35San Bernardino | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 2Not a Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 0Non-affiliated | 0Mr. | Don | | McCue | Director | 125 W. VINE ST. | REDLANDS | 92373 | 4728 | (909) 798-7565 | -1 | http://www.akspl.org | 37.00 | 69,851 | 62,991 | 19,575 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 64,636 | $1,964,893 | $52,000 | $0 | $728,136 | $2,745,029 | $52,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,349,533 | $579,087 | $1,928,620 | $140,915 | $29,863 | $170,778 | $49,943 | $19,869 | $240,590 | $448,299 | $2,617,509 | $0 | 33.00 | 3.00 | 5.00 | 20.00 | 25.00 | 5.00 | 29,227 | 4,531 | 136,573 | 9,855 | 5,614 | 5,953 | 2,726 | 30 | 16 | 16 | 365 | 3,303 | 271,022 | 33,865 | 224,101 | 121,380 | 311 | 15,786 | 36,319 | 52,105 | 239,887 | 276,206 | 0 | 8 | 960 | 33,336 | 2 | 48 | 173 | 5,590 | 56 | 2,391 | 1,135 | 38,974 | 1No | 22,920 | 80,982 | 31,849 | 24 | CA0165 |
0Alameda | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Cynthia | L | Chadwick | County Librarian | 2450 STEVENSON BLVD. | FREMONT | 94538 | 2326 | (510) 745-1504 | (510) 745-1400 | http://www.aclibrary.org | 572.00 | 580,104 | 395,120 | 66,683 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 11 | 208,746 | $25,135,283 | $127,491 | $7,206 | $4,608,103 | $29,878,083 | $127,491 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $10,913,714 | $6,334,005 | $17,247,719 | $2,202,031 | $96,280 | $2,298,311 | $1,177,584 | $684,024 | $4,159,919 | $7,175,463 | $28,583,101 | $383,247 | 250.00 | 74.00 | 80.00 | 163.00 | 243.00 | 22.00 | 491,018 | 49,025 | 937,478 | 132,470 | 49,121 | 15,331 | 118,387 | 0 | 45 | 45 | 1,281 | 18,696 | 2,241,187 | 282,504 | 5,352,228 | 3,375,922 | 605,670 | 330,477 | 274,980 | 605,457 | 5,682,705 | 5,957,685 | 23,249 | 34,456 | 9,250 | 261,268 | 1,924 | 16,167 | 2,921 | 36,628 | 529 | 4,150 | 14,095 | 314,063 | 1No | 324,601 | 2,594,035 | 0 | 353 | CA0001 |
0Alameda | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Jane | | Chisaki | Library Director | 1550 OAK ST | ALAMEDA | 94501 | 4411 | (510) 747-7747 | (510) 747-7713 | http://www.alamedaca.gov | 12.00 | 79,928 | 68,323 | 15,806 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 54,200 | $3,974,303 | $41,690 | $0 | $0 | $4,015,993 | $41,303 | $35,975 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $35,975 | $1,901,275 | $608,165 | $2,509,440 | $203,469 | $28,620 | $232,089 | $60,421 | $12,002 | $304,512 | $982,917 | $3,796,869 | $0 | 58.00 | 11.00 | 11.00 | 20.75 | 31.75 | 7.00 | 63,296 | 6,690 | 176,200 | 5,400 | 8,023 | 1,425 | 8,836 | 0 | 48 | 48 | 198 | 5,772 | 391,821 | 62,707 | 424,516 | 237,073 | 8,984 | 17,360 | | 17,360 | 441,876 | 441,876 | 182 | 890 | 894 | 40,756 | 65 | 589 | 125 | 2,398 | 24 | 502 | 1,084 | 43,743 | 1No | -1 | | 56,395 | 53 | CA0002 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Carmen | M. | Hernandez | Library Director | 101 S. FIRST ST. | ALHAMBRA | 91801 | 3488 | (626) 570-5008 | (626) 570-3212 | http://alhambralibrary.org | 8.00 | 86,922 | 104,550 | 28,910 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 45,000 | $3,101,367 | $0 | $0 | $121,400 | $3,222,767 | | $173,189 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $173,189 | $1,619,857 | $638,710 | $2,258,567 | $108,460 | $6,703 | $115,163 | $53,061 | $800 | $169,024 | $583,927 | $3,011,518 | $4,300 | 43.00 | 11.00 | 11.00 | 21.00 | 32.00 | 2.00 | 46,124 | 6,100 | 117,552 | 717 | 4,637 | 129 | 5,729 | 0 | 19 | 19 | 149 | 2,880 | 661,225 | 98,187 | 290,863 | 204,037 | 16,922 | 3,155 | 3,534 | 6,689 | 294,018 | 297,552 | 120 | 0 | 712 | 24,456 | 32 | 544 | 210 | 2,856 | | | 954 | 27,856 | 0Yes | 97,506 | 246,333 | 91,586 | 89 | CA0003 |
1Alpine | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Rita | Lynn | Lovell | County Librarian/Archivist | 270 LARAMIE ST. | MARKLEEVILLE | 96120 | 0187 | (530) 694-2120 | (530) 694-2120 | http://www.alpinecountyca.gov/Index.aspx?NID=107 | 723.00 | 1,151 | 3,019 | 534 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3,450 | $298,677 | $12,965 | $0 | $22,500 | $334,142 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $124,234 | $95,536 | $219,770 | $10,000 | $1,200 | $11,200 | $3,435 | $2,000 | $16,635 | $83,861 | $320,266 | $0 | 5.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 0.25 | 7,007 | 838 | 23,038 | 75,875 | 1,085 | 2,617 | 2,362 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 94 | 2,934 | 21,915 | 445 | 14,906 | 2,303 | 0 | 211 | | 211 | 15,117 | 15,117 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 728 | 0 | 0 | 62 | 1,867 | 70 | 493 | 110 | 2,595 | 0Yes | 1,747 | 4,338 | 7,605 | 9 | CA0004 |
18Los Angeles | 3Special District Library | MA2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Mindy | E | Kittay | Director | 600 E. MARIPOSA ST. | ALTADENA | 91001 | 2211 | (626) 798-0833 | (626) 798-0833 | http://www.altadenalibrary.org | 9.00 | 53,236 | 15,701 | 3,865 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 27,750 | $2,978,420 | $26,300 | $13,500 | $231,912 | $3,250,132 | $23,300 | $0 | $0 | $319,998 | $0 | $319,998 | $1,452,393 | $617,797 | $2,070,190 | $162,404 | $12,954 | $175,358 | $23,618 | $42,085 | $241,061 | $733,335 | $3,044,586 | $412,767 | 33.00 | 7.00 | 7.00 | 13.00 | 20.00 | 9.00 | 27,468 | 5,151 | 79,826 | 2,016 | 5,046 | 188 | 4,841 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 199 | 4,926 | 188,375 | 6,620 | 183,207 | 85,486 | 1,709 | 6,012 | 7,399 | 13,411 | 189,219 | 196,618 | 399 | 444 | 506 | 11,178 | 81 | 998 | 63 | -1 | | | 650 | 12,175 | 0Yes | 38,582 | 173,239 | 72,452 | 66 | CA0005 |
2Amador | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 149-99 Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Laura | | Einstadter | County Librarian | 530 SUTTER ST. | JACKSON | 95642 | 2379 | (209) 223-6400 | (209) 223-6400 | http://www.amadorgov.org/departments/library | 594.00 | 38,382 | 31,627 | 6,712 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 11,600 | $691,950 | $27,912 | $0 | $58,246 | $778,108 | $27,912 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $304,250 | $150,244 | $454,494 | $16,351 | $865 | $17,216 | $12,575 | $6,000 | $35,791 | $148,906 | $639,191 | $0 | 8.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 5.25 | 6.25 | 2.50 | 20,953 | 2,220 | 80,726 | 4,398 | 3,650 | 3,902 | 6,740 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 42 | 4,910 | 70,229 | 1,634 | 72,294 | 18,705 | 490 | 6,690 | | 6,690 | 78,984 | 78,984 | 2,040 | 1,960 | 322 | 6,326 | 10 | 70 | 38 | 353 | 4 | 365 | 370 | 6,749 | 0Yes | 13,800 | 51,314 | | 22 | CA0006 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Audrey | A. | Lujan | City Librarian | 500 W. BROADWAY | ANAHEIM | 92805 | 3699 | (714) 765-1810 | (714) 765-1880 | http://anaheim.net/library | 49.00 | 358,546 | 230,951 | 57,301 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 8 | 149,802 | $9,496,384 | $18,840 | $185,300 | $459,945 | $10,160,469 | $18,000 | $128,879 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $128,879 | $4,229,682 | $2,418,396 | $6,648,078 | $355,772 | $14,524 | $370,296 | $370,296 | $85,327 | $825,919 | $2,519,916 | $9,993,913 | $317,743 | 170.00 | 23.62 | 24.62 | 48.26 | 72.88 | 0.25 | 234,685 | 36,401 | 477,476 | 5,498 | 10,072 | 1,296 | 39,470 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 495 | 16,023 | 981,637 | 82,921 | 1,073,388 | 658,240 | 42,613 | 43,708 | 6,965 | 50,673 | 1,117,096 | 1,124,061 | 5,127 | 4 | 7,616 | 257,896 | 354 | 7,009 | 375 | 7,465 | | | 8,345 | 272,370 | 0Yes | 144,364 | 197,608 | | 228 | CA0007 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Darlene | | Bradley | Director of Library and Museum Services | 20 W. DUARTE ROAD | ARCADIA | 91006 | 6999 | (626) 821-5567 | (626) 821-5569 | http://www.arcadiaca.gov/library | 12.00 | 57,374 | 39,025 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 48,000 | $3,614,262 | $0 | $0 | $55,800 | $3,670,062 | | $325,590 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $325,590 | $1,605,000 | $902,200 | $2,507,200 | $165,928 | $14,977 | $180,905 | $92,807 | $28,523 | $302,235 | $648,864 | $3,458,299 | $325,590 | 42.00 | 11.50 | 11.50 | 16.00 | 27.50 | 5.54 | 55,295 | 5,745 | 179,270 | 17,897 | 7,019 | 5,708 | 6,526 | 102 | 16 | 16 | 196 | 3,038 | 505,646 | 43,485 | 641,755 | 445,987 | 24,138 | 20,626 | 47,626 | 68,252 | 662,381 | 710,007 | 578 | 51 | 466 | 29,400 | 143 | 7,035 | 719 | 4,242 | | | 1,328 | 40,677 | 0Yes | 45,438 | 166,468 | 63,386 | 74 | CA0008 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Ann | | Graf | Director of Information Technology and Library Services | 729 N. DALTON AVE. | AZUSA | 91702 | 2550 | (626) 812-5232 | (626) 812-5268 | http://www.ci.azusa.ca.us/library | 9.00 | 49,762 | 46,779 | 6,523 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 18,500 | $1,093,270 | $20,951 | $45,461 | $77,438 | $1,237,120 | $20,951 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $683,090 | $299,245 | $982,335 | $45,000 | $5,000 | $50,000 | $8,250 | $0 | $58,250 | $52,685 | $1,093,270 | $0 | 26.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 15.00 | 18.00 | 7.00 | 46,723 | 3,846 | 101,256 | 6,755 | 3,780 | 3,387 | 3,207 | 30 | 4 | 4 | 66 | 2,916 | 201,267 | 9,120 | 107,051 | 72,349 | 8,702 | 5,422 | | 5,422 | 112,473 | 112,473 | 174 | 37 | 398 | 18,368 | 4 | 68 | 209 | 4,178 | 258 | 274 | 611 | 22,614 | 0Yes | 34,814 | 23,256 | | 33 | CA0010 |
32Riverside | 3Special District Library | SD2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 7School District | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | vacant | vacant | vacant | Library Director | 21 W. NICOLET ST. | BANNING | 92220 | 4607 | (951) 849-3192 | (951) 849-3192 | http://www.banninglibrarydistrict.org/ | 306.00 | 31,246 | 28,000 | 4,200 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9,583 | $821,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $821,900 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $607,000 | $109,500 | $716,500 | $50,000 | $5,000 | $55,000 | $22,000 | $5,000 | $82,000 | $278,000 | $1,076,500 | $7,000 | 9.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 9.00 | 10.00 | 0.00 | 15,589 | 2,046 | 59,136 | 75,277 | 2,086 | 1,098 | 3,431 | 63 | 7 | 7 | 88 | 2,704 | 25,192 | 10,540 | 48,237 | 11,074 | 1,391 | 2,415 | 3,114 | 5,529 | 50,652 | 53,766 | 179 | 27 | 372 | 4,400 | 37 | 292 | 104 | 312 | 64 | 2,013 | 513 | 5,004 | 1No | 22,527 | 46,313 | | 14 | CA0167 |
32Riverside | 3Special District Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 3Inland Library System | 0Mr. | Luren | E. | Dickinson | Library Director | 125 E. EIGHTH ST. | BEAUMONT | 92223 | 2194 | (951) 845-1357 | (951) 845-1357 | http://bld.lib.ca.us | 60.00 | 83,997 | 39,011 | 9,717 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 11,700 | $1,322,623 | $38,261 | $0 | $7,766 | $1,368,650 | $24,440 | $150,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $150,000 | $782,538 | $303,189 | $1,085,727 | $70,762 | $1,620 | $72,382 | $22,108 | $17,213 | $111,703 | $304,412 | $1,501,842 | $38,739 | 22.00 | 6.50 | 6.50 | 5.75 | 12.25 | 2.50 | 20,994 | 3,159 | 73,293 | 65,667 | 643 | 6,838 | 7,330 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 31 | 3,952 | 180,000 | 12,100 | 145,531 | 63,531 | 1,735 | 2,006 | 80,528 | 82,534 | 147,537 | 228,065 | 0 | 14 | 2,022 | 34,386 | 35 | 413 | 32 | 388 | 749 | 6,310 | 2,089 | 35,187 | 1No | 7,973 | | | 8 | CA0168 |
20Marin | 5Joint Powers Authority | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 4Multi-jurisdictional | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Deborah | Deane | Mazzolini | Director | 1501 TIBURON BLVD | TIBURON | 94920 | 2530 | (415) 789-2665 | (415) 789-2661 | https://beltiblibrary.org | 4.00 | 11,680 | 8,736 | 1,033 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 10,500 | $2,098,443 | $0 | $0 | $252,547 | $2,350,990 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,257,369 | $357,053 | $1,614,422 | $120,019 | $15,117 | $135,136 | $45,670 | $17,581 | $198,387 | $658,378 | $2,471,187 | $0 | 34.00 | 8.00 | 9.00 | 8.00 | 17.00 | 8.00 | 16,999 | 2,556 | 55,718 | 356,294 | 8,139 | 1,007,438 | 6,464 | 15,193 | 40 | 40 | 593 | 3,021 | 120,633 | 14,879 | 155,166 | 74,469 | 1,281 | 35,958 | 20,978 | 56,936 | 191,124 | 212,102 | 42,025 | 20,731 | 728 | 33,450 | 161 | 1,691 | 424 | 8,422 | 2 | 2,750 | 1,313 | 43,563 | 1No | 16,250 | 146,400 | 0 | 23 | CA0197 |
46Solano | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | David | | Dodd | Director of Library and Cultural Services | 150 E. L ST. | BENICIA | 94510 | 3281 | (707) 746-4343 | (707) 746-4343 | https://www.benicialibrary.org | 13.00 | 27,695 | 18,399 | 3,034 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 31,700 | $2,071,223 | $24,435 | $0 | $76,409 | $2,172,067 | $24,435 | $9,136 | $0 | $0 | $1,445 | $10,581 | $1,081,452 | $473,467 | $1,554,919 | $99,899 | $5,203 | $105,102 | $40,651 | $37,499 | $183,252 | $314,050 | $2,052,221 | $10,581 | 56.00 | 6.25 | 6.25 | 12.33 | 18.58 | 4.00 | 37,692 | 5,002 | 85,657 | 6,073 | 6,592 | 3,198 | 6,979 | 0 | 19 | 19 | 161 | 3,050 | 206,674 | 23,630 | 291,494 | 111,949 | 2,526 | 10,315 | 10,251 | 20,566 | 301,809 | 312,060 | 33,132 | 42,337 | 924 | 22,204 | 166 | 3,555 | 311 | 2,898 | 141 | 4,336 | 1,401 | 28,657 | 1No | 30,864 | 188,958 | 27,601 | 20 | CA0163 |
0Alameda | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Elliot | | Warren | Acting Director of Library Services | 2090 KITTREDGE STREET | BERKELEY | 94704 | 1427 | (510) 981-6195 | (510) 981-6148 | http://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/ | 11.00 | 121,238 | 111,863 | 10,648 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 137,665 | $18,007,484 | $61,534 | $0 | $446,693 | $18,515,711 | $61,534 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $8,323,441 | $5,368,523 | $13,691,964 | $698,860 | $53,196 | $752,056 | $408,058 | $170,774 | $1,330,888 | $2,680,093 | $17,702,945 | $0 | 153.00 | 34.30 | 34.30 | 77.96 | 112.26 | 0.27 | 148,928 | 15,470 | 429,711 | 308,827 | 44,333 | 461,063 | 40,647 | 39,540 | 22 | 22 | 373 | 13,624 | 1,135,601 | 209,329 | 1,731,856 | 655,538 | 11,517 | 225,151 | 121,699 | 346,850 | 1,957,007 | 2,078,706 | 19,475 | 24,637 | 2,930 | 93,998 | 681 | 10,053 | 696 | 14,172 | 740 | 22,613 | 4,307 | 118,223 | 1No | 160,528 | 948,000 | 95,455 | 133 | CA0011 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Nancy | - | Hunt-Coffey | City Librarian | 444 N. REXFORD DR. | BEVERLY HILLS | 90210 | 4877 | (310) 288-2220 | (310) 288-2244 | http://www.bhpl.org | 6.00 | 34,646 | 32,567 | 4,827 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 72,700 | $11,133,981 | $34,617 | $0 | $491,043 | $11,659,641 | $34,617 | $487,339 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $487,339 | $4,322,157 | $916,697 | $5,238,854 | $225,626 | $28,003 | $253,629 | $270,720 | $54,306 | $578,655 | $5,842,132 | $11,659,641 | $24,883 | 117.00 | 18.66 | 18.66 | 39.65 | 58.31 | 1.00 | 56,229 | 2,463 | 192,571 | 6,319 | 20,944 | 1,395 | 13,423 | 844 | 48 | 48 | 179 | 5,250 | 687,251 | 108,138 | 532,317 | 261,376 | 3,892 | 10,668 | | 10,668 | 542,985 | 542,985 | 1,152 | 193 | 930 | 44,094 | 4 | 36 | 49 | 1,847 | 114 | 3,644 | 983 | 45,977 | 0Yes | 9,394 | 328,922 | | 60 | CA0012 |
54Ventura | 3Special District Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 2Black Gold Cooperative Library System | 0Mr. | Ned | | Branch | District Director | 119 N. EIGHTH ST. | SANTA PAULA | 93060 | 2709 | (805) 525-3615 | (805) 525-3615 | http://www.blanchardlibrary.org | 108.00 | 30,654 | 8,749 | 23,778 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 22,554 | $780,847 | $34,040 | $0 | $79,023 | $893,910 | $29,148 | $16,721 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $16,721 | $400,884 | $124,731 | $525,615 | $11,570 | $3,509 | $15,079 | $5,138 | $0 | $20,217 | $221,793 | $767,625 | $0 | 18.00 | 0.00 | 0.75 | 8.22 | 8.97 | 1.87 | 22,213 | 2,400 | 63,198 | 91,557 | 1,174 | 12,942 | 2,580 | 372 | 4 | 4 | 76 | 1,872 | 74,849 | 4,846 | 79,081 | 48,404 | 4,440 | 16,675 | 334 | 17,009 | 95,756 | 96,090 | 17,734 | 5,469 | 328 | 13,398 | 23 | 405 | 34 | 185 | | | 385 | 13,988 | 0Yes | 16,166 | | | 14 | CA0131 |
12Imperial | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Marjo | | Mello | Library Director | 400 MAIN ST. | BRAWLEY | 92227 | 2491 | (760) 344-1891 | (760) 344-1891 | brawley-ca.gov/section/Library | 5.00 | 26,928 | 9,015 | 2,568 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9,250 | $590,047 | $24,808 | $0 | $0 | $614,855 | $24,808 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $322,747 | $129,148 | $451,895 | $27,079 | $3,216 | $30,295 | $0 | $6,748 | $37,043 | $101,109 | $590,047 | $0 | 12.00 | 0.00 | 2.00 | 8.00 | 10.00 | 3.00 | 15,791 | 2,241 | 52,264 | 0 | 2,791 | 0 | 593 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 42 | 2,636 | 61,347 | 5,329 | 73,430 | 35,520 | 8,194 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 73,430 | 73,430 | 6 | 11 | 56 | 2,374 | 8 | 93 | 4 | 61 | 4 | 712 | 68 | 2,528 | 0Yes | 6,012 | | 6,760 | 21 | CA0013 |
29Orange | 3Special District Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Mary | E. | McCasland | Director | 7150 LA PALMA AVE. | BUENA PARK | 90620 | 2547 | (714) 826-4100 | (714) 826-4100 | http://www.buenaparklibrary.org/ | 12.00 | 83,884 | 28,998 | 5,034 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 45,750 | $1,916,328 | $5,000 | $0 | $1,492,178 | $3,413,506 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,357,316 | $1,507,336 | $2,864,652 | $77,815 | $6,400 | $84,215 | $58,499 | $23,660 | $166,374 | $426,335 | $3,457,361 | $390,244 | 41.00 | 5.00 | 6.00 | 23.00 | 29.00 | 2.00 | 40,463 | 5,356 | 105,548 | 18,588 | 6,758 | 454 | 7,934 | 0 | 17 | 17 | 97 | 2,808 | 273,900 | 39,036 | 334,115 | 195,551 | 9,434 | 10,548 | 4,032 | 14,580 | 344,663 | 348,695 | 0 | 14 | 1,002 | 50,764 | 90 | 1,416 | 84 | 683 | 97 | 3,792 | 1,176 | 52,863 | 1No | 36,956 | 59,588 | 22,300 | 22 | CA0014 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Elizabeth | | Goldman | Library Services Director | 110 N. GLENOAKS BLVD. | BURBANK | 91502 | 1203 | (818) 238-5551 | (818) 238-5580 | http://www.BurbankLibrary.com | 17.00 | 105,033 | 116,421 | 10,490 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 79,190 | $6,440,433 | $29,690 | $0 | $135,220 | $6,605,343 | $29,690 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,447,756 | $1,382,446 | $4,830,202 | $269,308 | $20,508 | $289,816 | $121,754 | $86,776 | $498,346 | $1,008,281 | $6,336,829 | $17,413 | 94.00 | 25.25 | 25.25 | 39.30 | 64.55 | 6.79 | 142,577 | 25,407 | 423,707 | 3,628 | 26,715 | 890 | 44,958 | 0 | 20 | 20 | 397 | 7,770 | 830,525 | 110,240 | 970,610 | 476,522 | 20,122 | 16,504 | 75,945 | 92,449 | 987,114 | 1,063,059 | 289 | 81 | 756 | 54,340 | 73 | 1,714 | 246 | 7,644 | 37 | 2,802 | 1,075 | 63,698 | 1No | 210,400 | 610,018 | 56,123 | 89 | CA0015 |
