 E. ANAPAMU ST. | SANTA BARBARA | 93101 | 2722 | (805) 564-5608 | (805) 962-7653 | N/A | AskaLibrarian@SantaBarbaraCA.gov | http://sbplibrary.org | Jessica | Cadiente | Director | LibraryAdmin@santabarbaraca.gov |
2635 HOMESTEAD ROAD | SANTA CLARA | 95051 | 5322 | (408) 615-2930 | (408) 615-2900 | | librarians@SantaClaraCA.gov | http://sclibrary.org | Patty | Wong | City Librarian | pwong@SantaClaraCA.gov |
1370 DELL AVENUE | CAMPBELL | 95008 | 1817 | (408) 293-2326 | (408) 293-2326 | (408) 364-1528 | webmaster@sccl.org | http://www.sccl.org | Jennifer | Weeks | County Librarian | jweeks@sccl.org |
23743 VALENCIA BLVD. | SANTA CLARITA | 91355 | 2105 | (661) 799-6132 | (661) 259-0750 | -1 | libraryinfo@santa-clarita.com | http://www.santaclaritalibrary.com | Shannon | Vonnegut | City Librarian | svonnegut@santa-clarita.com |
117 UNION STREET | SANTA CRUZ | 95060 | 3873 | (831) 427-7706 | (831) 427-7707 | (000) 000-0000 | webmaster@santacruzpl.org | http://www.santacruzpl.org/ | Yolande | Wilburn | Library Director | wilburny@santacruzpl.org |
11700 E. TELEGRAPH RD. | SANTA FE SPRINGS | 90670 | 3600 | (562) 868-7738 | (562) 868-7738 | -1 | library@santafesprings.org | http://www.sfslibrary.org | Deborah | Raia | Library Services Manager | deborahraia@santafesprings.org |
421 S. MCCLELLAND ST. | SANTA MARIA | 93454 | 5116 | (805) 925-0994 | (805) 925-0994 | (805) 922-2330 | libraryreference@cityofsantamaria.org | http://www.cityofsantamaria.org/library | Dawn | Jackson | Library Director | djackson@cityofsantamaria.org |
601 SANTA MONICA BLVD | SANTA MONICA | 90401 | 2501 | (310) 458-8600 | (310) 458-8600 | (310) 395-8499 | library@santamonica.gov | https://www.smpl.org | Erica | Cuyugan | Director of Library Services | erica.cuyugan@santamonica.gov |
420 LITHO ST. | SAUSALITO | 94965 | 1933 | (415) 289-4121 | (415) 289-4120 | -1 | reference@sausalito.gov | http://www.sausalitolibrary.org | Abbot | Chambers | City Librarian | achambers@sausalito.gov |
236 JAMES STREET, SUITE 2 | SHAFTER | 93263 | 2031 | (661) 746-5055 | (661) 746-5055 | | | www.shafterlearning.com | David | Franz | Education Partnership Director | dfranz@shafter.com |
1100 PARKVIEW | REDDING | 96001 | 3231 | (530) 245-7260 | (530) 245-7252 | (800) 735-2922 | askus@shastalibraries.org | http://www.shastalibraries.org | Jared | Tolman | Library Director | jared.tolman@lsslibraries.com |
440 W. SIERRA MADRE BLVD. | SIERRA MADRE | 91024 | 2399 | (626) 355-7186 | (626) 355-7186 | -1 | ref@cityofsierramadre.com | www.cityofsierramadre.com/services/library | Leila | Regan | City Librarian | lregan@cityofsierramadre.com |
1780 EAST HILL ST. | SIGNAL HILL | 90755 | 3632 | (562) 989-7323 | (562) 989-7323 | -1 | library@cityofsignalhill.org | http://www.cityofsignalhill.org/library | Charles | Hughes | Librarian | chughes@cityofsignalhill.org |
2969 TAPO CANYON RD | SIMI VALLEY | 93063 | 2117 | (805) 526-1735 | (805) 526-1735 | | askus@simivalleylibrary.org | www.simivalleylibrary.org | Kelly | Behle | Library Director | kelly.behle@simivalleylibrary.org |