40San Mateo | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Bradley | T. | McCulley | City Librarian | 480 PRIMROSE RD. | BURLINGAME | 94010 | 4083 | (650) 558-7400 | (650) 558-7400 | http://www.burlingame.org/library | 6.00 | 37,983 | 27,237 | 7,540 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 50,000 | $4,710,029 | $0 | $0 | $144,329 | $4,854,358 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,261,520 | $1,126,245 | $3,387,765 | $232,646 | $20,189 | $252,835 | $95,973 | $46,935 | $395,743 | $1,070,850 | $4,854,358 | $0 | 72.00 | 12.09 | 12.09 | 21.29 | 33.38 | 7.00 | 56,753 | 7,302 | 195,056 | 68,482 | 10,604 | 6,385 | 13,064 | 0 | 31 | 31 | 286 | 4,784 | 360,182 | 58,732 | 639,959 | 329,481 | 7,853 | 36,121 | 11,978 | 48,099 | 676,080 | 688,058 | 80,583 | 52,784 | 1,492 | 78,808 | 160 | 4,128 | 369 | 4,596 | 203 | 4,857 | 2,021 | 87,532 | 1No | 40,270 | 89,126 | 218,867 | 71 | CA0016 |
3Butte | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Melanie | W. | Lightbody | County Librarian | 1820 MITCHELL AVENUE | OROVILLE | 95966 | 5387 | (530) 538-7525 | (530) 538-7642 | http://www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary | 1,675.00 | 226,404 | 121,164 | 12,318 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 60,181 | $3,559,100 | $58,793 | $63,719 | $114,647 | $3,796,259 | $36,646 | $198,650 | $0 | $26,345 | $0 | $224,995 | $1,367,438 | $559,338 | $1,926,776 | $29,400 | $11,626 | $41,026 | $43,155 | $14,974 | $99,155 | $1,916,537 | $3,942,468 | $224,995 | 29.00 | 7.50 | 7.50 | 21.50 | 29.00 | 9.00 | 63,857 | 9,792 | 193,648 | 103,552 | 8,577 | 8,395 | 14,019 | 0 | 16 | 16 | 193 | 10,865 | 617,098 | 32,906 | 831,571 | 285,567 | 9,299 | 33,099 | 9,575 | 42,674 | 864,670 | 874,245 | 345 | 253 | 2,480 | 47,520 | 109 | 656 | 864 | 11,535 | 268 | 7,648 | 3,453 | 59,711 | 1No | 69,262 | 239,609 | 35,653 | 63 | CA0017 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Barbara | Lawrence | Lockwood | City Librarian | 200 CIVIC CENTER WAY | CALABASAS | 91302 | 4114 | (818) 225-7616 | (818) 225-7616 | http://www.cityofcalabasas.com/library.html | 13.00 | 24,202 | 45,196 | 6,247 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 27,000 | $1,852,418 | $0 | $0 | $28,298 | $1,880,716 | | $471,500 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $471,500 | $808,170 | $173,828 | $981,998 | $39,500 | $6,375 | $45,875 | $106,672 | $13,300 | $165,847 | $663,238 | $1,811,083 | $471,281 | 23.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 10.00 | 14.00 | 0.25 | 26,404 | 5,098 | 66,843 | 4,686 | 4,013 | 7,585 | 4,079 | 7,000 | 20 | 20 | 71 | 2,182 | 155,593 | 26,864 | 121,841 | 78,346 | 790 | 9,893 | 26,915 | 36,808 | 131,734 | 158,649 | 41 | 122 | 464 | 17,740 | 115 | 1,660 | 87 | 1,510 | 5 | 2,500 | 666 | 20,910 | 1No | 12,000 | 84,669 | 82,855 | 22 | CA0201 |
4Calaveras | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 149-99 Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Nancy | C. | Giddens | County Librarian | 1299 GOLD HUNTER ROAD | SAN ANDREAS | 95249 | 9709 | (209) 754-6510 | (209) 754-6510 | www.calaverascountylibrary.com | 1,027.00 | 45,168 | 23,295 | 4,934 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 8 | 31,900 | $417,916 | $29,223 | $0 | $61,963 | $509,102 | $29,223 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $293,639 | $50,529 | $344,168 | $9,416 | $789 | $10,205 | $6,000 | $1,337 | $17,542 | $123,171 | $484,881 | $0 | 21.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 8.45 | 9.45 | 5.20 | 43,143 | 3,813 | 137,855 | 4,264 | 7,593 | 3,822 | 10,439 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 10,036 | 60,420 | 10,959 | 110,918 | 45,929 | 152 | 3,997 | 1,203 | 5,200 | 114,915 | 116,118 | 142 | 183 | 454 | 7,448 | 4 | 59 | 54 | 765 | 11 | 334 | 512 | 8,272 | 1No | 23,283 | 35,616 | 1,244 | 37 | CA0018 |
12Imperial | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Sandra | | Tauler | Community Services Director | 850 ENCINAS AVE. | CALEXICO | 92231 | 2559 | (760) 768-2170 | (760) 768-7480 | https://calexicolibrary.org | 7.00 | 40,921 | 11,903 | 5,057 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 16,560 | $671,516 | $26,836 | $10,056 | $4,372 | $712,780 | $26,836 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $213,428 | $195,168 | $408,596 | $18,722 | $2,923 | $21,645 | $6,475 | $0 | $28,120 | $234,800 | $671,516 | $0 | 5.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 2.00 | 5.00 | 5.22 | 40,728 | 5,087 | 67,344 | 3,494 | 605 | 449 | 746 | 0 | 8 | 8 | 52 | 3,177 | 94,717 | 33,290 | 39,972 | 24,370 | 8,332 | | | | | 39,972 | 0 | 1 | 824 | 34,300 | 17 | 123 | 138 | 2,392 | | | 979 | 36,815 | 1No | 8,315 | | 1,550 | 42 | CA0019 |
54Ventura | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Jo | | Rolfe | Library Director | 4101 LAS POSAS RD | CAMARILLO | 93010 | 2539 | (805) 388-5222 | (805) 388-5811 | http://camarillolibrary.org | 19.00 | 69,623 | 79,204 | 11,520 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 65,000 | $4,187,831 | $28,400 | $0 | $327,690 | $4,543,921 | $28,400 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $80,993 | $47,252 | $128,245 | $112,309 | $5,195 | $117,504 | $187,203 | $0 | $304,707 | $3,830,137 | $4,263,089 | $161,237 | 40.00 | 5.80 | 5.80 | 21.23 | 27.03 | 19.40 | 88,690 | 14,958 | 195,547 | 15,812 | 13,785 | 1,903 | 24,428 | 0 | 16 | 16 | 167 | 3,289 | 420,813 | 37,242 | 674,104 | 342,253 | 7,878 | 51,025 | 101,163 | 152,188 | 725,129 | 826,292 | 0 | 8 | 774 | 44,918 | 45 | 601 | 425 | 10,899 | 42 | 3,225 | 1,244 | 56,418 | 0Yes | 49,776 | 171,109 | 252,000 | 122 | CA0209 |
36San Diego | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Heather | | Pizzuto | Director | 1775 DOVE LANE | CARLSBAD | 92011 | 4048 | (760) 602-2011 | (760) 602-2038 | http://www.carlsbadlibrary.org | 40.00 | 113,725 | 105,929 | -1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 99,993 | $12,503,272 | $50,980 | $0 | $0 | $12,554,252 | $50,980 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $5,035,340 | $1,779,289 | $6,814,629 | $336,784 | $110,694 | $447,478 | $292,685 | $118,787 | $858,950 | $4,496,056 | $12,169,635 | $0 | 195.00 | 25.50 | 25.50 | 76.78 | 102.28 | 11.00 | 102,467 | 7,511 | 243,799 | 6,505 | 35,579 | 3,818 | 19,132 | 0 | 29 | 29 | 371 | 9,776 | 720,205 | 254,437 | 1,074,484 | 565,343 | 11,353 | 82,245 | 86,499 | 168,744 | 1,156,729 | 1,243,228 | 225 | 67 | 2,206 | 89,262 | 97 | 1,703 | 772 | 19,064 | 43 | 2,816 | 3,075 | 110,029 | 1No | 89,365 | -1 | 82,799 | 86 | CA0020 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 0Non-affiliated | 1Ms. | Annie | | Hylton | City Librarian | 18025 BLOOMFIELD AVE. | CERRITOS | 90703 | 8525 | (562) 916-1350 | (562) 916-1342 | http://www.cerritos.us/library | 9.00 | 50,039 | 24,494 | 5,411 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 88,000 | $5,323,290 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $5,323,290 | | $25,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $25,000 | $2,785,830 | $1,731,430 | $4,517,260 | $291,500 | $25,000 | $316,500 | $117,880 | $31,000 | $465,380 | $353,880 | $5,336,520 | $25,000 | 90.00 | 0.00 | 6.00 | 37.00 | 43.00 | 4.00 | 98,694 | 9,575 | 244,833 | 6,307 | 7,502 | 1,052 | 11,220 | 359 | 29 | 29 | 287 | 3,365 | 2,645,395 | 73,333 | 415,919 | 240,701 | 19,589 | 16,796 | 274,379 | 291,175 | 432,715 | 707,094 | 718 | 205 | 862 | 31,470 | 32 | 581 | 43 | 1,982 | 0 | 0 | 937 | 34,033 | 1No | 222,865 | 304,890 | 212,711 | 155 | CA0022 |
36San Diego | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Betty | | Waznis | Director | 365 F ST. | CHULA VISTA | 91910 | 2697 | (619) 691-5069 | (619) 691-5069 | http://www.chulavistalibrary.com | 50.00 | 267,917 | 110,840 | 16,203 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 97,412 | $3,191,516 | $26,953 | $0 | $687,507 | $3,905,976 | $25,973 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,009,379 | $1,009,379 | $2,323,936 | $1,050,910 | $3,374,846 | $97,902 | $6,669 | $104,571 | $54,354 | $17,146 | $176,071 | $219,834 | $3,770,751 | $18,349 | 89.00 | 14.33 | 15.33 | 24.90 | 40.23 | 8.05 | 112,881 | 14,121 | 271,413 | 7,974 | 14,119 | 675 | 22,031 | 0 | 13 | 13 | 125 | 8,566 | 1,635,849 | 80,964 | 602,944 | 230,820 | 37,353 | 26,354 | 7,821 | 34,175 | 629,298 | 637,119 | 1 | 0 | 2,268 | 69,330 | 303 | 1,525 | 638 | 8,370 | 28 | 6,212 | 3,209 | 79,225 | 0Yes | 111,653 | 325,355 | 55,599 | 121 | CA0023 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Beatriz | | Sarmiento | Director of Library Services | 5655 JILLSON ST. | COMMERCE | 90040 | 1485 | (323) 722-6660 | (323) 722-6660 | http://www.cocpl.org | 7.00 | 13,064 | 34,382 | 6,607 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 26,902 | $3,695,155 | $26,157 | $5,750 | $0 | $3,727,062 | $26,157 | $66,725 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $66,725 | $2,486,744 | $784,484 | $3,271,228 | $169,631 | $8,791 | $178,422 | $70,624 | $0 | $249,046 | $250,612 | $3,770,886 | $0 | 64.00 | 6.50 | 8.50 | 34.00 | 42.50 | 0.50 | 46,308 | 6,885 | 95,517 | 890 | 9,802 | 0 | 19,616 | 0 | 17 | 17 | 174 | 8,944 | 355,797 | 73,005 | 311,642 | 57,243 | 14,179 | 895 | 1,756 | 2,651 | 312,537 | 314,293 | 3 | 185 | 864 | 21,092 | 106 | 1,384 | 165 | 1,723 | 36 | 3,309 | 1,135 | 24,199 | 0Yes | 69,125 | 95,537 | 79,305 | 54 | CA0027 |
9Fresno | 3Special District Library | SD2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 7School District | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Mary | S. | Leal | Director of Library Services | 305 N. FOURTH ST. | COALINGA | 93210 | 2896 | (559) 935-1676 | (559) 935-1676 | http://www.coalingahuronlibrary.org/ | 1,100.00 | 26,963 | 6,975 | 2,242 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 14,546 | $1,190,743 | $30,000 | $5,000 | $57,070 | $1,282,813 | | $470,593 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $470,593 | $473,524 | $242,118 | $715,642 | $74,064 | $5,320 | $79,384 | $3,500 | $5,885 | $88,769 | $214,327 | $1,018,738 | $2,000 | 14.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 11.00 | 12.00 | 2.00 | 19,765 | 5,213 | 65,088 | 751 | 3,889 | 751 | 2,544 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 98 | 4,456 | 74,647 | 9,850 | 49,671 | 14,120 | 1,029 | 955 | | 955 | 50,626 | 50,626 | 15,575 | 8,153 | 868 | 7,172 | 48 | 189 | 51 | 155 | 6 | 1,382 | 967 | 7,516 | 0Yes | 15,162 | | 2,412 | 62 | CA0024 |
35San Bernardino | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 0Mr. | Edward | V. | Pedroza | Library Supervisor | 656 N. 9TH ST. | COLTON | 92324 | 2807 | (909) 370-5083 | -1 | http://www.ci.colton.ca.us/Pages/librarywelcome.htm | 18.00 | 53,879 | 51,073 | 7,440 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 13,675 | $294,432 | $31,201 | $36,000 | $0 | $361,633 | $31,201 | $23,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $23,000 | $226,797 | $43,033 | $269,830 | $7,276 | $3,276 | $10,552 | $0 | $10,425 | $20,977 | $61,973 | $352,780 | $23,000 | 10.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 22,074 | 5,063 | 73,095 | 0 | 5,138 | 0 | 4,211 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 65 | 2,488 | 65,905 | 1,642 | 27,121 | 16,371 | 1,234 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27,121 | 27,121 | 9 | 20 | 132 | 5,168 | 7 | 525 | 92 | 4,140 | 2 | 2,760 | 231 | 9,833 | 0Yes | 12,639 | 567 | 2,404 | 24 | CA0025 |
5Colusa | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Stacey | | Zwald Costello | County Librarian | 738 MARKET ST. | COLUSA | 95932 | 2327 | (530) 458-0372 | (530) 458-7671 | http://www.countyofcolusa.org/library | 1,151.00 | 22,043 | 5,881 | 1,345 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 17,427 | $1,280,038 | $24,836 | $864 | $57,750 | $1,363,488 | $24,836 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $406,819 | $259,093 | $665,912 | $31,593 | $4,864 | $36,457 | $7,985 | $11,230 | $55,672 | $641,903 | $1,363,487 | $12,645 | 17.00 | 1.00 | 2.00 | 8.00 | 10.00 | 0.50 | 30,871 | 4,188 | 80,299 | 75,634 | 1,987 | 2,617 | 3,860 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 84 | 6,515 | 36,662 | 2,659 | 81,081 | 17,275 | 5,452 | 361 | 124 | 485 | 81,442 | 81,566 | 80 | 273 | 1,036 | 11,804 | 20 | 220 | 68 | 403 | 4 | 1,398 | 1,124 | 12,427 | 0Yes | 21,112 | 3,244 | 45,842 | 35 | CA0026 |
6Contra Costa | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Melinda | S. | Cervantes | County Librarian | 777 Arnold Drive, Suite 120 | MARTINEZ | 94533 | 3633 | (925) 608-7700 | (925) 646-6434 | http://ccclib.org | 681.00 | 1,027,728 | 438,660 | 68,602 | 0 | 21 | 0 | 21 | 338,777 | $29,332,424 | $70,116 | $55,150 | $2,134,313 | $31,592,003 | $70,116 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $11,733,110 | $6,887,945 | $18,621,055 | $2,017,640 | $90,565 | $2,108,205 | $315,436 | $732,368 | $3,156,009 | $6,416,233 | $28,193,297 | $763,359 | 237.00 | 70.50 | 70.50 | 124.10 | 194.60 | 62.28 | 508,651 | 65,275 | 1,166,459 | 214,901 | 67,007 | 5,603 | 94,718 | 0 | 18 | 18 | 1,348 | 54,977 | 3,235,783 | | 5,751,590 | 2,769,670 | 68,962 | 310,811 | 282,306 | 593,117 | 6,062,401 | 6,344,707 | 30,703 | 59,467 | 11,360 | 416,748 | 1,688 | 27,482 | 2,931 | 38,910 | 492 | 35,993 | 15,979 | 483,140 | 1No | 449,902 | 4,452,534 | 427,937 | 559 | CA0028 |
32Riverside | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 0Mr. | David | G. | Montgomery-Scott | Library and Recreation Services Director | 650 SOUTH MAIN ST. | CORONA | 92882 | 3417 | (951) 736-2381 | (951) 736-2404 | http://www.coronaca.gov/library | 38.00 | 167,759 | 130,276 | 40,698 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 62,300 | $2,407,681 | $27,992 | $42,486 | $80,728 | $2,558,887 | $27,718 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,137,449 | $845,339 | $1,982,788 | $53,333 | $3,971 | $57,304 | $59,095 | $5,744 | $122,143 | $147,262 | $2,252,193 | $0 | 41.00 | 8.00 | 8.00 | 10.20 | 18.20 | 26.00 | 47,262 | 3,695 | 115,285 | 52,301 | 3,070 | 937 | 3,659 | 0 | 25 | 25 | 37 | 2,605 | 367,658 | 36,676 | 339,017 | 224,323 | 10,627 | 39,302 | 294,647 | 333,949 | 378,319 | 672,966 | 0 | 0 | 1,184 | 54,698 | 274 | 3,846 | 101 | 3,237 | 288 | 4,004 | 1,559 | 61,781 | 0Yes | 47,986 | 205,783 | 40,942 | 50 | CA0029 |
36San Diego | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 0Mr. | Christian | R. | Esquevin | Director | 640 ORANGE AVE. | CORONADO | 92118 | 1526 | (619) 522-7390 | (619) 522-2484 | http://www.coronado.lib.ca.us | 5.00 | 24,543 | 46,324 | 7,143 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 40,000 | $2,747,905 | $0 | $0 | $31,102 | $2,779,007 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,427,117 | $610,200 | $2,037,317 | $244,066 | $22,552 | $266,618 | $67,496 | $49,481 | $383,595 | $593,331 | $3,014,243 | $100,000 | 39.00 | 8.25 | 10.25 | 17.00 | 27.25 | 1.60 | 46,469 | 7,064 | 162,006 | 6,409 | 11,113 | 764 | 24,616 | 0 | 29 | 29 | 384 | 3,230 | 317,210 | 32,169 | 222,486 | 75,583 | 2,361 | 12,899 | 36,226 | 49,125 | 235,385 | 271,611 | 610 | 134 | 620 | 37,106 | 71 | 1,098 | 174 | 4,372 | 8 | 1,020 | 865 | 42,576 | 1No | -1 | 316,266 | | 17 | CA0160 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Amy | | Hall-McGrade | Parks & Recreation Director | 234 N. SECOND AVE. | COVINA | 91723 | 2198 | (626) 384-5297 | (626) 384-5293 | http://www.covinaca.gov/library | 7.00 | 49,011 | 35,173 | 5,584 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 20,144 | $704,956 | $30,088 | $43,379 | $34,953 | $813,376 | $30,088 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $462,494 | $101,125 | $563,619 | $35,983 | $4,773 | $40,756 | $9,404 | $6,882 | $57,042 | $122,180 | $742,841 | $0 | 19.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 11.32 | 12.32 | 3.35 | 35,793 | 4,469 | 91,000 | 0 | 5,278 | 0 | 3,882 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 106 | 1,850 | 186,821 | 28,299 | 104,268 | 66,180 | 1,668 | 0 | 2,411 | 2,411 | 104,268 | 106,679 | 96 | 31 | 292 | 8,080 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 220 | 0 | 0 | 305 | 8,300 | 0Yes | 13,190 | | -1 | 36 | CA0030 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Irene | | McDermott | City Librarian | 1890 HUNTINGTON DR. | SAN MARINO | 91108 | 2542 | (626) 300-0779 | (626) 300-0777 | http://crowellpubliclibrary.org | 4.00 | 13,467 | 30,430 | 4,297 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 29,000 | $1,543,150 | $0 | $0 | $105,215 | $1,648,365 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $910,991 | $190,778 | $1,101,769 | $103,416 | $7,386 | $110,802 | $33,122 | $3,931 | $147,855 | $365,680 | $1,615,304 | $0 | 46.00 | 5.40 | 5.40 | 11.35 | 16.75 | 0.25 | 35,820 | 5,291 | 84,857 | 7,111 | 5,023 | 3,349 | 3,287 | 0 | 19 | 19 | 109 | 3,089 | 242,123 | 13,380 | 257,043 | 162,834 | 23,042 | 5,516 | 63,030 | 68,546 | 262,559 | 325,589 | 113 | 70 | 350 | 11,832 | 30 | 420 | 162 | 4,271 | 9 | 109 | 542 | 16,523 | 1No | 42,551 | 176,483 | 68,110 | 40 | CA0119 |
40San Mateo | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Chela | | Anderson | Library Services Manager | 111 LAKE MERCED BOULEVARD | DALY CITY | 94015 | 1048 | (650) 991-8001 | (650) 991-8023 | http://www.dalycity.org/library | 8.00 | 109,287 | 46,912 | 8,614 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 38,300 | $3,294,297 | $0 | $0 | $40,095 | $3,334,392 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,449,478 | $663,420 | $2,112,898 | $150,280 | $15,658 | $165,938 | $41,935 | $28,195 | $236,068 | $1,019,493 | $3,368,459 | $0 | 48.00 | 7.32 | 7.32 | 14.85 | 22.17 | 0.25 | 73,698 | 8,096 | 192,258 | 68,482 | 12,066 | 6,385 | 15,990 | 0 | 15 | 15 | 265 | 6,254 | 362,693 | 22,489 | 400,368 | 222,849 | 15,515 | 30,138 | 9,416 | 39,554 | 430,506 | 439,922 | 63,688 | 49,014 | 1,502 | 35,620 | 138 | 2,374 | 82 | 694 | 42 | 8,231 | 1,722 | 38,688 | 1No | 62,357 | 170,334 | 293,760 | 50 | CA0031 |
7Del Norte | 3Special District Library | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | Shane | Edward | Pipinos-Gausepohl | Interim Library Manager | 190 PRICE MALL | CRESCENT CITY | 95531 | 4395 | (707) 464-9793 | -1 | http://www.delnortecountylibrary.org | 1,003.00 | 27,124 | 22,200 | 1,085 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6,250 | $184,483 | $24,118 | $20,000 | $3,000 | $231,601 | $18,000 | $178,500 | $7,454 | $0 | $8,000 | $193,954 | $107,260 | $34,972 | $142,232 | $10,000 | $1,000 | $11,000 | $3,765 | $0 | $14,765 | $72,005 | $229,002 | $0 | 10.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 4.00 | 1.00 | 10,565 | 1,960 | 49,551 | 0 | 470 | 2,617 | 2,383 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 62 | 2,408 | 48,125 | 3,432 | 41,850 | 7,874 | 175 | 2 | | 2 | 41,852 | 41,852 | 0 | 0 | 408 | 9,376 | 12 | 120 | 12 | 180 | | | 432 | 9,676 | 0Yes | 9,700 | 2,563 | 15,368 | 18 | CA0032 |
46Solano | 3Special District Library | SD1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 7School District | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | Steve | | Arozena | Library Director | 230 N. FIRST ST. | DIXON | 95620 | 3028 | (707) 678-5447 | (707) 685-7447 | http://www.dixonlibrary.com | 196.00 | 28,336 | 5,712 | 1,398 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8,000 | $1,229,877 | $0 | $0 | $29,667 | $1,259,544 | | $52,562 | $0 | $0 | $5,026 | $57,588 | $492,604 | $247,068 | $739,672 | $31,623 | $7,827 | $39,450 | $9,400 | $16,000 | $64,850 | $353,207 | $1,157,729 | $4,691 | 20.00 | 3.00 | 5.00 | 6.00 | 11.00 | 0.00 | 17,395 | 4,198 | 45,602 | 7,249 | 1,969 | 47,022 | 3,070 | 14,317 | 16 | 16 | 240 | 2,392 | 108,000 | 10,963 | 60,553 | 19,947 | 1,704 | 1,732 | | 1,732 | 62,285 | 62,285 | 18,052 | 13,199 | 170 | 2,428 | 3 | 104 | 38 | 368 | 20 | 2,875 | 211 | 2,900 | 0Yes | 7,945 | 43,965 | | 14 | CA0033 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 0Mr. | Benjamin | | Dickow | Library Director | 11121 BROOKSHIRE AVE. | DOWNEY | 90241 | 3860 | (562) 904-7360 | (562) 904-7364 | http://www.downeylibrary.org | 13.00 | 113,832 | 78,655 | 9,230 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 27,400 | $2,020,258 | $53,451 | $30,000 | $30,000 | $2,133,709 | $35,451 | $18,000 | $0 | $65,000 | $0 | $83,000 | $882,098 | $297,226 | $1,179,324 | $149,781 | $7,000 | $156,781 | $35,009 | $9,492 | $201,282 | $513,045 | $1,893,651 | $83,000 | 53.00 | 4.75 | 4.75 | 25.00 | 29.75 | 4.00 | 50,591 | 4,249 | 132,000 | 2,179 | 2,043 | 100 | 5,616 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 130 | 2,703 | 326,941 | 38,000 | 319,167 | 216,000 | 10,000 | 4,088 | -1 | 4,087 | 323,255 | 323,254 | 307 | 19 | 510 | 22,200 | 10 | 270 | 90 | 2,200 | 10 | 3,000 | 610 | 24,670 | 0Yes | 37,809 | | | 17 | CA0034 |
12Imperial | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 0Mr. | Roland | | Banks | Library Director | 1140 N. IMPERIAL AVE. | EL CENTRO | 92243 | 2973 | (760) 337-4565 | (760) 337-4565 | http://www.cityofelcentro.org/library/ | 8.00 | 45,628 | 4,325 | -1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 14,163 | $718,231 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $718,231 | | $401,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $401,000 | $331,000 | $123,850 | $454,850 | $31,000 | $4,000 | $35,000 | $8,100 | $3,000 | $46,100 | $217,281 | $718,231 | $401,000 | 10.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 6.50 | 7.50 | 5.00 | 38,074 | 973 | 101,595 | 0 | 936 | 0 | 585 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 79 | 3,600 | 114,262 | 568 | 46,340 | 28,480 | 1,857 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 46,340 | 46,340 | 39 | 0 | 266 | 11,388 | 0 | 0 | 54 | 361 | 0 | 0 | 320 | 11,749 | 0Yes | 25,238 | | | 27 | CA0035 |
8El Dorado | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Jeanne | | Amos | Director | 345 FAIR LANE | PLACERVILLE | 95667 | 5699 | (530) 621-5540 | (530) 621-5545 | http://www.eldoradolibrary.org/ | 1,725.90 | 185,062 | 96,060 | 12,071 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 67,387 | $2,765,593 | $316,139 | $23,585 | $325,061 | $3,430,378 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,749,818 | $829,917 | $2,579,735 | $105,678 | $20,830 | $126,508 | $58,160 | $36,502 | $221,170 | $629,473 | $3,430,378 | $0 | 55.00 | 5.50 | 5.50 | 24.65 | 30.15 | 7.14 | 119,568 | 21,823 | 321,873 | 76,593 | 17,920 | 3,000 | 21,710 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 342 | 10,294 | | 12,231 | 755,576 | 350,293 | 4,365 | 43,969 | 43,349 | 87,318 | 799,545 | 842,894 | 348 | 196 | 2,550 | 63,380 | 99 | 928 | 213 | 4,786 | 182 | 7,093 | 2,862 | 69,094 | 1No | 38,977 | | | 44 | CA0036 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 0Mr. | Mark | | Herbert | Acting Library Director | 111 W. MARIPOSA AVE. | EL SEGUNDO | 90245 | 2299 | (310) 524-2722 | (310) 524-2728 | http://eslib.org | 5.00 | 16,717 | 15,351 | 3,282 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 40,173 | $2,298,094 | $35,000 | $0 | $30,000 | $2,363,094 | | $113,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $113,000 | $1,305,792 | $473,252 | $1,779,044 | $92,950 | $7,500 | $100,450 | $49,950 | $12,500 | $162,900 | $520,900 | $2,462,844 | $10,000 | 32.00 | 5.00 | 6.00 | 16.25 | 22.25 | 3.00 | 91,406 | 11,719 | 135,626 | 17,060 | 4,820 | 6,155 | 4,429 | 0 | 9 | 9 | 103 | 7,830 | 217,934 | 28,300 | 170,737 | 116,417 | 253 | 6,651 | 27,858 | 34,509 | 177,388 | 205,246 | 49 | 125 | 234 | 8,098 | 12 | 138 | 69 | 2,832 | 24 | 3,532 | 315 | 11,068 | 1No | 16,107 | 21,897 | 14,245 | 83 | CA0037 |
36San Diego | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Joanna | | Axelrod | Deputy City Librarian | 239 S. KALMIA ST. | ESCONDIDO | 92025 | 4224 | (760) 839-4601 | (760) 839-4839 | http://www.library.escondido.org | 37.00 | 151,492 | 61,026 | 9,089 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 45,000 | $3,667,595 | $46,050 | $0 | $165,171 | $3,878,816 | $46,050 | $200,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $200,000 | $1,779,555 | $760,437 | $2,539,992 | $178,091 | $9,994 | $188,085 | $51,694 | $40,713 | $280,492 | $922,261 | $3,742,745 | $331,115 | 47.00 | 13.50 | 13.50 | 21.50 | 35.00 | 23.75 | 38,750 | 6,859 | 130,965 | 9,524 | 7,098 | 3,559 | 21,634 | 65 | 17 | 17 | 180 | 4,395 | 411,728 | 75,096 | 485,634 | 185,524 | 17,390 | 29,158 | 23,242 | 52,400 | 514,792 | 538,034 | 23 | 172 | 310 | 16,044 | 48 | 632 | 67 | 2,634 | 17 | 2,042 | 425 | 19,310 | 0Yes | 68,265 | 189,840 | 142,822 | 96 | CA0038 |
33Sacramento | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Lori | | Easterwood | Library Manager | 411 STAFFORD ST | FOLSOM | 95630 | 2643 | (916) 355-7374 | (916) 355-7357 | http://library.folsom.ca.us | 22.00 | 78,525 | 30,932 | 6,348 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 24,000 | $1,356,315 | $1,000 | $0 | $112,068 | $1,469,383 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $837,118 | $360,233 | $1,197,351 | $115,086 | $3,248 | $118,334 | $36,887 | $20,789 | $176,010 | $96,528 | $1,469,889 | $0 | 25.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 7.50 | 10.50 | 3.00 | 36,566 | 2,874 | 74,112 | 6,940 | 4,735 | 2,963 | 8,990 | 0 | 12 | 12 | 90 | 2,374 | 256,397 | 14,762 | 658,113 | 426,743 | 5,437 | 17,095 | 6,145 | 23,240 | 675,208 | 681,353 | 67,950 | 75,473 | 1,148 | 57,444 | 40 | 589 | 209 | 2,770 | 47 | 1,661 | 1,397 | 60,803 | 0Yes | 29,137 | 97,643 | | 27 | CA0193 |
9Fresno | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Kelley | | Landano | County Librarian | 2420 MARIPOSA ST. | FRESNO | 93721 | 2285 | (559) 600-6237 | (559) 600-7323 | http://www.fresnolibrary.org | 4,999.48 | 969,012 | 288,360 | 54,965 | 1 | 29 | 2 | 32 | 285,921 | $27,468,068 | $160,271 | $100,272 | $1,917,969 | $29,646,580 | $57,610 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $9,964,190 | $7,822,133 | $17,786,323 | $462,719 | $70,203 | $532,922 | $738,872 | $1,004,206 | $2,276,000 | $5,122,871 | $25,185,194 | $0 | 329.00 | 52.00 | 54.00 | 197.55 | 251.55 | 15.60 | 286,629 | 62,042 | 902,953 | 57,728 | 92,743 | 897,486 | 108,496 | 25,182 | 48 | 48 | 1,116 | 78,930 | 2,803,034 | 468,476 | 3,508,829 | 778,834 | 62,499 | 652,435 | 202,478 | 854,913 | 4,161,264 | 4,363,742 | 632 | 880 | 6,006 | 156,310 | 536 | 6,688 | 1,840 | 20,950 | 684 | 22,040 | 8,382 | 183,948 | 0Yes | 530,712 | 2,904,695 | 129,565 | 371 | CA0040 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Judith (Judy) | | Booth | Library Director | 353 W. COMMONWEALTH AVE. | FULLERTON | 92832 | 1796 | (714) 738-6380 | (714) 738-6326 | www.fullertonlibrary.org | 22.00 | 142,234 | 118,098 | 10,425 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 62,553 | $3,586,917 | $13,430 | $3,500 | $408,522 | $4,012,369 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,504,282 | $562,685 | $2,066,967 | $153,894 | $9,315 | $163,209 | $83,967 | $8,861 | $256,037 | $1,272,107 | $3,595,111 | $0 | 58.00 | 10.00 | 11.00 | 15.20 | 26.20 | 8.35 | 92,671 | 3,477 | 179,914 | 5,267 | 9,237 | 1,512 | 14,561 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 158 | 2,877 | 431,867 | 70,797 | 582,475 | 375,128 | 5,680 | 43,125 | | 43,125 | 625,600 | 625,600 | 50 | 215 | 760 | 33,498 | 52 | 827 | 334 | 4,742 | 208 | 8,071 | 1,146 | 39,067 | 0Yes | 57,161 | 340,000 | 44,715 | 56 | CA0041 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Cindy | | Cleary | Director of Library, Arts & Culture | 222 E. HARVARD ST. | GLENDALE | 91205 | 1075 | (818) 548-2030 | (818) 548-2027 | http://glendalepubliclibrary.org | 31.00 | 201,748 | 164,310 | 26,579 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 8 | 155,862 | $8,674,525 | $87,000 | $0 | $211,135 | $8,972,660 | $57,000 | $655,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $655,000 | $4,419,336 | $1,844,711 | $6,264,047 | $371,657 | $56,000 | $427,657 | $250,000 | $83,000 | $760,657 | $1,649,820 | $8,674,524 | $6,147,506 | 134.00 | 28.29 | 28.29 | 41.81 | 70.10 | 1.42 | 133,136 | 13,991 | 413,167 | 25,295 | 53,394 | 5,843 | 24,913 | 843 | 65 | 65 | 669 | 16,040 | 625,605 | 45,254 | 921,163 | 336,264 | 28,661 | 117,181 | 247,642 | 364,823 | 1,038,344 | 1,285,986 | 42,245 | 38,463 | 3,720 | 71,266 | 18 | 85 | 2,641 | 12,016 | 233 | 12,098 | 6,379 | 83,367 | 0Yes | 54,128 | 551,033 | | 129 | CA0042 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Janet | | Stone | Director | 140 SOUTH GLENDORA AVE. | GLENDORA | 91741 | 3499 | (626) 852-4891 | (626) 852-4891 | http://www.glendoralibrary.org | 19.00 | 52,608 | 46,664 | 6,766 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30,000 | $2,013,000 | $25,376 | $0 | $119,026 | $2,157,402 | $25,376 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,001,560 | $305,612 | $1,307,172 | $53,920 | $19,293 | $73,213 | $66,003 | $14,252 | $153,468 | $481,851 | $1,942,491 | $65,000 | 33.00 | 5.52 | 5.52 | 16.34 | 21.86 | 5.46 | 25,864 | 4,471 | 95,349 | 13,251 | 9,416 | 5,339 | 6,643 | 212 | 28 | 28 | 185 | 2,578 | 296,188 | 36,453 | 285,544 | 130,350 | 430 | 17,351 | 92,888 | 110,239 | 302,895 | 395,783 | 350 | 264 | 860 | 56,416 | 35 | 975 | 58 | 623 | 191 | 13,407 | 953 | 58,014 | 1No | 26,215 | 117,709 | 67,770 | 14 | CA0043 |
26Monterey | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Ashlee | | Wright | Library and Community Activities Director | OCEAN & LINCOLN AVE. | CARMEL | 93921 | 0800 | (831) 624-1366 | (831) 624-7323 | http://hm-lib.org | 1.00 | 3,842 | 9,233 | 635 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 15,282 | $1,022,596 | $2,863 | $0 | $345,825 | $1,371,284 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $771,915 | $250,681 | $1,022,596 | $115,676 | $8,758 | $124,434 | $29,410 | $24,309 | $178,153 | $109,024 | $1,309,773 | $0 | 21.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 6.58 | 11.58 | 0.95 | 13,938 | 1,982 | 67,396 | 75,348 | 3,641 | 5,491 | 5,470 | 1,026 | 30 | 30 | 108 | 4,056 | 84,626 | 19,252 | 106,796 | 27,758 | 0 | 10,538 | 8,934 | 19,472 | 117,334 | 126,268 | 285 | 155 | 120 | 3,464 | 12 | 107 | 34 | 1,335 | 22 | 1,473 | 166 | 4,906 | 1No | 8,516 | 38,846 | 5,444 | 16 | CA0021 |
0Alameda | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 0Non-affiliated | 0Mr. | Sean | | Reinhart | Director of Library and Community Services | 835 C STREET | HAYWARD | 94541 | 5120 | (510) 881-7954 | (510) 293-8685 | hayward-ca.gov/public-library | 56.00 | 161,040 | 108,361 | 25,654 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 33,567 | $4,742,016 | $56,318 | $100,587 | $176,050 | $5,074,971 | $56,318 | $17,327,240 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $17,327,240 | $2,416,308 | $1,025,317 | $3,441,625 | $143,943 | $11,882 | $155,825 | $37,146 | $72,740 | $265,711 | $1,322,672 | $5,030,008 | $17,372,240 | 48.00 | 9.00 | 11.00 | 23.10 | 34.10 | 12.00 | 44,391 | 6,074 | 129,407 | 35,000 | 5,912 | 10,000 | 17,984 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 169 | 4,760 | 378,662 | 18,139 | 581,674 | 189,121 | 31,000 | 11,898 | 4,550 | 16,448 | 593,572 | 598,122 | 4,687 | 7,126 | 2,750 | 85,082 | 1,022 | 13,035 | 924 | 14,475 | 1,567 | 34,455 | 4,696 | 112,592 | 1No | 56,184 | | | 55 | CA0044 |
32Riverside | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Katherine | E. | Caines | Library Manager | 300 E. LATHAM AVE | HEMET | 92543 | 4222 | (951) 765-2440 | (951) 765-2440 | http://www.cityofhemet.org/library/ | 27.56 | 81,868 | 149,965 | 6,773 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 34,602 | $1,487,500 | $24,981 | $0 | $72,461 | $1,584,942 | $24,981 | $201,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $201,000 | $394,200 | $319,800 | $714,000 | $120,863 | $9,250 | $130,113 | $12,000 | $9,875 | $151,988 | $620,692 | $1,486,680 | $201,000 | 14.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 7.00 | 10.00 | 30.00 | 25,863 | 5,277 | 101,451 | 305 | 2,252 | 6,012 | 5,742 | 3,455 | 8 | 8 | 215 | 1,976 | 301,872 | 222,573 | 301,894 | 117,575 | 5,192 | 3,820 | 374,612 | 378,432 | 305,714 | 680,326 | 0 | 0 | 118 | 11,994 | 12 | 192 | 216 | 3,197 | 4 | 2,500 | 346 | 15,383 | 0Yes | 56,214 | 295,710 | 45,009 | 38 | CA0045 |
11Humboldt | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Vanessa | | Christman | Director of Library Services | 1313 THIRD ST. | EUREKA | 95501 | 0553 | (707) 269-1918 | (707) 269-1905 | http://www.co.humboldt.ca.us/library/ | 3,573.00 | 136,953 | 101,378 | 18,522 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 84,648 | $2,425,764 | $63,451 | $68 | $1,193,800 | $3,683,083 | $32,958 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,555,641 | $782,313 | $2,337,954 | $123,186 | $23,050 | $146,236 | $37,624 | $24,683 | $208,543 | $1,099,961 | $3,646,458 | $43,067 | 57.00 | 8.00 | 8.00 | 22.00 | 30.00 | 3.50 | 82,778 | 9,791 | 259,369 | 6,690 | 14,389 | 2,748 | 14,677 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 401 | 14,022 | 380,649 | 38,932 | 540,465 | 160,028 | 815 | 18,177 | 10,100 | 28,277 | 558,642 | 568,742 | 901 | 623 | 1,658 | 30,852 | 50 | 308 | 144 | 2,476 | 145 | 3,903 | 1,852 | 33,636 | 1No | 81,000 | 98,186 | | 46 | CA0039 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 2Not a Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Stephanie | L. | Beverage | Director of Library Services | 7111 TALBERT AVE | HUNTINGTON BEACH | 92648 | 1232 | (714) 960-8836 | (714) 842-4481 | http://www.hbpl.org | 26.00 | 197,574 | 135,077 | 11,831 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 127,240 | $4,320,273 | $53,357 | $13,686 | $333,556 | $4,720,872 | $53,357 | $93,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $93,000 | $2,585,044 | $1,199,381 | $3,784,425 | $312,625 | $17,490 | $330,115 | $151,795 | $49,000 | $530,910 | $405,910 | $4,721,245 | $93,000 | 96.00 | 9.00 | 10.00 | 35.65 | 45.65 | 27.37 | 104,625 | 9,134 | 263,045 | 71,422 | 10,213 | 23,117 | 10,026 | 4,608 | 14 | 14 | 183 | 11,232 | 824,849 | 59,969 | 943,642 | 471,384 | 7,521 | 67,207 | 48,021 | 115,228 | 1,010,849 | 1,058,870 | 50 | 29 | 3,756 | 163,572 | 123 | 1,408 | 704 | 26,164 | | | 4,583 | 191,144 | 0Yes | 78,702 | 783,642 | | 71 | CA0046 |
12Imperial | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Crystal | | Duran | County Librarian | 1125 W. MAIN STREET | EL CENTRO | 92243 | 9516 | (442) 265-7100 | -1 | http://www.co.imperial.ca.us/Library | 4,275.00 | 56,199 | 6,551 | 2,308 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 8,055 | $440,853 | $33,529 | $9,380 | $46,145 | $529,907 | $24,796 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $277,969 | $111,373 | $389,342 | $12,787 | $0 | $12,787 | $1,000 | $310 | $14,097 | $126,468 | $529,907 | $0 | 11.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 6.50 | 7.50 | 3.00 | 23,437 | 2,733 | 62,195 | 150 | 1,305 | 0 | 1,798 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 5,950 | 41,666 | 2,280 | 40,983 | 29,288 | 2,890 | -1 | -1 | -2 | | 40,981 | 4 | 0 | 402 | 6,470 | 19 | 232 | 215 | 1,256 | 33 | 836 | 636 | 7,958 | 1No | 12,107 | | | 19 | CA0047 |
12Imperial | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Christina | | Carter | Library Administrator | 200 W. NINTH ST. | IMPERIAL | 92251 | 1213 | (760) 355-1332 | (760) 355-1332 | http://www.cityofimperial.org/public-library | 7.00 | 18,658 | 7,374 | 2,554 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 10,725 | $205,702 | $20,333 | $15,700 | $8,850 | $250,585 | $20,333 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $143,354 | $34,059 | $177,413 | $6,764 | $964 | $7,728 | $169 | $2,104 | $10,001 | $17,013 | $204,427 | $2,759 | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.50 | 4.50 | 0.40 | 16,146 | -1 | 35,782 | 3,375 | 640 | 418 | 945 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 14 | 2,504 | 26,390 | 1,526 | 24,865 | 18,177 | 651 | 418 | 0 | 418 | 25,283 | 25,283 | 32 | 38 | 120 | 3,550 | 0 | 0 | 92 | 356 | 1 | 75 | 212 | 3,906 | 0Yes | 2,781 | | 455 | 11 | CA0048 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Frances | | Tracht | Library Manager | 101 W. MANCHESTER BLVD. | INGLEWOOD | 90301 | 1771 | (310) 412-5397 | (310) 412-5380 | http://library.cityofinglewood.org | 9.00 | 114,900 | 87,731 | 12,572 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 84,900 | $3,240,458 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,240,458 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,592,924 | $1,005,093 | $2,598,017 | $140,116 | $154,179 | $294,295 | $98,581 | $11,240 | $404,116 | $238,325 | $3,240,458 | $0 | 53.00 | 10.65 | 11.65 | 22.94 | 34.59 | 1.00 | 65,015 | 11,253 | 259,892 | 830 | 3,100 | 5,589 | 4,250 | 325 | 41 | 41 | 312 | 3,237 | 125,000 | 8,960 | 84,565 | 42,129 | 3,425 | 12,403 | 15,551 | 27,954 | 96,968 | 112,519 | 0 | 0 | 264 | 6,716 | 22 | 220 | 86 | 925 | 35 | 3,250 | 372 | 7,861 | 0Yes | 4,221 | | | 46 | CA0049 |
13Inyo | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Nancy | | Masters | Director | 168 N. EDWARDS | INDEPENDENCE | 93526 | 0610 | (760) 878-0359 | (760) 878-0260 | http://www.countyofinyo.org/library/index.htm | 10,091.00 | 18,619 | 9,072 | -1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 15,793 | $457,707 | $0 | $0 | $20,918 | $478,625 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $289,658 | $106,747 | $396,405 | $23,516 | $5,761 | $29,277 | $4,000 | $0 | $33,277 | $48,944 | $478,626 | $0 | 9.00 | 0.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 6.00 | 0.64 | 20,356 | 1,792 | 114,004 | 76,571 | 1,575 | 3,540 | 5,025 | 30 | 1 | 1 | 132 | 6,732 | | 4,367 | 40,453 | 7,694 | -1 | 76 | | 76 | 40,529 | 40,529 | 0 | 0 | 104 | 1,974 | 0 | 0 | 112 | 803 | 18 | 220 | 216 | 2,777 | 1No | 9,326 | | | 21 | CA0050 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Shayna | | Balli | City Librarian | 5050 N. IRWINDALE AVE. | IRWINDALE | 91706 | 2193 | (626) 430-2228 | (626) 430-2229 | www.irwindaleca.gov | 10.00 | 1,423 | 5,063 | 1,285 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2,831 | $357,962 | $0 | $0 | $4,200 | $362,162 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $228,223 | $63,529 | $291,752 | $22,083 | $2,942 | $25,025 | $4,537 | $5,766 | $35,328 | $10,526 | $337,606 | $0 | 14.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 6.00 | 7.00 | 0.00 | 9,020 | 1,519 | 15,298 | 56,847 | 606 | 0 | 3,549 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 57 | 2,316 | 20,580 | 4,230 | 30,376 | 13,836 | 353 | 30,001 | 0 | 30,001 | 60,377 | 60,377 | 0 | 29 | 158 | 1,930 | 2 | 25 | 10 | 54 | 29 | 540 | 170 | 2,009 | 0Yes | 6,260 | 4,945 | 5,000 | 12 | CA0161 |