719 FOURTH ST. | YREKA | 96097 | 3302 | (530) 842-8807 | (530) 842-8807 | -1 | library@co.siskiyou.ca.us | http://www.siskiyoulibrary.info | Michael | Perry | County Librarian | mperry@co.siskiyou.ca.us |
1150 KENTUCKY ST. | FAIRFIELD | 94533 | 9988 | (707) 784-1500 | (866) 572-7587 | N/A | askus@solanocounty.com | http://solanolibrary.com/ | Suzanne | Olawski | Director | seolawski@solanocounty.com |
6135 STATE FARM DR. | ROHNERT PARK | 94928 | 2147 | (707) 545-0831 | (707) 308-3020 | (877) 467-4877 | ask@sonomalibrary.org | http://sonomalibrary.org | Erika | Thibault | Interim Library Director | ethibault@sonomalibrary.org |
1100 OXLEY ST. | SOUTH PASADENA | 91030 | 3198 | (626) 403-7330 | (626) 403-7350 | -1 | library@southpasadenaca.gov | www.southpasadenaca.gov/library | Cathy | Billings | Library Director | cbillings@southpasadenaca.gov |
840 W. ORANGE AVE. | SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO | 94080 | 3125 | (650) 829-3860 | (650) 829-3860 | -1 | ssfpladm@plsinfo.org | http://www.ssf.net/library | Valerie | Sommer | Library Director | sommer@plsinfo.org |
1492 LIBRARY LANE | ST. HELENA | 94574 | 1143 | (707) 963-5244 | (707) 963-5244 | N/A | https://www.shpl.org/contact-us | https://www.shpl.org/ | Christina | Kreiden | Library Director | director@shpl.org |
1500 I ST. | MODESTO | 95354 | 1166 | (209) 558-7801 | (209) 558-7814 | (209) 558-7821 | comments@stanlibrary.org | http://stanislauslibrary.org | Sarah | Dentan | County Librarian | sdentan@stanlibrary.org |
605 N. EL DORADO ST. | STOCKTON | 95202 | 1999 | (209) 937-8362 | (209) 937-8221 | -1 | library@stocktonca.gov | http://www.ssjcpl.org | Kris | Farro | Director of Community Services | kris.farro@stocktonca.gov |
665 W. OLIVE AVE. | SUNNYVALE | 94086 | 7622 | (408) 730-7314 | (408) 730-7300 | (408) 730-7501 | library@sunnyvale.ca.gov | http://www.sunnyvalelibrary.org | Michelle | Perera | Director of Library and Recreation Services | mperera@sunnyvale.ca.gov |
750 FORBES AVE. | YUBA CITY | 95991 | 3891 | (530) 822-7137 | -1 | -1 | https://www.suttercounty.org/government/contact/contact-library-services | http://www.co.sutter.ca.us/doc/government/depts/library/library | James | Ochsner | Director of Library Services | jochsner@co.sutter.ca.us |
545 DIAMOND AVE. | RED BLUFF | 96080 | 4302 | (530) 527-0604 | (530) 527-0604 | (000) 000-0000 | reference@tehamacountylibrary.org | http://www.tehamacountylibrary.org | Todd | Deck | County Librarian | todd@tehamacountylibrary.org |
1401 E. JANSS RD. | THOUSAND OAKS | 91362 | 2134 | (805) 449-2660 | (805) 449-2660 | N/A | library@toaks.org | http://www.tolibrary.org | Jennifer | Patterson | Library Services Director | jpatterson@tolibrary.org |
3301 TORRANCE BLVD. | TORRANCE | 90503 | 5059 | (310) 618-5950 | (310) 781-7599 | N/A | TorrancePublicLibrary@TorranceCA.gov | http://www.Library.TorranceCA.gov | Heather | Cousin | City Librarian | hcousin@torranceca.gov |