14Kern | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Andie | Marie | Apple | Director of Libraries | 701 TRUXTUN AVE. | BAKERSFIELD | 93301 | 4816 | (661) 868-0700 | (661) 868-0770 | http://kerncountylibrary.org | 8,141.00 | 895,112 | 141,421 | 27,305 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 287,227 | $7,103,267 | $0 | $77,000 | $601,507 | $7,781,774 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,296,025 | $2,132,461 | $5,428,486 | $510,100 | $7,854 | $517,954 | $48,753 | $34,071 | $600,778 | $1,752,510 | $7,781,774 | $0 | 119.00 | 11.00 | 12.00 | 72.23 | 84.23 | 11.63 | 194,538 | 40,518 | 724,564 | 15,686 | 36,350 | 2,509 | 24,808 | 0 | 25 | 25 | 235 | 36,749 | 1,104,990 | 98,504 | 862,297 | 442,701 | 23,596 | 103,033 | 24,002 | 127,035 | 965,330 | 989,332 | 95,612 | 68,744 | 12,900 | 183,288 | 559 | 5,400 | 1,218 | 14,384 | 197 | 15,316 | 14,677 | 203,072 | 0Yes | 173,052 | 3,707,682 | 58,940 | 242 | CA0051 |
15Kings | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Natalie | Rae | Rencher | Library Director | 401 N. DOUTY ST. | HANFORD | 93230 | 3908 | (559) 852-4005 | (559) 852-4003 | http://www.kingscountylibrary.org/ | 1,396.00 | 149,537 | 30,279 | 5,714 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 55,400 | $2,248,803 | $0 | $0 | $116,269 | $2,365,072 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $924,286 | $331,381 | $1,255,667 | $123,000 | $0 | $123,000 | $51,135 | $35,000 | $209,135 | $685,057 | $2,149,859 | $0 | 17.51 | 3.00 | 5.00 | 12.51 | 17.51 | 27.00 | 51,026 | 11,339 | 163,765 | 1,733 | 2,351 | 124 | 10,427 | 0 | 26 | 26 | 228 | 12,584 | 165,275 | 6,542 | 234,475 | 93,931 | 4,211 | 3,670 | 1,897 | 5,567 | 238,145 | 240,042 | 25,586 | 25,650 | 376 | 7,156 | 2 | 157 | 13 | 985 | 17 | 1,186 | 391 | 8,298 | 0Yes | 44,689 | 121,311 | 25,031 | 70 | CA0053 |
18Los Angeles | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Skye | | Patrick | County Librarian | 7400 E. IMPERIAL HIGHWAY | DOWNEY | 90241 | 3375 | (562) 940-8462 | N/A | http://www.colapublib.org | 3,041.33 | 3,373,360 | 2,813,195 | 360,875 | 0 | 85 | 3 | 88 | 1,075,322 | $136,145,884 | $210,802 | $0 | $4,530,338 | $140,887,024 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $148,000 | $148,000 | $54,749,569 | $32,151,148 | $86,900,717 | $6,345,514 | $0 | $6,345,514 | $3,861,688 | $1,516,108 | $11,723,310 | $31,430,209 | $130,054,236 | $8,249,522 | 1,513.00 | 244.00 | 245.00 | 1,397.00 | 1,642.00 | 34.30 | 2,262,888 | 267,255 | 4,743,720 | 55,934 | 299,344 | 23,885 | 724,169 | 2,742 | 38 | 38 | 5,576 | 201,792 | 9,844,048 | 1,700,873 | 10,525,953 | 2,425,596 | 599,554 | 1,064,001 | 7,002,312 | 8,066,313 | 11,589,954 | 18,592,266 | 340 | 837 | 32,308 | 958,676 | 2,941 | 30,587 | 5,321 | 69,930 | 7,486 | 263,007 | 40,570 | 1,059,193 | 0Yes | 1,864,068 | 7,893,604 | 1,724,820 | 1,793 | CA0062 |
16Lake | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | Christopher | | Veach | County Librarian/Director | 1425 N. HIGH ST | LAKEPORT | 95453 | 3800 | (707) 263-8817 | (707) 263-8816 | http://library.lakecountyca.gov | 1,296.00 | 64,945 | 41,665 | 3,114 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 29,821 | $872,140 | $76,262 | $5,500 | $77,539 | $1,031,441 | $29,004 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $401,433 | $167,354 | $568,787 | $28,568 | $2,993 | $31,561 | $7,579 | $1,158 | $40,298 | $438,212 | $1,047,297 | $0 | 15.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 9.35 | 10.35 | 1.56 | 40,560 | 4,351 | 145,584 | 304,318 | 4,080 | 325,986 | 6,829 | 15,427 | 4 | 4 | 45 | 6,080 | | 1,248 | 180,878 | 54,590 | 586 | 15,320 | 1,727 | 17,047 | 196,198 | 197,925 | 94,841 | 42,418 | 518 | 14,932 | 25 | 192 | 90 | 994 | 67 | 3,598 | 633 | 16,118 | 0Yes | 29,020 | 46,002 | | 30 | CA0054 |
20Marin | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Janice | | Akel | Library Director | 400 MAGNOLIA AVE | LARKSPUR | 94939 | 2035 | (415) 927-5005 | (415) 927-5005 | http://www.larkspurlibrary.org | 3.00 | 12,572 | 7,123 | 906 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4,500 | $814,332 | $24,000 | $0 | $37,664 | $875,996 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $430,768 | $179,849 | $610,617 | $41,334 | $4,634 | $45,968 | $25,189 | $5,345 | $76,502 | $153,335 | $840,454 | $0 | 21.00 | 2.75 | 2.75 | 4.86 | 7.61 | 0.25 | 11,297 | 1,097 | 44,401 | 86,379 | 1,241 | 7,211 | 2,841 | 176 | 30 | 30 | 49 | 2,500 | -1 | 13,456 | 118,937 | 40,805 | 74 | 11,476 | 216,529 | 228,005 | 130,413 | 346,942 | 22,786 | 16,992 | 334 | 11,294 | 6 | 44 | 31 | 627 | 1 | 35 | 371 | 11,965 | 1No | 4,116 | 27,112 | | 3 | CA0055 |
17Lassen | 3Special District Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Deborah | | Probst | Library Director | 1618 MAIN ST. | SUSANVILLE | 96130 | 4515 | (530) 257-8113 | (530) 251-8127 | http://www.lassenlibrary.org/ | 4,557.00 | 15,046 | 4,666 | 125 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 12,000 | $117,138 | $23,000 | $0 | $92,907 | $233,045 | $23,000 | $4,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4,000 | $105,941 | $9,790 | $115,731 | $529 | $66 | $595 | $0 | $0 | $595 | $76,167 | $192,493 | $0 | 9.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 2.63 | 3.63 | 0.06 | 12,509 | 2,832 | 42,847 | 2,881 | 2,324 | 2,561 | 2,223 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 43 | 1,144 | 36,758 | 624 | 27,315 | 8,427 | 0 | 1,508 | 0 | 1,508 | 28,823 | 28,823 | 19 | 4 | 230 | 4,976 | 6 | 47 | 61 | 357 | 2 | 60 | 297 | 5,380 | 1No | 14,768 | 14,954 | 1,092 | 17 | CA0195 |
30Placer | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Kathryn | Kelly | Hunt | Manager | 485 TWELVE BRIDGES DRIVE | LINCOLN | 95648 | 8823 | (916) 434-2410 | (916) 434-2406 | http://www.libraryatlincoln.org | 6.00 | 48,165 | 45,918 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 40,000 | $536,754 | $25,000 | $0 | $5,803 | $567,557 | $25,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $23,370 | $23,370 | $259,701 | $63,753 | $323,454 | $45,841 | $0 | $45,841 | $0 | $20,000 | $65,841 | $178,262 | $567,557 | $33,294 | 11.00 | 0.00 | 1.55 | 4.03 | 5.58 | 6.00 | 42,709 | 7,424 | 108,017 | 5,825 | 10,111 | 3,250 | 13,960 | 144 | 22 | 22 | 155 | 1,581 | 226,954 | | 213,058 | 81,564 | 1,061 | 8,800 | 2,749 | 11,549 | 221,858 | 224,607 | 0 | 0 | 432 | 17,312 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 438 | 17,340 | 1No | -1 | 42,796 | | 38 | CA0057 |
0Alameda | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Tamera | K. | LeBeau | Library Services Director / PIO | 1188 S. LIVERMORE AVE. | LIVERMORE | 94550 | 4813 | (925) 373-5500 | (925) 373-5505 | http://www.livermorelibrary.net | 20.00 | 89,648 | 61,735 | 8,688 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 59,600 | $5,218,799 | $37,922 | $0 | $31,057 | $5,287,778 | $37,922 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,232,668 | $1,756,021 | $3,988,689 | $176,884 | $13,242 | $190,126 | $110,000 | $32,163 | $332,289 | $966,800 | $5,287,778 | $0 | 87.00 | 12.50 | 12.50 | 23.65 | 36.15 | 8.70 | 95,292 | 6,151 | 217,296 | 29,977 | 5,479 | 1,530 | 10,971 | 0 | 30 | 30 | 202 | 5,159 | 382,234 | 31,001 | 718,422 | 379,721 | 4,325 | 43,882 | 67,272 | 111,154 | 762,304 | 829,576 | 7,251 | 9,735 | 1,594 | 68,804 | 82 | 1,975 | 275 | 5,299 | 45 | 8,606 | 1,951 | 76,078 | 1No | 103,561 | 599,079 | | 80 | CA0058 |
38San Joaquin | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 149-99 Cooperative Library System | 3Dr. | David | Dean | Gualco | Library Director | 201 W. LOCUST STREET | LODI | 95240 | 2013 | (209) 333-5534 | (209) 333-5503 | library.lodi.gov | 12.00 | 64,058 | 62,780 | 8,579 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30,750 | $1,721,000 | $34,619 | $0 | $0 | $1,755,619 | $34,619 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $543,796 | $281,198 | $824,994 | $80,000 | $8,100 | $88,100 | $14,000 | $1,900 | $104,000 | $792,006 | $1,721,000 | $0 | 26.00 | 0.00 | 0.75 | 12.00 | 12.75 | 2.00 | 43,969 | 4,068 | 115,424 | 7,449 | 1,806 | 8,304 | 4,266 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 141 | 3,100 | 252,592 | 9,555 | 193,898 | 98,453 | 3,098 | 5,407 | 13,354 | 18,761 | 199,305 | 212,659 | 1,046 | 499 | -4 | -4 | -1 | -1 | 328 | 11,922 | 0 | 0 | 323 | 11,917 | 0Yes | 31,205 | | | 25 | CA0059 |
41Santa Barbara | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 2Black Gold Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Sarah | | Bleyl | Library Director | 501 E. NORTH AVE. | LOMPOC | 93436 | 3404 | (805) 875-8787 | (805) 875-8778 | http://www.cityoflompoc.com/library/ | 444.00 | 60,251 | 15,945 | 3,376 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 23,470 | $1,190,381 | $27,356 | $0 | $46,420 | $1,264,157 | $27,356 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $681,470 | $272,940 | $954,410 | $56,046 | $2,880 | $58,926 | $19,236 | $1,718 | $79,880 | $240,500 | $1,274,790 | $0 | 18.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 10.00 | 14.00 | 1.50 | 20,874 | 3,298 | 58,371 | 92,359 | 4,407 | 13,730 | 11,688 | 829 | 4 | 4 | 59 | 4,544 | 249,658 | 25,749 | 326,588 | 133,680 | 6,568 | 27,908 | 1,757 | 29,665 | 354,496 | 356,253 | 36,497 | 24,162 | 1,084 | 26,464 | 33 | 379 | 98 | 1,023 | 17 | 1,104 | 1,215 | 27,866 | 0Yes | 52,139 | | 14,778 | 43 | CA0060 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Glenda | Constance | Williams | Director | 101 PACIFIC AVE. | LONG BEACH | 90822 | 1097 | (562) 570-6291 | (562) 570-7500 | http://www.lbpl.org/ | 50.00 | 480,173 | 285,035 | 47,934 | 1 | 11 | 0 | 12 | 238,120 | $13,402,076 | $0 | $0 | $899,385 | $14,301,461 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $6,037,484 | $4,087,309 | $10,124,793 | $834,925 | $63,882 | $898,807 | $427,478 | $81,700 | $1,407,985 | $2,768,682 | $14,301,460 | $59,640 | 177.00 | 39.01 | 39.01 | 86.38 | 125.39 | 6.20 | 265,057 | 50,198 | 674,900 | 13,483 | 28,700 | 4,859 | 29,323 | 0 | 25 | 25 | 645 | 21,800 | 1,051,175 | 407,172 | 1,204,078 | 607,461 | 27,204 | 131,748 | | 131,748 | 1,335,826 | 1,335,826 | 322 | 60 | 5,152 | 121,966 | 486 | 6,514 | 1,272 | 13,417 | 244 | 25,681 | 6,910 | 141,897 | 0Yes | 255,146 | 672,854 | 149,792 | 333 | CA0061 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 0Mr. | John | F. | Szabo | City Librarian | 630 W. FIFTH ST. | LOS ANGELES | 90071 | 2097 | (213) 228-7515 | (213) 228-7272 | http://www.lapl.org | 464.00 | 4,041,707 | 1,665,288 | 580,975 | 1 | 72 | 0 | 73 | 1,396,361 | $157,909,299 | $202,675 | $5,000 | $1,007,393 | $159,124,367 | $172,675 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $65,703,246 | $24,538,596 | $90,241,842 | $3,374,389 | $617,269 | $3,991,658 | $5,103,939 | $1,463,506 | $10,559,103 | $55,589,524 | $156,390,469 | $0 | 1,267.00 | 369.00 | 369.00 | 595.00 | 964.00 | 79.00 | 1,539,748 | 446,680 | 5,885,167 | 229,011 | 241,957 | 45,393 | 373,864 | 7,632 | 167 | 167 | 5,720 | 192,842 | 13,145,751 | 2,619,121 | 10,385,753 | 4,106,341 | 558,410 | 5,891,144 | 0 | 5,891,144 | 16,276,897 | 16,276,897 | 1,555 | 144 | 14,940 | 442,666 | 3,010 | 40,152 | 11,361 | 139,809 | 2,137 | 174,815 | 29,311 | 622,627 | 1No | 7,061,251 | 18,262,176 | 1,603,107 | 1,494 | CA0063 |
42Santa Clara | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Ryan | | Baker | Library Director | 100 VILLA AVENUE | LOS GATOS | 95030 | 6981 | (408) 354-6891 | (408) 354-6896 | http://library.losgatosca.gov | 14.00 | 31,314 | 32,881 | 2,888 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 29,240 | $2,619,848 | $0 | $0 | $37,500 | $2,657,348 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,226,225 | $525,525 | $1,751,750 | $76,040 | $11,151 | $87,191 | $81,504 | $46,897 | $215,592 | $704,850 | $2,672,192 | $0 | 34.00 | 5.50 | 5.50 | 10.00 | 15.50 | 2.90 | 35,827 | 2,247 | 148,166 | 244,711 | 6,144 | 44,850 | 6,273 | 18,797 | 38 | 38 | 143 | 2,646 | 303,896 | 34,796 | 457,487 | 170,532 | 740 | 31,834 | 368,112 | 399,946 | 489,321 | 857,433 | 0 | 0 | 584 | 43,212 | 25 | 1,206 | 128 | 1,576 | 21 | 1,777 | 737 | 45,994 | 1No | 40,238 | 816,415 | | 42 | CA0164 |
19Madera | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 0Mr. | Patrick | J. | Fitzgerald | County Librarian | 121 N. G ST. | MADERA | 93637 | 3592 | (559) 675-7871 | (559) 675-7871 | http://www.maderacountylibrary.org | 2,145.00 | 156,492 | 29,192 | 4,923 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 43,300 | $1,368,270 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,368,270 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $688,000 | $280,184 | $968,184 | $49,408 | $1,792 | $51,200 | $4,383 | $2,609 | $58,192 | $341,894 | $1,368,270 | $0 | 24.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 17.25 | 19.25 | -1.00 | 78,259 | 9,686 | 219,836 | 3,389 | 7,990 | 0 | 9,723 | 0 | 31 | 31 | 147 | 7,656 | 174,357 | 21,566 | 185,290 | 72,654 | 1,741 | 3,389 | 456 | 3,845 | 188,679 | 189,135 | 36,445 | 18,257 | 472 | 10,824 | 16 | 575 | 55 | 433 | 6 | 1,255 | 543 | 11,832 | 1No | 22,527 | 165,472 | | 26 | CA0064 |
20Marin | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Sara | | Jones | Director of County Library Services | 3501 CIVIC CENTER DR, RM 414 | SAN RAFAEL | 94903 | 4189 | (415) 473-3220 | (415) 473-6058 | http://www.marinlibrary.org | 520.00 | 143,336 | 76,931 | 13,016 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 59,520 | $15,054,507 | $0 | $0 | $381,922 | $15,436,429 | | $450,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $450,000 | $7,118,822 | $3,948,815 | $11,067,637 | $592,000 | $75,219 | $667,219 | $85,059 | $266,498 | $1,018,776 | $3,444,425 | $15,530,838 | $0 | 129.00 | 32.61 | 32.61 | 63.24 | 95.85 | 6.34 | 158,651 | 14,164 | 346,883 | 220,352 | 24,145 | 352,195 | 47,859 | 14,785 | 52 | 52 | 365 | 22,965 | 1,083,910 | 76,274 | 1,717,322 | 753,684 | 18,745 | 142,000 | 98,457 | 240,457 | 1,859,322 | 1,957,779 | 86,744 | 148,752 | 2,256 | 77,052 | 225 | 2,559 | 914 | 13,524 | | | 3,395 | 93,135 | 1No | 207,199 | 827,896 | 261,157 | 159 | CA0065 |
21Mariposa | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Janet | Noel | Chase-Williams | County Librarian | 4978 10TH ST. | MARIPOSA | 95338 | 0106 | (209) 966-2140 | (209) 966-2140 | http://www.mariposalibrary.org/home.html | 1,456.00 | 18,148 | 7,170 | 748 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 13,774 | $583,905 | $18,000 | $0 | $60,000 | $661,905 | $18,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $324,695 | $128,979 | $453,674 | $46,000 | $2,400 | $48,400 | $11,000 | $12,000 | $71,400 | $20,600 | $545,674 | $0 | 22.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 4.00 | 32.00 | 25,642 | 4,908 | 63,203 | 3,389 | 5,081 | 0 | 8,819 | 0 | 32 | 32 | 96 | 4,954 | 126,999 | 6,289 | 129,727 | 22,981 | 243 | 541 | 541 | 1,082 | 130,268 | 130,809 | 36,564 | 28,600 | 216 | 4,320 | 42 | 245 | 40 | 245 | 58 | 240 | 298 | 4,810 | 0Yes | 70,000 | 129,355 | 2,545 | 30 | CA0192 |
22Mendocino | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Karen | | Horner | County Librarian | 105 N. MAIN ST. | UKIAH | 95482 | 4482 | (707) 234-2873 | (707) 463-4490 | https://www.mendocinocounty.org/government/libraryry/ | 3,510.00 | 89,134 | 46,627 | 5,913 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 6 | 36,760 | $3,077,510 | $0 | $0 | $84,066 | $3,161,576 | | $83,268 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $83,268 | $1,182,538 | $639,119 | $1,821,657 | $327,332 | $13,308 | $340,640 | $84,660 | $13,191 | $438,491 | $741,751 | $3,001,899 | $83,268 | 41.00 | 9.00 | 10.00 | 17.80 | 27.80 | 5.80 | 42,626 | 6,493 | 143,577 | 77,500 | 8,914 | 12,806 | 19,119 | 4,694 | 9 | 9 | 150 | 11,944 | 467,870 | | 559,246 | 128,882 | 2,453 | 42,234 | | 42,234 | 601,480 | 601,480 | 125,932 | 103,530 | 2,058 | 37,258 | 215 | 2,173 | 863 | 9,054 | | | 3,136 | 48,485 | 1No | 44,956 | 173,303 | | 88 | CA0066 |
40San Mateo | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Susan | | Holmer | Director of Library Services | 800 ALMA ST. | MENLO PARK | 94025 | 3460 | (650) 330-2500 | (650) 330-2520 | http://menlopark.org/library | 19.00 | 35,670 | 25,347 | 4,870 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 37,846 | $2,387,289 | $49,913 | $0 | $195,119 | $2,632,321 | $49,913 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,322,190 | $451,545 | $1,773,735 | $180,423 | $22,930 | $203,353 | $46,640 | $60,796 | $310,789 | $432,340 | $2,516,864 | $0 | 51.00 | 5.25 | 5.25 | 15.25 | 20.50 | 9.00 | 57,685 | 5,084 | 135,200 | 122,392 | 16,643 | 16,963 | 17,927 | 0 | 23 | 23 | 189 | 4,732 | 346,244 | 21,851 | 564,959 | 229,417 | 9,313 | 56,302 | 4,546 | 60,848 | 621,261 | 625,807 | 48,313 | 51,862 | 1,080 | 50,612 | 18 | 205 | 100 | 2,100 | 17 | 1,858 | 1,198 | 52,917 | 1No | 25,597 | 118,693 | 162,874 | 39 | CA0067 |
23Merced | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Amy | A | Taylor | County Librarian | 2100 O ST. | MERCED | 95340 | 3637 | (209) 385-7485 | (209) 385-7311 | http://www.mercedcountylibrary.org | 1,988.52 | 274,665 | 38,531 | 13,355 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 6 | 77,634 | $2,876,307 | $39,790 | $1,735 | $142,244 | $3,060,076 | $39,790 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,174,803 | $930,222 | $2,105,025 | $83,072 | $7,987 | $91,059 | $0 | $0 | $91,059 | $728,173 | $2,924,257 | $0 | 43.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 17.00 | 21.00 | 6.25 | 74,160 | 8,489 | 273,543 | 0 | 3,271 | 0 | 5,091 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 110 | 16,881 | 324,657 | 52,580 | 208,765 | 90,490 | 7,174 | 0 | 2,805 | 2,805 | 208,765 | 211,570 | 37,935 | 49,130 | 2,018 | 28,998 | 748 | 7,967 | 229 | 1,391 | 109 | 3,827 | 2,995 | 38,356 | 0Yes | 56,193 | 107,630 | 16,932 | 61 | CA0068 |
20Marin | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Anji | | Brenner | City Librarian | 375 THROCKMORTON AVE. | MILL VALLEY | 94941 | 2698 | (415) 389-4292 | (415) 389-4292 | http://millvalleylibrary.org | 5.00 | 14,910 | 9,639 | 1,508 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 27,000 | $2,145,441 | $33,442 | $0 | $269,745 | $2,448,628 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,227,897 | $397,047 | $1,624,944 | $122,679 | $12,565 | $135,244 | $45,434 | $20,181 | $200,859 | $622,825 | $2,448,628 | $0 | 48.00 | 7.03 | 7.03 | 13.70 | 20.73 | 4.70 | 27,292 | 2,763 | 101,492 | 86,379 | 7,616 | 7,241 | 6,559 | 176 | 51 | 51 | 345 | 3,079 | 230,385 | 30,181 | 270,818 | 125,108 | 970 | 14,815 | 15,248 | 30,063 | 285,633 | 300,881 | 47,091 | 37,117 | 1,468 | 58,792 | 84 | 2,193 | 316 | 11,368 | 229 | 6,769 | 1,868 | 72,353 | 1No | 19,314 | 197,959 | 115,193 | 14 | CA0069 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Genesis | D | Hansen | Director of Library & Cultural Services | 100 CIVIC CENTER | MISSION VIEJO | 92691 | 5518 | (949) 830-7100 | (949) 830-7100 | http://www.cmvl.org | 18.00 | 96,718 | 159,846 | 11,876 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 41,500 | $3,067,324 | $14,787 | $33,222 | $652,011 | $3,767,344 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,749,618 | $653,798 | $2,403,416 | $186,529 | $9,588 | $196,117 | $87,695 | $17,987 | $301,799 | $462,941 | $3,168,156 | $38,964 | 68.00 | 12.50 | 14.71 | 19.61 | 34.32 | 7.80 | 73,118 | 5,371 | 159,581 | 9,996 | 6,171 | 5,864 | 10,392 | 2,500 | 18 | 18 | 134 | 3,021 | 812,068 | 85,611 | 989,976 | 589,141 | 17,553 | 63,409 | 108,563 | 171,972 | 1,053,385 | 1,161,948 | 127 | 65 | 852 | 18,208 | 23 | 1,287 | 39 | 3,729 | 57 | 14,847 | 914 | 23,224 | 0Yes | 26,788 | 344,710 | 108,544 | 32 | CA0198 |
24Modoc | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Cheryl | Davis | Baker | County Librarian | 212 W. THIRD ST. | ALTURAS | 96101 | 3913 | (530) 233-6340 | (530) 233-6340 | http://modoccountylibrary.org | 4,092.00 | 9,580 | 5,835 | 402 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6,765 | $235,000 | $4,368 | $0 | $21,300 | $260,668 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $150,072 | $60,214 | $210,286 | $3,926 | $1,323 | $5,249 | $0 | $0 | $5,249 | $71,614 | $287,149 | $0 | 8.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 4.00 | 0.35 | 16,217 | 2,034 | 69,768 | 5,412 | 2,411 | 2,617 | 5,810 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 46 | 2,236 | 14,007 | 780 | 25,981 | 3,117 | 4 | 712 | 712 | 1,424 | 26,693 | 27,405 | 112 | 5 | 50 | 456 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 53 | 542 | 1No | -1 | | | 15 | CA0070 |
25Mono | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Anastasia | D. | Danielson | County Library Director | 400 SIERRA PARK RD. | MAMMOTH LAKES | 93546 | 1120 | (760) 934-8670 | (760) 934-4777 | http://www.monocolibraries.org | 3,028.00 | 13,713 | 13,979 | 1,335 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 25,276 | $981,510 | $0 | $0 | $116,281 | $1,097,791 | | $25,650 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $25,650 | $591,883 | $193,322 | $785,205 | $30,941 | $2,542 | $33,483 | $5,463 | $0 | $38,946 | $255,991 | $1,080,142 | $25,650 | 19.00 | 0.75 | 2.93 | 4.63 | 7.56 | 0.40 | 20,649 | 13,055 | 109,551 | 100,997 | 6,064 | 1,454 | 9,273 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 112 | 9,698 | 112,370 | 795 | 94,189 | 17,672 | 667 | 4,326 | 4,326 | 8,652 | 98,515 | 102,841 | 1 | 15 | 594 | 22,028 | 30 | 904 | 134 | 2,232 | 3 | 87 | 758 | 25,164 | 0Yes | 43,817 | | 12,141 | 50 | CA0071 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Carey | | Vance | Library Manager | 321 S. MYRTLE AVE. | MONROVIA | 91016 | 2848 | (626) 256-8274 | (626) 256-8259 | http://www.monroviapubliclibrary.org | 14.00 | 38,514 | 66,215 | 18,589 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 28,000 | $2,308,640 | $31,478 | $9,691 | $137,106 | $2,486,915 | $31,478 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,135,765 | $498,069 | $1,633,834 | $57,984 | $4,867 | $62,851 | $23,416 | $10,897 | $97,164 | $738,521 | $2,469,519 | $0 | 32.00 | 9.00 | 10.00 | 10.75 | 20.75 | 3.80 | 40,361 | 4,674 | 106,688 | 5,142 | 2,472 | 3,951 | 1,458 | 63 | 9 | 9 | 76 | 2,392 | 187,429 | 22,541 | 199,653 | 149,133 | 6,096 | 5,290 | 449 | 5,739 | 204,943 | 205,392 | 54 | 3 | 1,114 | 62,050 | 99 | 2,605 | 78 | 2,046 | 144 | 8,617 | 1,291 | 66,701 | 1No | 21,841 | | 45,200 | 38 | CA0072 |
26Monterey | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Jayanti | G. | Addleman | Library Director | 188 SEASIDE CIRCLE | MARINA | 93933 | 2500 | (831) 883-7573 | (831) 899-2055 | http://www.montereycountyfreelibraries.org | 3,125.00 | 231,727 | 158,497 | 18,253 | 0 | 9 | 3 | 12 | 82,970 | $8,632,812 | $82,000 | $5,000 | $1,160,951 | $9,880,763 | $40,892 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,694,254 | $1,891,947 | $5,586,201 | $289,914 | $14,517 | $304,431 | $108,199 | $137,534 | $550,164 | $3,284,205 | $9,420,570 | $112,421 | 102.00 | 10.00 | 17.00 | 57.00 | 74.00 | 5.00 | 124,841 | 17,197 | 347,327 | 12,652 | 9,555 | 9,146 | 19,799 | 1,421 | 26 | 26 | 333 | 26,096 | 768,556 | 65,097 | 513,116 | 196,911 | 25,677 | 29,399 | | 29,399 | 542,515 | 542,515 | 2,065 | 1,616 | 2,252 | 62,332 | 203 | 3,006 | 479 | 5,432 | 123 | 49,378 | 2,934 | 70,770 | 0Yes | 154,627 | 262,439 | 92,304 | 226 | CA0073 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Norma | A. | Arvizu | City Librarian | 318 S. RAMONA AVENUE | MONTEREY PARK | 91754 | 3399 | (626) 307-1269 | (626) 307-1368 | www.montereypark.ca.gov/238/Library | 8.00 | 61,606 | 51,054 | 8,170 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 52,880 | $2,673,341 | $35,986 | $93,000 | $18,000 | $2,820,327 | $35,986 | $504,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $504,000 | $1,504,634 | $564,503 | $2,069,137 | $32,002 | $5,755 | $37,757 | $10,569 | $2,136 | $50,462 | $18,325 | $2,137,924 | $0 | 47.00 | 6.50 | 6.50 | 19.03 | 25.53 | 16.50 | 51,525 | 4,099 | 125,373 | 683 | 4,659 | 7 | 6,400 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 102 | 2,083 | 318,819 | 7,385 | 222,119 | 166,511 | 27,827 | -1 | -1 | -2 | | 222,117 | 13 | 1 | 918 | 42,018 | 96 | 2,201 | 232 | 41,400 | 9 | 47 | 1,246 | 85,619 | 0Yes | 87,900 | 83,888 | 14,141 | 58 | CA0075 |
26Monterey | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 2Not a Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Inga | M | Waite | Library Director | 625 PACIFIC ST. | MONTEREY | 93940 | 2866 | (831) 646-5669 | (831) 646-3933 | http://www.monterey.org/library | 8.00 | 28,828 | 25,221 | 3,771 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 48,576 | $2,847,122 | $0 | $0 | $142,391 | $2,989,513 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,543,293 | $687,500 | $2,230,793 | $104,231 | $3,600 | $107,831 | $65,921 | $23,606 | $197,358 | $575,106 | $3,003,257 | $0 | 43.00 | 8.63 | 8.77 | 14.28 | 23.05 | 1.57 | 28,804 | 3,712 | 93,210 | 78,631 | 5,437 | 7,117 | 8,444 | 0 | 49 | 49 | 95 | 3,105 | 282,351 | 20,939 | 421,386 | 136,720 | 3,364 | 24,709 | 19,426 | 44,135 | 446,095 | 465,521 | 54,861 | 77,929 | 726 | 25,150 | 158 | 2,719 | 90 | 1,569 | 118 | 5,029 | 974 | 29,438 | 1No | 36,579 | 99,165 | 52,823 | 53 | CA0074 |
54Ventura | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Christine | | Conwell | City Librarian/Director | 699 MOORPARK AVENUE | MOORPARK | 93021 | 1115 | (805) 517-6370 | (805) 517-6370 | http://www.moorparklibrary.org | 12.00 | 36,828 | 21,332 | 6,222 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 7,700 | $938,169 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $938,169 | | $116,978 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $116,978 | $242,000 | $84,400 | $326,400 | $37,002 | $2,768 | $39,770 | $10,300 | $15,148 | $65,218 | $429,382 | $821,000 | $0 | 9.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 4.50 | 7.50 | 3.00 | 19,758 | 5,508 | 48,396 | 832 | 2,263 | 60 | 5,792 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 49 | 2,914 | 109,695 | | 107,834 | 53,259 | 1,856 | 1,419 | | 1,419 | 109,253 | 109,253 | 1,252 | 3,118 | 532 | 18,226 | 187 | 2,415 | 34 | 1,101 | 31 | 4,146 | 753 | 21,742 | 1No | 12,070 | | | 17 | CA0208 |
32Riverside | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Ivorie | Alecia | Franks | Library Director | 25480 ALESSANDRO BLVD | MORENO VALLEY | 92553 | 4368 | (951) 413-3880 | (951) 413-3888 | http://library.booksite.com/7252 | 50.00 | 206,750 | 82,306 | 27,435 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 16,000 | $1,823,201 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,823,201 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $950,520 | $420,207 | $1,370,727 | $111,552 | $2,694 | $114,246 | $48,917 | $20,706 | $183,869 | $268,605 | $1,823,201 | $0 | 23.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 11.85 | 14.85 | 15.00 | 22,302 | 5,379 | 64,119 | 76,184 | 1,262 | 0 | 6,283 | 0 | 13 | 13 | 55 | 3,305 | 276,499 | 29,859 | 303,434 | 163,204 | 16,910 | 108,495 | 373,346 | 481,841 | 411,929 | 785,275 | 1,233 | 1,594 | 294 | 10,384 | 50 | 508 | 176 | 4,812 | 88 | 1,077 | 520 | 15,704 | 0Yes | 58,280 | 27,123 | 19,426 | 25 | CA0200 |
42Santa Clara | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Rosanne | M. | Macek | Library Services Director | 585 FRANKLIN ST. | MOUNTAIN VIEW | 94041 | 1998 | (650) 903-6335 | (650) 903-6337 | http://library.mountainview.gov | 12.00 | 79,278 | 96,518 | 7,768 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 60,000 | $5,733,342 | $0 | $0 | $270,621 | $6,003,963 | | $3,887,574 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,887,574 | $3,029,620 | $1,348,178 | $4,377,798 | $306,592 | $13,201 | $319,793 | $160,154 | $126,968 | $606,915 | $257,794 | $5,242,507 | $0 | 90.00 | 16.50 | 16.50 | 25.50 | 42.00 | 1.25 | 116,729 | 12,400 | 265,989 | 91,106 | 29,043 | 5,268 | 26,414 | 14 | 47 | 47 | 200 | 3,808 | 633,920 | 64,696 | 1,272,636 | 658,133 | 49,896 | 66,078 | 48,122 | 114,200 | 1,338,714 | 1,386,836 | 13,078 | 13,651 | 1,120 | 77,102 | 113 | 1,918 | 550 | 16,798 | 185 | 5,820 | 1,783 | 95,818 | 1No | 55,348 | 419,722 | -1 | 47 | CA0076 |
32Riverside | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Elise | M. | Malkowski | Library Manager | 8 TOWN SQUARE | MURRIETA | 92562 | 9172 | (951) 304-2665 | (951) 304-2665 | http://www.murrietalibrary.info | 28.00 | 114,914 | 27,789 | 7,521 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 25,000 | $1,852,424 | $0 | $0 | $135,035 | $1,987,459 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $931,242 | $391,041 | $1,322,283 | $70,350 | $4,315 | $74,665 | $15,136 | $199 | $90,000 | $688,264 | $2,100,547 | $0 | 26.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 13.00 | 18.00 | 1.00 | 31,204 | 4,019 | 74,252 | 73,076 | 5,131 | 6,117 | 9,386 | 0 | 30 | 30 | 80 | 2,303 | 324,420 | 43,165 | 433,022 | 243,967 | 2,519 | -1 | -1 | -2 | | 433,020 | 20,766 | 25,823 | 514 | 25,408 | 38 | 778 | 55 | 643 | 20 | 1,120 | 607 | 26,829 | 0Yes | 32,419 | | | 44 | CA0202 |
27Napa | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 0City/County | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Danis | | Kreimeier | Library Director | 580 COOMBS ST. | NAPA | 94559 | 3396 | (707) 253-4241 | (707) 253-4235 | http://www.countyofnapa.org | 787.00 | 136,375 | 58,063 | 13,146 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 44,688 | $7,721,150 | $49,220 | $2,300 | $915,114 | $8,687,784 | $49,220 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,900,000 | $3,900,000 | $3,280,290 | $1,492,557 | $4,772,847 | $347,418 | $27,516 | $374,934 | $34,815 | $119,917 | $529,666 | $5,824,292 | $11,126,805 | $3,497,167 | 85.00 | 12.50 | 12.50 | 39.80 | 52.30 | 4.51 | 53,037 | 6,787 | 130,635 | 3,271 | 10,389 | 4,154 | 20,792 | 0 | 32 | 32 | 210 | 8,216 | 587,115 | 37,687 | 879,616 | 338,524 | 42,586 | 311,320 | 777 | 312,097 | 1,190,936 | 1,191,713 | 7,625 | 23,934 | 2,306 | 54,022 | 39 | 438 | 121 | 1,772 | 0 | 0 | 2,466 | 56,232 | 1No | 92,303 | 189,423 | 48,180 | 69 | CA0077 |
36San Diego | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Minh | | Duong | City Librarian | 1401 NATIONAL CITY BLVD. | NATIONAL CITY | 91950 | 3314 | (619) 470-5800 | (619) 470-5830 | http://www.nationalcityca.gov/government/library | 9.00 | 61,210 | 23,256 | 5,037 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 49,508 | $2,028,636 | $44,362 | $44,371 | $59,197 | $2,176,566 | $44,362 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $770,718 | $242,192 | $1,012,910 | $111,556 | $6,000 | $117,556 | $56,581 | $0 | $174,137 | $928,823 | $2,115,870 | $0 | 39.00 | 4.45 | 4.93 | 12.00 | 16.93 | 1.81 | 79,515 | 6,702 | 204,626 | 9,123 | 5,195 | 3,951 | 21,393 | 54 | 31 | 31 | 118 | 2,400 | 256,602 | 47,375 | 108,537 | 43,546 | 9,197 | 3,943 | | 3,943 | 112,480 | 112,480 | 0 | 0 | 1,698 | 18,576 | 30 | 309 | 564 | 6,911 | 44 | 359 | 2,292 | 25,796 | 0Yes | 74,819 | 29,866 | | 107 | CA0078 |
28Nevada | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Laura | | Pappani | County Librarian | 980 HELLING WAY | NEVADA CITY | 95959 | 8619 | (530) 265-1407 | (530) 470-2748 | http://mynevadacounty.com/library/ | 978.00 | 98,828 | 92,597 | 6,104 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 37,733 | $2,590,364 | $18,000 | $35,241 | $128,792 | $2,772,397 | $18,000 | $0 | $0 | $28,925 | $19,963 | $48,888 | $1,016,284 | $694,277 | $1,710,561 | $94,153 | $19,746 | $113,899 | $35,567 | $28,933 | $178,399 | $1,021,420 | $2,910,380 | $70,809 | 34.00 | 5.50 | 5.50 | 28.50 | 34.00 | 4.90 | 42,121 | 6,718 | 123,621 | 79,660 | 10,857 | 14,446 | 13,137 | 7,914 | 18 | 18 | 216 | 9,020 | 397,196 | 34,362 | 692,309 | 213,099 | 1,966 | 41,154 | | 41,154 | 733,463 | 733,463 | 159 | 315 | 1,358 | 36,380 | 79 | 926 | 171 | 1,166 | 2 | 28 | 1,608 | 38,472 | 0Yes | 31,957 | 67,846 | | 174 | CA0079 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 6Santiago | 0Mr. | Tim | L. | Hetherton | Library Services Director | 1000 AVOCADO AVE. | NEWPORT BEACH | 92660 | 7915 | (949) 717-3800 | (949) 717-3860 | http://www.newportbeachlibrary.org | 51.00 | 84,915 | 112,141 | 7,187 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 96,100 | $7,806,793 | $41,621 | $0 | $439,800 | $8,288,214 | $41,621 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,697,152 | $1,994,089 | $5,691,241 | $320,840 | $31,974 | $352,814 | $332,139 | $139,893 | $824,846 | $1,772,127 | $8,288,214 | $15,500 | 80.00 | 16.00 | 16.00 | 43.50 | 59.50 | 4.70 | 94,939 | 7,795 | 244,389 | 15,526 | 23,279 | 6,061 | 33,011 | 58 | 32 | 32 | 221 | 12,650 | 1,102,106 | 157,149 | 1,347,859 | 508,581 | 3,824 | 116,781 | 467,935 | 584,716 | 1,464,640 | 1,932,575 | 356 | 108 | 1,726 | 87,300 | 27 | 408 | 486 | 21,585 | 23 | 4,279 | 2,239 | 109,293 | 1No | 96,786 | 581,805 | 224,522 | 115 | CA0080 |
0Alameda | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Gerard (Gerry) | G. | Garzon | Director | 125 14TH ST. | OAKLAND | 94612 | 4310 | (510) 238-3281 | (510) 238-3138 | http://oaklandlibrary.org | 53.00 | 449,211 | 307,889 | 63,294 | 1 | 17 | 0 | 18 | 207,510 | $27,880,303 | $64,986 | $16,531 | $147,288 | $28,109,108 | $64,669 | $398,636 | $0 | $0 | $221,838 | $620,474 | $13,418,859 | $7,660,128 | $21,078,987 | $872,087 | $132,176 | $1,004,263 | $458,595 | $266,087 | $1,728,945 | $6,071,226 | $28,879,158 | $632,063 | 339.00 | 80.72 | 80.72 | 135.95 | 216.67 | 14.60 | 331,810 | 37,276 | 877,023 | 104,729 | 46,351 | 16,863 | 94,654 | 3,559 | 38 | 38 | 1,906 | 31,065 | 2,001,295 | 248,863 | 2,130,170 | 1,024,454 | 236,668 | 213,449 | 482,309 | 695,758 | 2,343,619 | 2,825,928 | 10,267 | 18,740 | 9,258 | 312,882 | 1,367 | 29,626 | 1,224 | 23,785 | 552 | 34,495 | 11,849 | 366,293 | 1No | 223,776 | 2,008,693 | | 278 | CA0081 |
36San Diego | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Sherri | L. | Cosby | Library Director | 330 N. COAST HIGHWAY | OCEANSIDE | 92054 | 2824 | (760) 435-5560 | (760) 435-5600 | http://www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org | 44.00 | 176,461 | 55,762 | 11,016 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 45,554 | $5,311,854 | $27,098 | $0 | $244,354 | $5,583,306 | $27,098 | $280,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $280,000 | $2,101,214 | $803,042 | $2,904,256 | $189,400 | $12,900 | $202,300 | $74,400 | $27,100 | $303,800 | $2,174,076 | $5,382,132 | $280,000 | 58.00 | 13.59 | 15.51 | 22.80 | 38.31 | 11.49 | 84,025 | 14,039 | 172,527 | 5,312 | 4,178 | 592 | 13,446 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 144 | 7,992 | 437,489 | 37,741 | 456,602 | 208,787 | 12,433 | 17,569 | | 17,569 | 474,171 | 474,171 | 1 | 266 | 1,276 | 58,018 | 172 | 2,206 | 367 | 5,804 | 60 | 7,030 | 1,815 | 66,028 | 0Yes | 104,173 | | | 102 | CA0082 |
35San Bernardino | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Helen | C. | McAlary | Library Director | 215 EAST C STREET | ONTARIO | 91764 | 4111 | (909) 395-2216 | (909) 395-2205 | http://www.ontariocitylibrary.org | 50.00 | 174,283 | 94,144 | 11,701 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 72,800 | $4,903,919 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4,903,919 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,184,492 | $792,891 | $2,977,383 | $249,000 | $28,300 | $277,300 | $42,000 | $58,500 | $377,800 | $1,548,736 | $4,903,919 | $0 | 72.00 | 13.00 | 13.00 | 36.00 | 49.00 | 3.04 | 97,794 | 18,871 | 219,694 | 156,836 | 8,780 | 56,203 | 23,370 | 30 | 8 | 8 | 348 | 5,772 | 501,478 | 70,471 | 553,593 | 329,871 | 22,121 | 19,890 | 223,523 | 243,413 | 573,483 | 797,006 | 527 | 158 | 984 | 42,208 | 275 | 4,852 | 253 | 3,505 | 74 | 3,975 | 1,512 | 50,565 | 0Yes | 91,020 | | | 62 | CA0083 |
29Orange | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Helen | E. | Fried | County Librarian | 1501 E. ST. ANDREW PLACE | SANTA ANA | 92705 | 4930 | (714) 566-3000 | (714) 530-0711 | http://www.ocpl.org/ | 556.00 | 1,624,259 | 429,257 | 60,285 | 0 | 29 | 0 | 29 | 376,719 | $43,640,503 | $359,915 | $11,987 | $1,979,190 | $45,991,595 | $82,105 | $4,500,000 | $0 | $0 | $85,181 | $4,585,181 | $17,218,644 | $8,182,611 | $25,401,255 | $2,427,344 | $219,775 | $2,647,119 | $884,909 | $218,705 | $3,750,733 | $13,466,871 | $42,618,859 | $1,249,462 | 396.00 | 117.50 | 117.50 | 225.00 | 342.50 | 37.00 | 696,705 | 63,403 | 1,541,746 | 328,384 | 66,178 | 70,209 | 77,129 | 15,230 | 28 | 28 | 3,096 | 85,896 | 5,792,976 | 520,313 | 6,151,329 | 3,634,506 | 187,390 | 713,466 | 1,266,477 | 1,979,943 | 6,864,795 | 8,131,272 | 2,121 | 5,221 | 15,808 | 583,470 | 1,384 | 24,338 | 3,104 | 38,344 | 428 | 44,307 | 20,296 | 646,152 | 0Yes | 569,763 | 1,922,990 | 1,354,478 | 646 | CA0084 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 6Santiago | 0Mr. | Dave | | Curtis | Library Services Director | 407 E CHAPMAN AVE | ORANGE | 92866 | 1594 | (714) 288-2471 | (714) 288-2410 | http://www.cityoforange.org/library | 24.00 | 140,882 | 57,444 | 8,379 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 62,261 | $5,134,565 | $41,000 | $0 | $142,835 | $5,318,400 | $41,000 | $64,978 | $0 | $0 | $42,500 | $107,478 | $2,329,884 | $1,025,454 | $3,355,338 | $119,404 | $6,743 | $126,147 | $70,463 | $33,658 | $230,268 | $1,052,199 | $4,637,805 | $159,287 | 53.00 | 13.00 | 13.00 | 27.20 | 40.20 | 7.82 | 94,723 | 12,510 | 180,083 | 2,339 | 15,264 | 7,039 | 17,149 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 113 | 5,967 | 426,861 | 35,693 | 473,864 | 271,080 | 12,338 | 67,406 | 151,294 | 218,700 | 541,270 | 692,564 | 148 | 102 | 882 | 55,088 | 47 | 1,039 | 80 | 1,407 | 36 | 1,877 | 1,009 | 57,534 | 0Yes | 98,896 | 325,624 | | 77 | CA0085 |
10Glenn | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Jody | | Meza | City Librarian | 333 MILL ST. | ORLAND | 95963 | 1788 | (530) 865-1640 | -1 | http://www.orlandfreelibrary.net | 660.00 | 15,178 | 9,564 | 1,656 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5,160 | $320,146 | $4,618 | $0 | $0 | $324,764 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $180,448 | $121,233 | $301,681 | $8,000 | $0 | $8,000 | $785 | $0 | $8,785 | $41,637 | $352,103 | $0 | 6.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 4.00 | 1.00 | 14,282 | 1,471 | 49,637 | 5,412 | 1,221 | 2,617 | 3,874 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 46 | 1,924 | 37,048 | | 37,441 | 9,328 | 479 | 888 | | 888 | 38,329 | 38,329 | 126 | 162 | 272 | 6,200 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 36 | | | 278 | 6,236 | 0Yes | 5,584 | 25,433 | | 7 | CA0086 |