351 MAIN ST. | WEAVERVILLE | 96093 | 1226 | (530) 623-1373 | (530) 623-1373 | -1 | request_trinity@trinitycounty.org | http://library.trinitycounty.org | Kacy | Guill | County Librarian | kguill@trinitycounty.org |
200 W. OAK AVE. | VISALIA | 93291 | 4993 | (559) 713-2720 | (559) 713-2703 | -1 | questions@tularecountylibrary.org | http://www.tularecountylibrary.org | Darla | Wegener | County Librarian | dwegener@tularecounty.ca.gov |
475 NORTH M STREET | TULARE | 93274 | 3857 | (559) 685-4505 | (559) 685-4503 | N/A | info@tularepubliclibrary.org | http://www.tularepubliclibrary.org | Heidi | Clark | Library Manager | heidi.clark@sjvls.org |
480 GREENLEY RD. | SONORA | 95370 | 5956 | (209) 533-5507 | (209) 694-2722 | -1 | libref@co.tuolumne.ca.us | http://www.tuolumnecounty.ca.gov/library | Eric | Aitken | Library and Recreation Manager (Director position vacant) | eaitken@co.tuolumne.ca.us |
450 N. EUCLID AVE | UPLAND | 91786 | 4732 | (909) 931-4200 | (909) 931-4205 | N/A | N/A | https://www.ci.upland.ca.us/library | Yuri | Hurtado | Director | yuri.hurtado@lsslibraries.com |
5600 EVERGLADES ST. SUITE A | VENTURA | 93003 | 6591 | (805) 677-7150 | (805) 648-2716 | (805) 656-1313 | https://www.vencolibrary.org/contact | http://www.vencolibrary.org | Nancy | Schram | Library Director | nancy.schram@ventura.org |
15011 CIRCLE DRIVE | VICTORVILLE | 92395 | 3914 | (760) 245-4222 | (760) 245-4222 | -1 | | https://www.victorvilleca.gov/library/ | George | Carter | City Librarian | gcarter@victorvilleca.gov |
275 MAIN ST., SUITE 100 | WATSONVILLE | 95076 | 4695 | (831) 768-3400 | (831) 768-3404 | (831) 763-4076 | n/a | http://www.watsonvillelibrary.org | Alicia | Martinez | Library Director | alicia.martinez@cityofwatsonville.org |
7344 S. WASHINGTON AVE. | WHITTIER | 90602 | 1778 | (562) 567-9920 | (562) 567-9946 | N/A | lib@whittierpl.org | https://www.whittierlibrary.org/ | Paymaneh | Maghsoudi | Director of Library Services | pmaghsoudi@whittierlibrary.org |
201 N. LASSEN ST. | WILLOWS | 95988 | 2794 | (530) 934-5156 | (530) 934-5156 | N/A | willowslibrary@yahoo.com | https://willowspubliclibrary.org/ | Jody | Meza | Library Director | jmeza@cityofwillows.org |
250 FIRST ST. | WOODLAND | 95695 | 3411 | (530) 661-5980 | (530) 661-5980 | N/A | library@cityofwoodland.org | http://www.cityofwoodland.org/library | Greta | Galindo | Library Services Director | greta.galindo@cityofwoodland.org |
226 BUCKEYE ST. | WOODLAND | 95695 | 2600 | (530) 666-8005 | (530) 666-8005 | N/A | https://yolocountylibrary.org/contact/ | https://yolocountylibrary.org/ | Mark | Fink | County Librarian and Chief Archivist | |
4852 LAKEVIEW AVE. | YORBA LINDA | 92886 | 3433 | (714) 777-2466 | (714) 777-2873 | (714) 777-4812 | https://www.ylpl.org/locationhourscontact-us/ | www.ylpl.org | Carrie | Lixey | Director | clixey@yorbalindaca.gov |
303 SECOND ST. | MARYSVILLE | 95901 | 6011 | (530) 749-7380 | (530) 749-7386 | -1 | library@co.yuba.ca.us | http://library.yuba.org | Michael | Lee | CDSA Director | mlee@co.yuba.ca.us |