54Ventura | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Sofia | | Bellos-Kimsey | City Librarian | 251 SOUTH A ST. | OXNARD | 93030 | 5750 | (805) 385-7500 | (805) 385-7532 | www.oxnard.org/library | 25.00 | 207,772 | 142,215 | 54,681 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 95,612 | $3,982,052 | $0 | $7,404 | $328,994 | $4,318,450 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,729,214 | $1,119,072 | $2,848,286 | $158,310 | $20,802 | $179,112 | $36,496 | $17,304 | $232,912 | $800,788 | $3,881,986 | $0 | 47.00 | 10.50 | 10.50 | 23.22 | 33.72 | 3.64 | 113,098 | 14,559 | 318,708 | 193,523 | 19,701 | 323,572 | 14,487 | 31,394 | 6 | 6 | 247 | 6,646 | 447,255 | 94,373 | 346,502 | 199,941 | 25,407 | 3,873 | 6,158 | 10,031 | 350,375 | 356,533 | 204 | 258 | 1,666 | 19,682 | 195 | 1,062 | 28 | 618 | 27 | 2,425 | 1,889 | 21,362 | 0Yes | 107,878 | 47,827 | 109,033 | 86 | CA0087 |
26Monterey | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Scott | | Bauer | Library Director | 550 CENTRAL AVE. | PACIFIC GROVE | 93950 | 2789 | (831) 648-5760 | (831) 648-5762 | http://www.pacificgrovelibrary.org | 3.00 | 15,498 | 9,276 | 1,640 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 12,593 | $1,088,585 | $30,000 | $0 | $94,345 | $1,212,930 | | $35,000 | $0 | $0 | $49,311 | $84,311 | $551,171 | $212,301 | $763,472 | $50,567 | $7,208 | $57,775 | $15,248 | $10,367 | $83,390 | $230,975 | $1,077,837 | $24,130 | 18.00 | 5.50 | 5.50 | 6.25 | 11.75 | 1.00 | 18,838 | 3,678 | 65,969 | 99,448 | 4,136 | 7,327 | 5,205 | 0 | 24 | 24 | 120 | 2,403 | 147,620 | 13,921 | 142,842 | 54,089 | -1 | 12,072 | 7,494 | 19,566 | 154,914 | 162,408 | 74,050 | 45,974 | 698 | 26,510 | 1 | 4 | 32 | 1,480 | 163 | 3,523 | 731 | 27,994 | 1No | 14,975 | 54,670 | | 8 | CA0088 |
32Riverside | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Jeannie | | Kays | Director of Library Services | 300 S. SUNRISE WAY | PALM SPRINGS | 92262 | 7699 | (760) 322-7323 | (760) 322-7323 | http://www.palmspringslibrary.org | 106.00 | 47,379 | 24,783 | 2,249 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 38,400 | $2,432,448 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,432,448 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,029,063 | $717,955 | $1,747,018 | $112,605 | $10,441 | $123,046 | $69,362 | $76,231 | $268,639 | $416,790 | $2,432,447 | $0 | 18.00 | 5.00 | 6.00 | 11.00 | 17.00 | 1.80 | 20,386 | 4,147 | 98,772 | 76,150 | 9,025 | 1,621 | 22,483 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 135 | 6,840 | 288,207 | 20,405 | 405,633 | 67,958 | 4,963 | 25,650 | 33,964 | 59,614 | 431,283 | 465,247 | 797 | 1,462 | 234 | 11,298 | 36 | 954 | 106 | 2,196 | 51 | | 376 | 14,448 | 0Yes | 82,256 | | 39,669 | 42 | CA0090 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 0Mr. | Robert | | Shupe | Director | 700 E. PALMDALE BLVD. | PALMDALE | 93550 | 4742 | (661) 267-5600 | (661) 267-5600 | http://www.cityofpalmdale.org/library | 103.00 | 158,605 | 56,793 | 8,361 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 12,790 | $1,322,801 | $0 | $0 | $3,223 | $1,326,024 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $95,372 | $15,667 | $111,039 | $59,896 | $26,411 | $197,346 | $1,125,455 | $1,322,801 | $0 | 15.00 | 2.75 | 2.75 | 8.50 | 11.25 | 0.24 | 29,258 | 5,610 | 62,993 | 666 | 3,022 | 59 | 3,663 | 0 | 9 | 9 | 144 | 3,266 | 193,422 | 32,706 | 315,316 | 167,776 | 14,282 | 829 | | 829 | 316,145 | 316,145 | 0 | 0 | 346 | 11,574 | 49 | 338 | 91 | 843 | 26 | 817 | 486 | 12,755 | 0Yes | 39,885 | 54,348 | 56,968 | 28 | CA0089 |
42Santa Clara | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 3Dr. | Monique | le Conge | Ziesenhenne | Library Director | 270 FOREST AVE | PALO ALTO | 94301 | 2512 | (650) 329-2516 | (650) 329-2436 | http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/library/ | 26.00 | 68,691 | 54,676 | 6,927 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 88,089 | $9,258,128 | $4,021 | $0 | $124,176 | $9,386,325 | | $6,170,665 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $6,170,665 | $5,218,890 | $1,474,001 | $6,692,891 | $317,476 | $33,490 | $350,966 | $281,292 | $136,239 | $768,497 | $1,492,013 | $8,953,401 | $764,414 | 105.00 | 27.05 | 29.05 | 34.72 | 63.77 | 1.64 | 92,543 | 13,306 | 249,735 | 91,994 | 16,485 | 29,322 | 32,865 | 7,024 | 54 | 54 | 407 | 13,520 | 1,031,054 | 34,294 | 1,427,460 | 766,273 | 74,105 | 97,154 | 305,111 | 402,265 | 1,524,614 | 1,829,725 | 16,713 | 8,014 | 2,076 | 115,154 | 333 | 6,059 | 543 | 10,663 | 54 | 3,439 | 2,952 | 131,876 | 1No | 149,962 | 804,194 | 353,661 | 138 | CA0091 |
32Riverside | 3Special District Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Kime | J. | Williams | Library Director | 125 W. CHANSLORWAY | BLYTHE | 92225 | 1245 | (760) 922-5371 | (760) 922-5371 | http://www.blythelibrary.org | 1,003.00 | 38,395 | 11,110 | 3,163 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6,199 | $305,742 | $0 | $0 | $14,262 | $320,004 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $264,417 | $84,407 | $348,824 | $17,348 | $1,287 | $18,635 | $0 | $1,312 | $19,947 | $92,902 | $461,673 | $0 | 7.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 4.33 | 5.33 | 0.40 | 15,996 | 2,519 | 42,537 | 0 | 1,089 | 0 | 1,251 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 1,950 | 91,595 | 5,858 | 49,696 | 22,915 | 153 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 49,696 | 49,696 | 0 | 61 | 182 | 5,252 | 7 | 84 | 1 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 190 | 5,362 | 1No | 12,201 | 4,820 | 1,500 | 13 | CA0093 |
18Los Angeles | 3Special District Library | MA1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Katherine | R. | Gould | Director | 701 SILVER SPUR RD. | ROLLING HILLS ESTATE | 90274 | 3603 | (310) 377-9584 | (310) 377-9584 | http://www.pvld.org | 28.00 | 69,239 | 43,871 | 8,242 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 114,500 | $7,667,121 | $0 | $32,000 | $856,587 | $8,555,708 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $128,000 | $128,000 | $4,852,700 | $1,319,900 | $6,172,600 | $172,634 | $34,431 | $207,065 | $200,000 | $66,340 | $473,405 | $2,054,287 | $8,700,292 | $212,084 | 90.00 | 16.00 | 19.00 | 39.00 | 58.00 | 14.00 | 52,384 | 5,740 | 216,601 | 20,762 | 15,869 | 1,160 | 19,215 | 3,500 | 29 | 29 | 717 | 8,580 | 605,177 | 60,443 | 597,950 | 312,332 | 17,930 | 40,247 | | 40,247 | 638,197 | 638,197 | 735 | 252 | 1,644 | 63,524 | 65 | 1,167 | 282 | 8,747 | 106 | 6,703 | 1,991 | 73,438 | 0Yes | 51,987 | 322,253 | 138,141 | 48 | CA0092 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Michelle | | Perera | Library Director | 285 E. WALNUT ST. | PASADENA | 91101 | 1598 | (626) 744-4066 | (626) 744-4066 | http://cityofpasadena.net/library | 23.00 | 143,333 | 307,909 | 69,189 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 9 | 179,336 | $14,566,802 | $0 | $0 | $122,140 | $14,688,942 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $5,017,592 | $3,821,822 | $8,839,414 | $540,324 | $6,357 | $546,681 | $244,104 | $83,302 | $874,087 | $4,975,441 | $14,688,942 | $0 | 138.00 | 28.50 | 28.50 | 76.06 | 104.56 | 0.75 | 219,329 | 19,084 | 591,046 | 26,695 | 20,352 | 6,643 | 22,695 | 224 | -1 | -1 | 642 | 23,932 | 1,029,760 | 88,168 | 996,188 | 422,190 | 21,571 | 82,893 | 135,997 | 218,890 | 1,079,081 | 1,215,078 | 46,146 | 24,800 | 3,620 | 89,290 | 223 | 4,376 | 906 | 17,743 | 122 | 6,170 | 4,749 | 111,409 | 1No | 159,840 | 488,843 | 182,436 | 158 | CA0094 |
39San Luis Obispo | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 2Black Gold Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Angelica | G. | Fortin | City Librarian | 1000 SPRING ST. | PASO ROBLES | 93446 | 2599 | (805) 237-3870 | (805) 237-3870 | http://www.prcity.com/library | 17.00 | 31,745 | 14,604 | 1,810 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 20,607 | $1,989,986 | $0 | $0 | $35,623 | $2,025,609 | | $203,168 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $203,168 | $601,240 | $464,949 | $1,066,189 | $28,243 | $3,769 | $32,012 | $15,275 | $10,174 | $57,461 | $901,959 | $2,025,609 | $10,530 | 15.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 5.80 | 8.80 | 6.90 | 23,411 | 2,634 | 60,255 | 92,226 | 5,086 | 14,154 | 7,544 | 873 | 10 | 10 | 70 | 3,221 | 173,207 | 15,585 | 254,623 | 96,475 | 6,019 | 31,395 | 1,967 | 33,362 | 286,018 | 287,985 | 20,438 | 16,036 | 670 | 18,536 | 12 | 333 | 65 | 1,096 | | | 747 | 19,965 | 1No | 26,136 | 111,322 | 17,754 | 18 | CA0095 |
29Orange | 3Special District Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 3Library District | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Trinh | Jeanette | Contreras | Library Director | 411 E. CHAPMAN AVE. | PLACENTIA | 92870 | 6198 | (714) 528-1925 | (714) 528-1906 | http://placentialibrary.org | 7.00 | 55,781 | 42,173 | 11,418 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 22,800 | $2,356,581 | $30,280 | $0 | $396,362 | $2,783,223 | $30,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,240,799 | $285,939 | $1,526,738 | $123,611 | $5,814 | $129,425 | $95,083 | $117,440 | $341,948 | $533,395 | $2,402,081 | $48,394 | 22.00 | 8.00 | 8.00 | 12.00 | 20.00 | 8.50 | 36,692 | 7,756 | 77,896 | 278,597 | 3,775 | 51,359 | 6,025 | 15,348 | 14 | 14 | 77 | 4,280 | 325,975 | 33,193 | 280,710 | 185,749 | 4,042 | 25,950 | 37,986 | 63,936 | 306,660 | 344,646 | 3,533 | 4,214 | 766 | 44,358 | 72 | 1,086 | 272 | 4,111 | 27 | 3,391 | 1,110 | 49,555 | 1No | 29,665 | 150,305 | 30,251 | 37 | CA0096 |
30Placer | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Mary | L. | George | Director of Library Services | 350 NEVADA ST. | AUBURN | 95603 | 3789 | (530) 886-4550 | (530) 886-4510 | http://www.placer.ca.gov/library | 1,403.60 | 198,804 | 87,943 | 8,180 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 8 | 60,967 | $6,564,756 | $34,556 | $0 | $236,594 | $6,835,906 | $34,556 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,269,941 | $1,738,689 | $4,008,630 | $241,043 | $19,161 | $260,204 | $88,421 | $64,433 | $413,058 | $2,288,032 | $6,709,720 | $0 | 46.00 | 10.23 | 10.23 | 31.35 | 41.58 | 5.87 | 75,108 | 11,307 | 193,511 | 6,985 | 22,919 | 3,497 | 15,316 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 254 | 14,612 | 555,632 | 11,662 | 909,287 | 379,808 | 6,931 | 55,331 | 173,275 | 228,606 | 964,618 | 1,137,893 | 247 | 64 | 2,198 | 50,266 | 69 | 1,717 | 292 | 4,923 | 2 | 133 | 2,559 | 56,906 | 1No | 39,650 | 382,023 | | 64 | CA0009 |
0Alameda | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Heidi | | Murphy | Library Director | 400 OLD BERNAL AVE. | PLEASANTON | 94566 | 7012 | (925) 931-3400 | (925) 931-3400 | http://www.cityofpleasantonca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default.asp | 22.00 | 75,916 | 45,073 | 9,207 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 30,000 | $4,611,960 | $34,781 | $0 | $0 | $4,646,741 | $34,781 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,283,051 | $1,373,215 | $3,656,266 | $277,618 | $11,000 | $288,618 | $115,277 | $71,400 | $475,295 | $480,399 | $4,611,960 | $0 | 33.17 | 11.75 | 11.75 | 21.42 | 33.17 | 10.00 | 73,464 | 7,397 | 142,917 | 291,990 | 8,762 | 325,928 | 11,237 | 33,392 | 18 | 18 | 218 | 3,224 | 527,240 | 85,924 | 1,152,332 | 729,136 | 26,639 | 71,667 | | 71,667 | 1,223,999 | 1,223,999 | 12,482 | 13,564 | 1,846 | 63,188 | 140 | 2,400 | 233 | 5,072 | 15 | 650 | 2,219 | 70,660 | 0Yes | 60,000 | | | 27 | CA0206 |
31Plumas | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 11Multi-County, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | VACANT | VACANT | VACANT | County Librarian | 445 JACKSON ST. | QUINCY | 95971 | 9410 | (530) 283-6310 | -1 | http://plumascounty.us/index.aspx?nid=546 | 3,528.00 | 23,026 | 10,136 | 1,634 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 18,651 | $389,100 | $63,699 | $0 | $29,875 | $482,674 | $63,699 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $216,474 | $132,415 | $348,889 | $5,099 | $2,976 | $8,075 | $4,800 | $0 | $12,875 | $64,920 | $426,684 | $0 | 14.00 | 1.63 | 1.63 | 4.37 | 6.00 | 0.63 | 18,383 | 2,860 | 78,642 | 5,412 | 5,661 | 2,617 | 3,115 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 101 | 7,676 | 58,561 | 3,475 | 54,494 | 10,557 | 137 | 1,720 | | 1,720 | 56,214 | 56,214 | 1 | 15 | 230 | 3,946 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 20 | 10 | 168 | 232 | 3,966 | 1No | -1 | | | 27 | CA0097 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 0Mr. | Vacant | Vacant | vacant | Library Manager | 625 S. GAREY AVE. | POMONA | 91766 | 3322 | (909) 620-2473 | (909) 620-2043 | http://www.pomonalibrary.org | 23.00 | 155,306 | 52,160 | 12,518 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 57,000 | $918,996 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $918,996 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $465,374 | $12,913 | $478,287 | $49,799 | $3,369 | $53,168 | $9,253 | $4,160 | $66,581 | $313,521 | $858,389 | $0 | 20.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 10.45 | 12.45 | 1.50 | 50,051 | 7,339 | 283,408 | 0 | 9,755 | 0 | 588 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 61 | 1,508 | 89,348 | 14,250 | 75,282 | 49,891 | 8,365 | 0 | | 0 | 75,282 | 75,282 | 0 | 0 | 186 | 5,904 | 12 | 61 | 13 | 117 | 0 | 0 | 211 | 6,082 | 0Yes | 33,273 | | | 42 | CA0098 |
52Tulare | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Vikki | N/A | Cervantes | City Librarian | 41 WEST THURMAN AVENUE | PORTERVILLE | 93257 | 3652 | (559) 784-0177 | (559) 784-0177 | http://www.portervillelibrary.org | 12.00 | 59,908 | 22,059 | 4,972 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 20,024 | $1,313,793 | $24,519 | $0 | $0 | $1,338,312 | $24,519 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $641,915 | $289,212 | $931,127 | $68,796 | $4,716 | $73,512 | $12,326 | $31,204 | $117,042 | $199,175 | $1,247,344 | $0 | 23.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 14.58 | 15.58 | 1.96 | 38,526 | 3,074 | 65,744 | 79,600 | 5,089 | 5,205 | 7,039 | 30 | 36 | 36 | 63 | 4,168 | 174,757 | 6,894 | 251,169 | 129,552 | 37,143 | 934 | 1,100 | 2,034 | 252,103 | 253,203 | 23,109 | 20,133 | 1,190 | 38,790 | 54 | 1,228 | 316 | 4,497 | 194 | 4,275 | 1,560 | 44,515 | 0Yes | 42,495 | 171,842 | 24,971 | 42 | CA0099 |
35San Bernardino | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Julie | A. | Sowles | Library Director | 7368 ARCHIBALD AVENUE | RANCHO CUCAMONGA | 91730 | 1401 | (909) 477-2720 | (909) 477-2720 | http://www.rcpl.lib.ca.us/ | 38.00 | 177,324 | 299,783 | 77,915 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 45,500 | $4,040,850 | $156,570 | $0 | $722,560 | $4,919,980 | $25,778 | $835,680 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $835,680 | $2,431,190 | $803,400 | $3,234,590 | $350,000 | $22,000 | $372,000 | $152,770 | $60,000 | $584,770 | $1,072,900 | $4,892,260 | $979,280 | 77.00 | 17.00 | 17.00 | 60.00 | 77.00 | 5.00 | 141,277 | 13,378 | 290,778 | 77,968 | 15,513 | 3,628 | 13,390 | 0 | 55 | 55 | 245 | 6,190 | 576,601 | 164,202 | 882,133 | 672,660 | 6,645 | 36,523 | 2,273,912 | 2,310,435 | 918,656 | 3,192,568 | 0 | 57 | 2,302 | 65,190 | 23 | 181 | 173 | 6,203 | 36 | 14,343 | 2,498 | 71,574 | 0Yes | 73,628 | 427,126 | 0 | 46 | CA0194 |
32Riverside | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 0Mr. | David | | Bryant | Library Director | 71-100 HIGHWAY 111 | RANCHO MIRAGE | 92270 | 4123 | (760) 341-7323 | (760) 341-7323 | http://www.ranchomiragelibrary.org | 25.00 | 18,295 | 30,825 | 1,925 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 45,092 | $2,755,844 | $0 | $0 | $75,060 | $2,830,904 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,471,082 | $567,829 | $2,038,911 | $107,000 | $13,373 | $120,373 | $85,415 | $32,000 | $237,788 | $491,669 | $2,768,368 | $39,000 | 41.00 | 9.00 | 9.00 | 4.00 | 13.00 | 7.00 | 21,000 | 29,000 | 96,000 | 4,209 | 5,860 | 8,862 | 12,622 | 0 | 9 | 9 | 104 | 2,822 | 252,771 | 62,519 | 355,408 | 66,001 | 481 | 41,272 | | 41,272 | 396,680 | 396,680 | 187 | 20 | 534 | 15,914 | 3 | 66 | 529 | 21,079 | 5 | 112 | 1,066 | 37,059 | 1No | 29,358 | 153,048 | | 32 | CA0196 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Susan | | Anderson | Director of Library Services | 303 N. PACIFIC COAST HWY | REDONDO BEACH | 90277 | 2838 | (310) 318-0676 | (310) 318-0675 | http://redondo.org/library | 7.00 | 68,907 | 78,015 | 7,436 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 62,287 | $4,513,566 | $0 | $0 | $80,254 | $4,593,820 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,568,099 | $450,055 | $2,018,154 | $108,791 | $14,535 | $123,326 | $109,272 | $45,386 | $277,984 | $2,495,412 | $4,791,550 | $0 | 62.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 18.00 | 28.00 | 0.22 | 60,651 | 7,390 | 165,957 | 210,459 | 22,447 | 334,420 | 20,320 | 33,944 | 15 | 15 | 229 | 4,762 | 338,438 | 36,523 | 476,837 | 191,521 | 8,031 | 37,082 | 12,988 | 50,070 | 513,919 | 526,907 | 104 | 26 | 502 | 20,292 | 26 | 575 | 122 | 2,063 | 13 | 2,063 | 650 | 22,930 | 1No | 4,374 | 323,358 | 328,169 | 22 | CA0100 |
40San Mateo | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Derek | E. | Wolfgram | Director | 1044 MIDDLEFIELD RD | REDWOOD CITY | 94063 | 1868 | (650) 780-7061 | (650) 780-7018 | http://www.redwoodcity.org/library | 34.00 | 85,601 | 65,467 | 17,187 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 79,200 | $8,424,250 | $162,848 | $85,474 | $241,719 | $8,914,291 | $162,848 | $204,600 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $204,600 | $4,263,324 | $1,885,617 | $6,148,941 | $287,745 | $24,750 | $312,495 | $146,235 | $118,685 | $577,415 | $2,201,040 | $8,927,396 | $104,768 | 102.00 | 11.81 | 14.33 | 39.79 | 54.12 | 50.21 | 104,948 | 11,479 | 202,516 | 302,912 | 16,138 | 11,594 | 27,801 | 3,045 | 29 | 29 | 264 | 10,816 | 801,297 | 129,038 | 1,007,130 | 525,660 | 40,601 | 95,218 | 58,570 | 153,788 | 1,102,348 | 1,160,918 | 81,636 | 81,565 | 13,806 | 400,536 | 828 | 7,715 | 1,271 | 16,656 | 3,893 | 95,545 | 15,905 | 424,907 | 1No | 71,013 | 111,506 | 1,021,068 | 145 | CA0101 |
6Contra Costa | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Kathryn | M. | Curl | Director of Library & Cultural Services | 325 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA | RICHMOND | 94804 | 1659 | (510) 620-6555 | (510) 620-6561 | http://www.richmondlibrary.org | 55.00 | 111,785 | 85,884 | 26,132 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 34,975 | $4,499,964 | $114,396 | $146,492 | $237,151 | $4,998,003 | $114,396 | $261,645 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $261,645 | $2,507,719 | $1,547,810 | $4,055,529 | $234,697 | $9,250 | $243,947 | $35,000 | $40,300 | $319,247 | $542,589 | $4,917,365 | $0 | 63.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 32.00 | 42.00 | 2.50 | 56,634 | 6,690 | 143,605 | 5,720 | 3,803 | 1,136 | 12,302 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 185 | 4,423 | | | 179,408 | 101,306 | 12,161 | 6,710 | 0 | 6,710 | 186,118 | 186,118 | 4,736 | 4,691 | 1,268 | 29,310 | 114 | 885 | 54 | 570 | 7 | 803 | 1,436 | 30,765 | 0Yes | 45,369 | 21,864 | 11,148 | 47 | CA0102 |
32Riverside | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Barbara | | Howison | County Administrator | 5840 MISSION BLVD | JURUPA VALLEY | 92509 | 3650 | (951) 274-4512 | N/A | http://www.rivlib.net | 7,017.00 | 1,267,388 | 797,395 | 84,099 | 0 | 35 | 2 | 37 | 368,820 | $15,786,786 | $8,218,023 | $18,357 | $716,017 | $24,739,183 | $24,527 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $731,176 | $39,304 | $770,480 | $352,070 | $40,760 | $1,163,310 | $22,227,581 | $23,390,891 | $10,323 | 356.00 | 36.00 | 53.00 | 187.00 | 240.00 | 21.75 | 331,924 | 67,780 | 1,066,700 | 4,783 | 57,013 | 7,631 | 71,900 | 0 | 24 | 24 | 880 | 71,784 | 3,606,142 | 479,917 | 2,513,032 | 1,193,617 | 99,776 | 115,800 | | 115,800 | 2,628,832 | 2,628,832 | 82,892 | 88,582 | 5,930 | 126,084 | 846 | 7,370 | 2,830 | 26,083 | | | 9,606 | 159,537 | 0Yes | 415,186 | 780,394 | 283,062 | 613 | CA0199 |
32Riverside | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Tonya | V. | Kennon | Director | 3581 MISSION INN AVE. | RIVERSIDE | 92501 | 3377 | (951) 826-5213 | (951) 826-5201 | http://www.riversideca.gov/library/ | 86.00 | 326,792 | 259,106 | 39,344 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 8 | 136,579 | $5,453,070 | $116,010 | $0 | $742,319 | $6,311,399 | $26,010 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,248,798 | $1,433,681 | $4,682,479 | $247,000 | $13,880 | $260,880 | $41,316 | $15,770 | $317,966 | $1,310,964 | $6,311,409 | $0 | 64.00 | 7.00 | 8.00 | 52.25 | 60.25 | 6.40 | 141,852 | 20,948 | 402,463 | 77,184 | 14,690 | 776 | 27,008 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 127 | 20,202 | 837,059 | 145,923 | 820,180 | 488,399 | 21,250 | 11,681 | | 11,681 | 831,861 | 831,861 | 0 | 154 | 2,334 | 79,556 | 251 | 2,614 | 213 | 1,707 | 16 | | 2,798 | 83,877 | 0Yes | 254,599 | 1,844,143 | 945,856 | 308 | CA0103 |
30Placer | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Natasha | | Casteel | City Librarian | 225 TAYLOR ST. | ROSEVILLE | 95678 | 2681 | (916) 774-5234 | (916) 774-5221 | http://www.roseville.ca.us/library | 31.00 | 135,868 | 101,943 | 27,505 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 54,300 | $3,459,564 | $28,328 | $0 | $195,005 | $3,682,897 | $28,328 | $273,809 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $273,809 | $2,025,226 | $913,959 | $2,939,185 | $112,960 | $5,918 | $118,878 | $71,797 | $27,709 | $218,384 | $402,526 | $3,560,095 | $159,584 | 69.00 | 7.75 | 13.75 | 27.00 | 40.75 | 2.70 | 64,599 | 10,625 | 142,567 | 7,860 | 8,739 | 2,313 | 10,555 | 0 | 14 | 14 | 107 | 7,392 | 517,349 | 58,072 | 1,291,644 | 528,819 | 3,943 | 41,763 | 22,654 | 64,417 | 1,333,407 | 1,356,061 | 81 | 94 | 1,992 | 89,876 | 61 | 440 | 224 | 1,496 | 88 | 4,005 | 2,277 | 91,812 | 0Yes | 70,306 | 1,105,053 | | 99 | CA0104 |
33Sacramento | 5Joint Powers Authority | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 4Multi-jurisdictional | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Rivkah | K. | Sass | Library Director | 828 I ST. | SACRAMENTO | 95814 | 2508 | (916) 264-2770 | (916) 264-2920 | http://www.saclibrary.org | 975.00 | 1,436,245 | 692,508 | 109,205 | 1 | 27 | 2 | 30 | 454,805 | $37,026,034 | $76,801 | $452,008 | $2,798,095 | $40,352,938 | $55,761 | $1,715,170 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,715,170 | $19,176,512 | $4,613,552 | $23,790,064 | $2,108,300 | $167,000 | $2,275,300 | $2,327,500 | $432,200 | $5,035,000 | $9,721,919 | $38,546,983 | $1,715,170 | 285.50 | 78.50 | 88.50 | 197.00 | 285.50 | 32.00 | 429,943 | 76,869 | 1,219,822 | 95,521 | 64,440 | 36,337 | 103,712 | 2,488 | 42 | 42 | 1,802 | 51,940 | 3,625,829 | 143,500 | 6,076,407 | 2,666,859 | 110,788 | 1,009,273 | 971,849 | 1,981,122 | 7,085,680 | 8,057,529 | 148,794 | 107,093 | 9,652 | 322,098 | 839 | 14,414 | 2,423 | 30,106 | 1,611 | 127,105 | 12,914 | 366,618 | 0Yes | 530,279 | 6,227,458 | 460,932 | 748 | CA0105 |
26Monterey | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Cary | Ann | Siegfried | Director of Library and Community Services | 350 LINCOLN AVE. | SALINAS | 93901 | 2692 | (831) 758-7458 | (831) 758-7311 | http://www.salinaspubliclibrary.org | 19.00 | 162,470 | 64,626 | 24,792 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 42,753 | $4,948,081 | $84,132 | $0 | $0 | $5,032,213 | $84,132 | $107,945 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $107,945 | $2,356,980 | $1,697,581 | $4,054,561 | $124,389 | $15,628 | $140,017 | $146,886 | $40,794 | $327,697 | $475,302 | $4,857,560 | $416,272 | 84.00 | 9.00 | 15.00 | 28.50 | 43.50 | 1.30 | 63,802 | 9,358 | 161,222 | 271,221 | 6,716 | 324,820 | 10,710 | 31,735 | 14 | 14 | 210 | 7,789 | 435,986 | 34,608 | 297,612 | 184,918 | 34,973 | 3,731 | 4,450 | 8,181 | 301,343 | 305,793 | 0 | 0 | 2,704 | 57,354 | 67 | 909 | 117 | 783 | 439 | 11,047 | 2,888 | 59,046 | 0Yes | 116,686 | 156,471 | 0 | 124 | CA0106 |
20Marin | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Linda | Meneses | Kenton | Town Librarian | 110 TUNSTEAD AVE. | SAN ANSELMO | 94960 | 2617 | (415) 258-4656 | (415) 258-4656 | http://sananselmolibrary.org | 3.00 | 12,937 | 7,331 | 1,345 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6,600 | $854,780 | $0 | $0 | $21,548 | $876,328 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $443,416 | $167,833 | $611,249 | $82,325 | $8,200 | $90,525 | $25,620 | $5,000 | $121,145 | $139,523 | $871,917 | $0 | 6.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 6.00 | 1.00 | 13,960 | 1,043 | 41,295 | 296,414 | 2,062 | 5,000 | 2,722 | 23,872 | 29 | 29 | 107 | 2,514 | 99,417 | 35,152 | 119,684 | 53,870 | 348 | 11,037 | 14,444 | 25,481 | 130,721 | 145,165 | 35,738 | 20,104 | 514 | 30,958 | 14 | 249 | 107 | 1,487 | 8 | 1,807 | 635 | 32,694 | 1No | 14,056 | 9,574 | 0 | 4 | CA0107 |
34San Benito | 0County Library General Fund | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Nora | Sepulveda | Conte | County Librarian | 470 FIFTH ST. | HOLLISTER | 95023 | 3885 | (831) 636-4097 | (831) 636-4107 | www.sbcfl.org | 1,396.00 | 54,998 | 31,799 | 14,954 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 11,230 | $871,702 | $23,528 | $0 | $45,975 | $941,205 | $23,528 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $470,490 | $162,664 | $633,154 | $50,750 | $3,345 | $54,095 | $29,086 | $19,540 | $102,721 | $223,916 | $959,791 | $0 | 14.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 6.18 | 9.18 | 1.21 | 29,995 | 5,105 | 93,841 | 42,240 | 996 | 3,203 | 3,868 | 0 | 30 | 30 | 22 | 2,220 | 95,199 | 6,400 | 113,500 | 51,000 | 5,300 | 319 | 6,906 | 7,225 | 113,819 | 120,725 | 392 | 318 | 872 | 22,410 | 6 | 80 | 55 | 470 | 75 | 5,001 | 933 | 22,960 | 1No | 27,229 | 91,416 | 9,142 | 23 | CA0108 |
35San Bernardino | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 3Inland Library System | 0Mr. | Michael | | Jimenez | County Librarian | 777 EAST RIALTO AVE | SAN BERNARDINO | 92415 | 0035 | (909) 387-2220 | (909) 790-3146 | www.sbclib.org | 20,000.00 | 1,267,592 | 606,039 | 88,356 | 0 | 32 | 0 | 32 | 368,894 | $16,124,049 | $97,762 | $12,365 | $1,932,910 | $18,167,086 | $97,762 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $5,072,724 | $1,572,382 | $6,645,106 | $2,451,586 | $30,468 | $2,482,054 | $503,602 | $0 | $2,985,656 | $7,204,878 | $16,835,640 | $0 | 298.00 | 8.00 | 31.00 | 156.00 | 187.00 | 30.15 | 475,868 | 109,937 | 1,132,727 | 29,129 | 44,211 | 8,908 | 63,938 | 3,027 | 29 | 29 | 725 | 66,778 | 2,850,066 | -1 | 5,095,257 | 3,085,195 | 68,382 | 294,737 | | 294,737 | 5,389,994 | 5,389,994 | 17,920 | 22,984 | 9,158 | 420,464 | 427 | 8,406 | 1,786 | 23,759 | 36 | 5,622 | 11,371 | 452,629 | 0Yes | 693,583 | 1,134,178 | 0 | 795 | CA0109 |
35San Bernardino | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 0Mr. | Edward | Randall | Erjavek | Library Director | 555 W. SIXTH ST. | SAN BERNARDINO | 92410 | 3094 | (909) 381-8215 | (909) 381-8221 | http://www.sbpl.org | 58.00 | 216,972 | 36,760 | 6,267 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 80,300 | $1,643,143 | $58,352 | $105,861 | $101,000 | $1,908,356 | $58,181 | $107,803 | $0 | $526,197 | $0 | $634,000 | $1,025,766 | $343,690 | $1,369,456 | $50,000 | $14,000 | $64,000 | $54,000 | $0 | $118,000 | $420,900 | $1,908,356 | $634,000 | 33.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 16.80 | 20.80 | 3.00 | 63,296 | 7,340 | 196,576 | 1,739 | 1,131 | 518 | 10,977 | 0 | 11 | 11 | 190 | 5,044 | 240,744 | 50,364 | 124,734 | 52,032 | 7,110 | 3,327 | 23,791 | 27,118 | 128,061 | 151,852 | 92 | 6 | 774 | 19,318 | 18 | 192 | 51 | 1,055 | 0 | 0 | 843 | 20,565 | 0Yes | 47,501 | | | 88 | CA0110 |
40San Mateo | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Tim | | Wallace | Community Services Superintendent | 701 ANGUS AVE. W. | SAN BRUNO | 94066 | 3490 | (650) 616-7078 | -1 | http://www.sanbrunolibrary.org | 6.00 | 45,295 | 20,901 | 4,291 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 15,600 | $2,119,077 | $0 | $0 | $66,804 | $2,185,881 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $850,343 | $396,912 | $1,247,255 | $104,867 | $11,194 | $116,061 | $33,771 | $28,695 | $178,527 | $667,802 | $2,093,584 | $0 | 18.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 2.50 | 7.50 | 32.00 | 29,637 | 2,128 | 75,369 | 122,522 | 8,117 | 11,368 | 10,870 | 0 | 16 | 16 | 152 | 2,429 | 179,150 | 24,943 | 337,671 | 103,251 | 5,189 | 16,765 | 4,259 | 21,024 | 354,436 | 358,695 | 58,362 | 26,794 | 654 | 19,138 | 5 | 104 | 64 | 190 | 25 | 3,154 | 723 | 19,432 | 0Yes | 21,315 | 37,970 | 66,295 | 17 | CA0111 |
36San Diego | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 0Mr. | Migell | | Acosta | Library Director | 5560 OVERLAND AVE., SUITE 110 | SAN DIEGO | 92123 | 1204 | (858) 694-2415 | (760) 643-5130 | http://www.sdcl.org | 3,727.00 | 1,114,526 | 1,095,790 | 244,272 | 0 | 24 | 2 | 26 | 370,083 | $39,750,132 | $243,731 | $103,784 | $1,254,235 | $41,351,882 | $49,745 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $13,663,428 | $10,244,621 | $23,908,049 | $2,909,768 | $141,907 | $3,051,675 | $1,238,852 | $1,534,478 | $5,825,005 | $10,077,556 | $39,810,610 | $0 | 282.00 | 79.00 | 82.00 | 176.00 | 258.00 | 77.00 | 490,861 | 67,969 | 1,002,979 | 27,559 | 91,737 | 6,953 | 224,740 | 16 | 26 | 26 | 3,943 | 90,129 | 5,477,924 | 340,000 | 10,352,309 | 4,474,138 | 192,354 | 1,027,987 | 214,313 | 1,242,300 | 11,380,296 | 11,594,609 | 17,076 | 78,747 | 31,844 | 916,714 | 3,212 | 36,580 | 14,759 | 205,278 | 1,086 | 63,277 | 49,815 | 1,158,572 | 0Yes | 664,241 | 2,860,321 | 771,140 | 793 | CA0112 |
36San Diego | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 8Serra Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Misty | N. | Jones | Library Director | 330 PARK BLVD | SAN DIEGO | 92101 | 7416 | (619) 236-5870 | (619) 236-5800 | http://www.sandiego.gov/public-library | 342.00 | 1,406,318 | 841,825 | 64,999 | 1 | 35 | 0 | 36 | 937,710 | $46,293,499 | $633,989 | $99,150 | $7,054,119 | $54,080,757 | $107,682 | $0 | $0 | $100,633 | $6,000,000 | $6,100,633 | $20,278,959 | $15,197,005 | $35,475,964 | $1,485,465 | $327,417 | $1,812,882 | $710,474 | $382,266 | $2,905,622 | $11,040,242 | $49,421,828 | $4,910,342 | 771.00 | 109.50 | 125.57 | 350.29 | 475.86 | 42.42 | 676,458 | 134,072 | 2,491,161 | 104,880 | 162,447 | 10,346 | 166,036 | 0 | 52 | 52 | 3,591 | 91,315 | 6,591,169 | 1,007,692 | 6,083,232 | 2,784,984 | 261,741 | 239,432 | 39,055,124 | 39,294,556 | 6,322,664 | 45,377,788 | 14,156 | 11,343 | 24,404 | 579,430 | 0 | 0 | 10,161 | 175,465 | | | 34,565 | 754,895 | 0Yes | 903,967 | 11,451,560 | 189,418 | 1,172 | CA0113 |
37San Francisco | 4Municipal Library | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Luis | | Herrera | City Librarian | 100 LARKIN ST | SAN FRANCISCO | 94102 | 4705 | (415) 557-4400 | (415) 557-4400 | http://sfpl.org | 48.00 | 874,228 | 428,427 | 68,265 | 1 | 27 | 4 | 32 | 603,661 | $132,721,569 | $61,901 | $0 | $1,142,394 | $133,925,864 | $61,901 | $11,580 | $0 | $0 | $701 | $12,281 | $51,784,939 | $28,322,960 | $80,107,899 | $5,767,390 | $873,863 | $6,641,253 | $5,384,653 | $2,380,395 | $14,406,301 | $30,920,076 | $125,434,276 | $1,261,463 | 872.00 | 207.00 | 207.00 | 476.00 | 683.00 | 10.00 | 591,935 | 87,935 | 2,225,865 | 165,960 | 86,382 | 204,749 | 240,160 | 51,669 | 219 | 219 | 6,945 | 70,895 | 6,210,525 | 669,264 | 8,450,290 | 2,892,171 | 1,107,987 | 2,312,818 | 4,140,393 | 6,453,211 | 10,763,108 | 14,903,501 | 48,947 | 35,568 | 19,938 | 772,610 | 1,868 | 24,850 | 5,089 | 79,996 | 1,645 | 46,139 | 26,895 | 877,456 | 1No | 937,654 | 6,847,021 | 2,409,365 | 1,112 | CA0114 |
42Santa Clara | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Jill | A. | Bourne | City Librarian | 150 E SAN FERNANDO STREET | SAN JOSE | 95112 | 3580 | (408) 808-2000 | (408) 808-2100 | http://www.sjlibrary.org | 180.00 | 1,046,079 | 539,789 | 98,175 | 1 | 23 | 0 | 24 | 909,886 | $38,310,856 | $195,167 | $10,351 | $1,187,271 | $39,703,645 | $89,702 | $13,284,908 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $13,284,908 | $19,921,339 | $10,201,929 | $30,123,268 | $2,943,234 | $242,947 | $3,186,181 | $1,252,989 | $993,530 | $5,432,700 | $3,178,424 | $38,734,392 | $16,653,875 | 584.00 | 72.00 | 113.50 | 246.37 | 359.87 | 44.87 | 822,262 | 108,873 | 1,698,925 | 292,221 | 104,401 | 63,162 | 239,630 | 15,523 | 67 | 67 | 2,627 | 58,116 | 6,783,432 | 643,032 | 8,563,187 | 4,834,574 | 885,011 | 629,855 | 394,284 | 1,024,139 | 9,193,042 | 9,587,326 | 20,867 | 18,907 | 22,956 | 678,436 | 1,190 | 17,498 | 5,220 | 69,508 | 460 | 31,645 | 29,366 | 765,442 | 1No | 1,237,299 | 3,358,775 | 338,808 | 1,274 | CA0115 |
34San Benito | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Dee Dee | C. | Hanania | Acting Director | 801 SECOND ST. | SAN JUAN BAUTISTA | 95045 | 1420 | (831) 623-4687 | (831) 623-4687 | http://www.san-juan-bautista.ca.us/city/library.htm | 10.00 | 1,856 | 3,550 | 28 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1,500 | $56,440 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $56,440 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $37,962 | $0 | $37,962 | $400 | $1,000 | $1,400 | $0 | $0 | $1,400 | $17,000 | $56,362 | $5,500 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.70 | 0.70 | 2.00 | 1,900 | 292 | 8,060 | 0 | 116 | 0 | 913 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 1,428 | 6,563 | 28 | 6,083 | 201 | 198 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6,083 | 6,083 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 76 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 176 | 1No | 1,458 | 0 | 1,960 | 9 | CA0116 |
0Alameda | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 2Not a Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 0Non-affiliated | 1Ms. | Theresa | A | Mallon | Library Services Director | 300 ESTUDILLO AVE. | SAN LEANDRO | 94577 | 4706 | (510) 577-3980 | (510) 577-3971 | http://www.sanleandrolibrary.org | 15.00 | 88,274 | 46,438 | 11,373 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 87,315 | $4,723,908 | $39,678 | $0 | $41,000 | $4,804,586 | $39,678 | $150,000 | $0 | $0 | $43,000 | $193,000 | $1,437,370 | $2,071,423 | $3,508,793 | $305,095 | $40,641 | $345,736 | $52,000 | $57,000 | $454,736 | $125,800 | $4,089,329 | $0 | 61.00 | 18.00 | 20.00 | 19.00 | 39.00 | 20.00 | 90,628 | 11,264 | 302,977 | 2,029 | 13,913 | 536 | 19,557 | 0 | 12 | 12 | 377 | 6,729 | 885,120 | 66,395 | 470,277 | 217,698 | 32,326 | 12,834 | 5,483 | 18,317 | 483,111 | 488,594 | 0 | 0 | 1,324 | 63,582 | 76 | 3,420 | 162 | 10,943 | 3 | 645 | 1,562 | 77,945 | 0Yes | 253,830 | | | 89 | CA0117 |
39San Luis Obispo | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 0City/County | 2Black Gold Cooperative Library System | 0Mr. | Christopher | | Barnickel | Director | 995 PALM ST. | SAN LUIS OBISPO | 93401 | 3218 | (805) 781-5784 | (805) 781-5989 | http://slolibrary.org | 3,305.00 | 248,356 | 59,444 | 7,115 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 7 | 75,065 | $9,194,724 | $116,000 | $0 | $387,209 | $9,697,933 | $60,523 | $473,968 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $473,968 | $3,172,822 | $2,725,874 | $5,898,696 | $397,795 | $39,154 | $436,949 | $82,347 | $237,682 | $756,978 | $3,018,165 | $9,673,839 | $473,968 | 80.00 | 15.00 | 18.00 | 54.50 | 72.50 | 18.02 | 127,023 | 15,012 | 269,725 | 95,701 | 28,933 | 18,424 | 57,839 | 2,678 | 13 | 13 | 683 | 22,152 | 828,266 | 135,304 | 2,330,833 | 801,467 | 22,650 | 220,791 | 49,873 | 270,664 | 2,551,624 | 2,601,497 | 75,286 | 119,577 | 2,614 | 70,508 | 62 | 966 | 428 | 6,313 | -1 | | 3,104 | 77,787 | 0Yes | 90,024 | 106,957 | 61,436 | 65 | CA0118 |
40San Mateo | 5Joint Powers Authority | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Anne-Marie | | Despain | Director of Library Services | 125 LESSINGIA COURT | SAN MATEO | 94402 | 4065 | (650) 312-5258 | N/A | http://smcl.org | 351.00 | 283,572 | 169,566 | 44,456 | 0 | 12 | 1 | 13 | 132,920 | $26,392,340 | $97,732 | $0 | $2,971,010 | $29,461,082 | $50,696 | $265,878 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $265,878 | $10,788,417 | $4,359,584 | $15,148,001 | $1,054,381 | $169,696 | $1,224,077 | $1,353,495 | $366,498 | $2,944,070 | $10,237,089 | $28,329,160 | $214,740 | 122.00 | 46.25 | 46.25 | 65.70 | 111.95 | 18.67 | 218,297 | 15,113 | 474,807 | 2,024,069 | 53,756 | 27,771 | 68,103 | 6,887 | 37 | 37 | 8,952 | 30,710 | 2,207,675 | 87,152 | 3,158,606 | 895,064 | 135,395 | 242,663 | 311,774 | 554,437 | 3,401,269 | 3,713,043 | 284,717 | 121,912 | 15,004 | 515,352 | 1,203 | 29,862 | 2,909 | 37,571 | 2,153 | -1 | 19,116 | 582,785 | 1No | 327,955 | 4,652,845 | 1,933,467 | 394 | CA0120 |
40San Mateo | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 0Mr. | Ben | | Ocón | City Librarian | 55 WEST THIRD AVE | SAN MATEO | 94402 | 1513 | (650) 522-7802 | (650) 522-7818 | http://www.smplibrary.org | 15.00 | 107,344 | 68,637 | 16,700 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 105,603 | $6,160,826 | $36,554 | $0 | $505,393 | $6,702,773 | $36,555 | $1,001,369 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,001,369 | $3,334,866 | $1,089,132 | $4,423,998 | $339,828 | $41,100 | $380,928 | $142,708 | $56,023 | $579,659 | $1,699,116 | $6,702,773 | $1,001,369 | 102.00 | 15.22 | 15.22 | 35.36 | 50.58 | 7.60 | 84,591 | 10,125 | 271,630 | 290,865 | 20,021 | 53,467 | 20,758 | 0 | 28 | 28 | 387 | 7,150 | 603,760 | 52,817 | 905,238 | 463,980 | 74,480 | 76,274 | 48,386 | 124,660 | 981,512 | 1,029,898 | 122,344 | 67,249 | 1,506 | 78,100 | 74 | 1,374 | 309 | 4,782 | 78 | 6,955 | 1,889 | 84,256 | 1No | 130,123 | 260,915 | 475,933 | 128 | CA0121 |
20Marin | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Sarah | | Houghton | Library Director | 1100 E ST. | SAN RAFAEL | 94901 | 1900 | (415) 485-3323 | (415) 485-3321 | http://www.srpubliclibrary.org | 22.00 | 60,842 | 26,505 | 4,421 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 16,985 | $4,066,863 | $0 | $0 | $51,562 | $4,118,425 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,816,174 | $1,155,566 | $2,971,740 | $181,589 | $11,779 | $193,368 | $40,282 | $42,062 | $275,712 | $721,529 | $3,968,981 | $0 | 70.00 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 24.00 | 17.88 | 37,686 | 5,012 | 117,354 | 275,474 | 4,949 | 7,211 | 5,540 | 15,478 | 43 | 43 | 192 | 4,538 | 271,159 | 73,341 | 398,472 | 183,812 | 12,157 | 35,445 | 785,586 | 821,031 | 433,917 | 1,219,503 | 44,230 | 51,070 | 1,294 | 39,054 | 24 | 128 | 693 | 8,861 | 121 | 10,037 | 2,011 | 48,043 | 1No | 36,930 | 132,460 | | 26 | CA0122 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 2Not a Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 0Non-affiliated | 1Ms. | Heather | | Folmar | Library Operations Manager | 26 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA | SANTA ANA | 92701 | 4010 | (714) 647-5296 | (714) 647-5267 | http://www.santa-ana.org/library | 27.00 | 341,341 | 135,621 | 42,652 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 51,604 | $3,992,625 | $0 | $486,200 | $0 | $4,478,825 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,451,465 | $676,055 | $3,127,520 | $154,791 | $7,507 | $162,298 | $55,252 | $16,192 | $233,742 | $361,650 | $3,722,912 | $0 | 69.00 | 15.00 | 15.00 | 39.00 | 54.00 | 7.50 | 122,523 | 16,046 | 235,071 | 78,056 | 9,099 | 76 | 12,579 | 0 | 38 | 38 | 71 | 6,552 | 465,279 | 54,129 | 394,692 | 202,138 | 91,640 | 5,751 | | 5,751 | 400,443 | 400,443 | 173 | 35 | 576 | 16,918 | 924 | 18,748 | 72 | 638 | | | 1,572 | 36,304 | 0Yes | 39,395 | 120,654 | | 79 | CA0123 |
41Santa Barbara | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 2Black Gold Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Jessica | | Cadiente | Director | 40 E. ANAPAMU ST. | SANTA BARBARA | 93101 | 2722 | (805) 564-5608 | (805) 962-7653 | http://sbplibrary.org | 1,164.00 | 237,129 | 59,444 | 7,115 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 79,765 | $7,155,783 | $44,929 | $86,844 | $830,606 | $8,118,162 | $44,929 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $225,290 | $225,290 | $3,050,164 | $1,008,584 | $4,058,748 | $372,740 | $23,829 | $396,569 | $111,785 | $214,658 | $723,012 | $2,516,278 | $7,298,038 | $185,016 | 111.00 | 14.60 | 14.60 | 48.26 | 62.86 | 13.37 | 95,605 | 6,619 | 223,078 | 95,678 | 22,699 | 19,119 | 32,271 | 3,210 | 10 | 10 | 355 | 16,276 | 1,183,797 | 99,112 | 1,682,802 | 742,697 | 40,054 | 206,110 | 40,816 | 246,926 | 1,888,912 | 1,929,728 | 76,599 | 100,287 | 4,802 | 153,360 | 121 | 1,234 | 271 | 13,227 | 564 | 17,169 | 5,194 | 167,821 | 1No | 138,628 | 448,210 | | 84 | CA0124 |
42Santa Clara | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Hilary | G | Keith | City Librarian | 2635 HOMESTEAD ROAD | SANTA CLARA | 95051 | 5322 | (408) 615-2930 | (408) 615-2900 | http://sclibrary.org | 19.00 | 123,983 | 113,451 | 16,176 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 105,125 | $9,895,172 | $103,999 | $0 | $226,543 | $10,225,714 | $56,403 | $3,051,250 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,051,250 | $4,680,394 | $2,076,785 | $6,757,179 | $578,208 | $36,800 | $615,008 | $153,035 | $132,993 | $901,036 | $1,355,794 | $9,014,009 | $221,654 | 122.00 | 20.45 | 20.45 | 49.98 | 70.43 | 8.08 | 171,949 | 15,305 | 399,558 | 274,769 | 21,147 | 10,366,530 | 30,856 | 37,170 | 41 | 41 | 541 | 7,302 | 1,253,435 | 99,086 | 2,589,521 | 1,505,809 | 34,112 | 146,760 | | 146,760 | 2,736,281 | 2,736,281 | 14,863 | 9,973 | 1,102 | 106,786 | 148 | 5,085 | 487 | 39,843 | 37 | 2,933 | 1,737 | 151,714 | 1No | 112,480 | 1,938,961 | 342,787 | 206 | CA0125 |
42Santa Clara | 5Joint Powers Authority | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 4Multi-jurisdictional | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Nancy | | Howe | County Librarian | 1370 DELL AVENUE | CAMPBELL | 95008 | 1817 | (408) 293-2326 | (408) 293-2326 | http://www.sccl.org | 1,046.00 | 439,004 | 304,620 | 52,428 | 0 | 8 | 2 | 10 | 299,250 | $43,708,832 | $83,203 | $47,374 | $3,372,962 | $47,212,371 | $47,596 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $16,860,753 | $10,836,828 | $27,697,581 | $2,526,158 | $181,430 | $2,707,588 | $1,371,555 | $1,344,507 | $5,423,650 | $11,934,684 | $45,055,915 | $0 | 370.00 | 82.26 | 86.26 | 182.70 | 268.96 | 27.33 | 929,130 | 64,957 | 1,711,147 | 107,832 | 151,665 | 22,396 | 274,407 | 449 | 86 | 86 | 2,410 | 23,046 | 3,225,359 | 336,737 | 8,383,305 | 4,723,264 | 594,422 | 520,317 | 1,689,636 | 2,209,953 | 8,903,622 | 10,593,258 | 1,426 | 632 | 5,932 | 321,840 | 813 | 19,022 | 2,167 | 47,098 | 603 | 44,002 | 8,912 | 387,960 | 1No | 481,337 | 2,628,509 | 1,500,600 | 261 | CA0126 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 3Dr. | Matthew | | Hortt | City Librarian | 23743 VALENCIA BLVD. | SANTA CLARITA | 91355 | 2105 | (661) 799-6132 | (661) 259-0750 | http://www.santaclaritalibrary.com | 58.00 | 216,350 | 136,847 | 35,721 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 71,066 | $6,415,945 | $0 | $0 | $264,574 | $6,680,519 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $129,893 | $55,559 | $185,452 | $419,160 | $12,757 | $431,917 | $266,141 | $55,450 | $753,508 | $5,325,721 | $6,264,681 | $42,945 | 70.00 | 17.50 | 17.50 | 36.50 | 54.00 | 7.50 | 136,309 | 12,120 | 304,033 | 19,760 | 16,237 | 3,802 | 27,105 | 1,190 | 40 | 40 | 189 | 9,528 | 758,843 | 68,553 | 1,139,399 | 634,023 | 10,292 | 130,817 | 251,227 | 382,044 | 1,270,216 | 1,521,443 | 176,776 | 127,614 | 2,526 | 66,540 | 363 | 4,875 | 810 | 10,148 | 158 | 13,895 | 3,699 | 81,563 | 0Yes | 133,484 | 196,003 | 61,814 | 169 | CA0210 |
43Santa Cruz | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 0City/County | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Susan | M. | Nemitz | Library Director | 117 UNION STREET | SANTA CRUZ | 95060 | 3873 | (831) 427-7706 | (831) 427-7707 | http://www.santacruzpl.org/ | 436.00 | 223,269 | 141,916 | 12,712 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 11 | 99,863 | $13,706,409 | $16,205 | $2,400 | $299,400 | $14,024,414 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $6,250,567 | $2,716,141 | $8,966,708 | $590,612 | $90,952 | $681,564 | $539,250 | $210,684 | $1,431,498 | $3,347,458 | $13,745,664 | $501,978 | 97.00 | 24.00 | 24.00 | 64.50 | 88.50 | 6.25 | 116,606 | 12,465 | 351,997 | 108,598 | 30,346 | 31,262 | 26,408 | 6,557 | 55 | 55 | 971 | 19,234 | 1,091,702 | 334,301 | 1,696,536 | 689,125 | 61,965 | 135,790 | 1,099,616 | 1,235,406 | 1,832,326 | 2,931,942 | 1,433 | 267 | 2,128 | 72,836 | 132 | 2,392 | 739 | -1 | | | 2,999 | 75,227 | 0Yes | 138,342 | 1,326,710 | | 124 | CA0127 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Joyce | | Ryan | Library Director | 11700 E. TELEGRAPH RD. | SANTA FE SPRINGS | 90670 | 3600 | (562) 868-7738 | (562) 868-7738 | http://www.sfslibrary.org | 9.00 | 18,291 | 36,679 | 11,537 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 16,300 | $1,669,416 | $29,484 | $0 | $54,700 | $1,753,600 | $29,484 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $778,900 | $694,000 | $1,472,900 | $54,400 | $8,000 | $62,400 | $43,000 | $15,000 | $120,400 | $160,300 | $1,753,600 | $0 | 23.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 11.50 | 15.50 | 4.00 | 24,116 | 2,427 | 61,426 | 5,262 | 3,343 | 3,034 | 7,842 | 3,347 | 41 | 41 | 118 | 3,900 | 144,450 | 34,817 | 173,387 | 63,338 | 5,756 | 1,245 | 460 | 1,705 | 174,632 | 175,092 | 25 | 35 | 1,822 | 48,574 | 37 | 612 | 130 | 2,135 | 0 | 0 | 1,989 | 51,321 | 0Yes | 21,926 | | | 31 | CA0128 |
41Santa Barbara | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 2Black Gold Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Mary | | Housel | City Librarian | 421 S. MCCLELLAND ST. | SANTA MARIA | 93454 | 5116 | (805) 925-0994 | (805) 925-0994 | http://www.cityofsantamaria.org/library | 1,260.00 | 153,283 | 35,454 | 7,454 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 69,292 | $3,041,930 | $32,661 | $5,000 | $409,315 | $3,488,906 | $32,661 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,374,430 | $542,717 | $1,917,147 | $89,162 | $11,674 | $100,836 | $76,323 | $25,121 | $202,280 | $812,684 | $2,932,111 | $0 | 64.00 | 6.00 | 7.00 | 34.68 | 41.68 | 15.00 | 52,622 | 8,043 | 176,546 | 104,331 | 13,859 | 30,594 | 17,773 | 8,932 | 11 | 11 | 264 | 8,216 | 355,736 | 44,162 | 497,590 | 214,842 | 24,219 | 47,640 | 3,158 | 50,798 | 545,230 | 548,388 | 68,246 | 29,374 | 714 | 17,166 | 49 | 438 | 55 | 1,067 | 37 | 1,180 | 818 | 18,671 | 0Yes | 61,896 | 46,063 | | 76 | CA0129 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 0Non-affiliated | 1Ms. | Patty | | Wong | Director of Library Services | 601 SANTA MONICA BLVD | SANTA MONICA | 90401 | 2501 | (310) 458-8600 | (310) 434-2608 | http://www.smpl.org | 8.00 | 93,834 | 69,969 | 4,371 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 136,376 | $12,756,502 | $38,000 | $41,500 | $397,600 | $13,233,602 | $38,000 | $244,673 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $244,673 | $7,127,037 | $2,724,116 | $9,851,153 | $538,877 | $87,563 | $626,440 | $327,749 | $179,135 | $1,133,324 | $1,502,425 | $12,486,902 | $119,726 | 207.00 | 41.27 | 41.27 | 71.23 | 112.50 | 5.37 | 114,383 | 16,960 | 361,979 | 220,957 | 24,159 | 335,566 | 39,050 | 15,685 | 27 | 27 | 642 | 12,983 | 1,257,746 | 131,058 | 1,357,624 | 425,150 | 62,972 | 121,790 | 126,739 | 248,529 | 1,479,414 | 1,606,153 | 2,109 | 178 | 2,426 | 89,298 | 185 | 2,862 | 886 | 26,632 | 156 | 13,030 | 3,497 | 118,792 | 1No | 173,702 | 960,649 | 90,348 | 160 | CA0130 |
20Marin | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | Abbot | | Chambers | City Librarian | 420 LITHO ST. | SAUSALITO | 94965 | 1933 | (415) 289-4121 | (415) 289-4120 | http://www.sausalitolibrary.org | 2.00 | 7,327 | 4,846 | 276 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6,250 | $888,653 | $28,830 | $0 | $12,828 | $930,311 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $534,912 | $171,794 | $706,706 | $69,400 | $9,022 | $78,422 | $8,638 | $12,134 | $99,194 | $124,411 | $930,311 | $0 | 28.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 9.00 | 0.50 | 8,991 | 1,223 | 45,718 | 86,379 | 2,603 | 7,211 | 4,031 | 176 | 31 | 31 | 126 | 3,144 | 124,442 | 4,691 | 128,372 | 28,001 | 404 | 7,429 | 981 | 8,410 | 135,801 | 136,782 | 29,627 | 15,645 | 372 | 14,758 | 0 | 0 | 89 | 2,792 | 0 | 0 | 461 | 17,550 | 1No | 14,924 | 31,995 | | 8 | CA0132 |
44Shasta | 4Municipal Library | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | VACANT | | VACANT | Library Director | 1100 PARKVIEW | REDDING | 96001 | 3231 | (530) 245-7260 | (530) 245-7252 | http://www.shastalibraries.org | 3,850.00 | 178,605 | 82,234 | 32,536 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 63,969 | $2,109,993 | $53,929 | $2,430 | $93,997 | $2,260,349 | $33,889 | $84,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $84,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $153,294 | $8,959 | $162,253 | $68,304 | $17,001 | $247,558 | $2,026,803 | $2,274,361 | $95,247 | 33.00 | 4.50 | 5.00 | 18.00 | 23.00 | 7.71 | 47,102 | 8,797 | 167,432 | 8,380 | 13,536 | 702 | 10,317 | 100 | 13 | 13 | 199 | 6,656 | 1,296,126 | 135,196 | 508,259 | 231,116 | 693 | 18,596 | 45,652 | 64,248 | 526,855 | 572,507 | 0 | 0 | 968 | 34,304 | 78 | 847 | 274 | 2,879 | 27 | 3,796 | 1,320 | 38,030 | 0Yes | 79,746 | 259,668 | 25,185 | 90 | CA0133 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Jill | H | Schofield | Acting Library Services Manager | 440 W. SIERRA MADRE BLVD. | SIERRA MADRE | 91024 | 2399 | (626) 355-7186 | (626) 355-7186 | www.cityofsierramadre.com/departments/library | 3.00 | 11,010 | 11,574 | 2,403 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8,762 | $740,340 | $0 | $0 | $54,300 | $794,640 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $462,749 | $138,331 | $601,080 | $58,699 | $7,171 | $65,870 | $22,767 | $15,118 | $103,755 | $72,247 | $777,082 | $0 | 17.00 | 3.80 | 5.00 | 3.80 | 8.80 | 2.55 | 15,684 | 1,446 | 41,680 | 9,773 | 2,817 | 5,298 | 3,012 | 58 | 8 | 8 | 95 | 2,310 | 81,279 | 5,237 | 94,119 | 55,531 | 1,603 | 3,710 | 462 | 4,172 | 97,829 | 98,291 | 38 | 77 | 574 | 21,988 | 55 | 545 | 47 | 1,158 | 5 | 570 | 676 | 23,691 | 1No | 6,871 | | 34,875 | 8 | CA0134 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 0Mr. | Charles | | Hughes | Acting Librarian | 1780 East Hill St. | SIGNAL HILL | 90755 | 3632 | (562) 989-7323 | (562) 989-7323 | http://www.cityofsignalhill.org/library | 2.00 | 11,609 | 9,591 | 2,740 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2,320 | $405,965 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $405,965 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $243,420 | $88,070 | $331,490 | $30,000 | $2,166 | $32,166 | $0 | $8,294 | $40,460 | $34,015 | $405,965 | $0 | 11.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 4.00 | 5.00 | 0.25 | 5,588 | 1,161 | 17,862 | 0 | 613 | 0 | 1,877 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 45 | 2,046 | 23,641 | 795 | 28,248 | 9,157 | 424 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28,248 | 28,248 | 108 | 488 | 242 | 8,022 | 25 | 191 | 24 | 432 | 0 | 0 | 291 | 8,645 | 0Yes | 4,856 | 3,416 | 3,215 | 6 | CA0166 |
54Ventura | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 2Not a Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 0Non-affiliated | 1Ms. | Kelly | T. | Behle | Library Director | 2969 TAPO CANYON RD | SIMI VALLEY | 93063 | 2117 | (805) 526-1735 | (805) 526-1735 | www.simivalleylibrary.org | 41.00 | 127,309 | 37,860 | 6,154 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 35,000 | $2,286,500 | $0 | $19,200 | $49,795 | $2,355,495 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $455,000 | $0 | $455,000 | $102,323 | $6,000 | $108,323 | $121,116 | $21,897 | $251,336 | $1,439,553 | $2,145,889 | $0 | 25.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 12.00 | 16.00 | 8.50 | 56,606 | 11,052 | 137,009 | 2,476 | 3,959 | 349 | 7,252 | 0 | 21 | 21 | 85 | 2,860 | 162,899 | 10,180 | 285,089 | 162,526 | 2,187 | 5,462 | 721 | 6,183 | 290,551 | 291,272 | 25,913 | 44,877 | 1,202 | 39,192 | 49 | 776 | 85 | 1,845 | 13 | 5,647 | 1,336 | 41,813 | 0Yes | 23,674 | 145,636 | | 28 | CA0211 |
45Siskiyou | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | Michael | | Perry | County Librarian | 719 FOURTH ST. | YREKA | 96097 | 3302 | (530) 842-8807 | (530) 842-8807 | http://www.siskiyoulibrary.info | 6,267.00 | 44,688 | 10,363 | 2,514 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 30,252 | $565,937 | $18,000 | $0 | $178,547 | $762,484 | $18,000 | $30,269 | $0 | $0 | $50,000 | $80,269 | $170,563 | $119,931 | $290,494 | $61,613 | $0 | $61,613 | $19,068 | $25,568 | $106,249 | $365,741 | $762,484 | $80,269 | 4.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 4.00 | 4.10 | 24,991 | 2,863 | 87,016 | 5,412 | 4,373 | 2,617 | 11,104 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 337 | 14,216 | | | 171,700 | 37,022 | 227 | 3,322 | | 3,322 | 175,022 | 175,022 | 215 | 9 | -4 | -4 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | | | -6 | -6 | 0Yes | 35,048 | | | 57 | CA0135 |
46Solano | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 4Multi-jurisdictional | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Bonnie | A. | Katz | Director | 1150 KENTUCKY ST. | FAIRFIELD | 94533 | 9988 | (707) 784-1500 | N/A | http://solanolibrary.com/ | 631.00 | 379,992 | 121,125 | 9,724 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 8 | 138,774 | $18,990,224 | $100,904 | $0 | $409,680 | $19,500,808 | $69,944 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $7,939,371 | $4,079,072 | $12,018,443 | $444,672 | $38,909 | $483,581 | $218,916 | $319,259 | $1,021,756 | $4,569,505 | $17,609,704 | $0 | 223.00 | 37.50 | 37.50 | 74.25 | 111.75 | 16.75 | 193,008 | 31,334 | 433,320 | 10,054 | 48,517 | 7,869 | 90,130 | 2,930 | 24 | 24 | 900 | 22,736 | 1,323,372 | 153,447 | 1,591,922 | 636,626 | 28,026 | 62,446 | 184,043 | 246,489 | 1,654,368 | 1,838,411 | 72,859 | 62,864 | 4,334 | 175,222 | 347 | 9,872 | 1,137 | 23,749 | | | 5,818 | 208,843 | 1No | 284,851 | 407,405 | 209,520 | 316 | CA0136 |
47Sonoma | 5Joint Powers Authority | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 4Multi-jurisdictional | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Tracy | | Gray | Interim Director | 211 E STREET | SANTA ROSA | 95404 | 4400 | (707) 545-0831 | (707) 545-0831 | http://sonomalibrary.org | 1,608.00 | 505,120 | 262,570 | 53,758 | 1 | 11 | 0 | 12 | 200,547 | $18,967,726 | $44,876 | $27,000 | $650,452 | $19,690,054 | $44,876 | $970,682 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $970,682 | $9,174,091 | $4,190,259 | $13,364,350 | $805,021 | $105,075 | $910,096 | $428,886 | $548,575 | $1,887,557 | $3,525,459 | $18,777,366 | $970,682 | 187.00 | 49.50 | 49.50 | 110.97 | 160.47 | 18.30 | 255,143 | 30,533 | 686,049 | 216,488 | 35,466 | 52,982 | 50,065 | 32,565 | 54 | 54 | 1,504 | 27,441 | 2,113,767 | 186,108 | 2,870,875 | 1,137,737 | 80,830 | 302,035 | 399,132 | 701,167 | 3,172,910 | 3,572,042 | 121,567 | 156,487 | 5,208 | 159,734 | 425 | 12,754 | 935 | 24,696 | 245 | 25,769 | 6,568 | 197,184 | 1No | 210,787 | 2,265,715 | 157,100 | 277 | CA0137 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 0Mr. | Steven | W. | Fjeldsted | Director of Library, Arts & Culture | 1100 OXLEY ST. | SOUTH PASADENA | 91030 | 3198 | (626) 403-7330 | (626) 403-7350 | www.southpasadenaca.gov/library | 3.00 | 25,992 | 39,894 | 4,759 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 24,500 | $1,706,156 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,706,156 | | $54,600 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $54,600 | $959,826 | $293,184 | $1,253,010 | $134,246 | $14,449 | $148,695 | $37,795 | $22,880 | $209,370 | $205,740 | $1,668,120 | $0 | 44.00 | 7.40 | 7.40 | 11.70 | 19.10 | 3.49 | 44,483 | 5,942 | 118,375 | 9,965 | 11,801 | 6,139 | 10,514 | 30 | 18 | 18 | 221 | 2,679 | 233,259 | 14,282 | 332,343 | 175,171 | 6,266 | 7,923 | | 7,923 | 340,266 | 340,266 | 167 | 48 | 554 | 39,290 | 6 | 275 | 189 | 5,339 | 20 | 3,937 | 749 | 44,904 | 1No | 20,000 | | | 8 | CA0138 |
40San Mateo | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Valerie | | Sommer | Library Director | 840 W. ORANGE AVE. | SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO | 94080 | 3125 | (650) 829-3860 | (650) 829-3860 | http://www.ssf.net/library | 10.00 | 65,451 | 32,926 | 9,662 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 43,006 | $4,806,647 | $138,266 | $60,946 | $318,069 | $5,323,928 | $64,016 | $713,817 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $713,817 | $2,236,208 | $1,388,784 | $3,624,992 | $189,318 | $13,632 | $202,950 | $59,840 | $137,069 | $399,859 | $939,317 | $4,964,168 | $713,817 | 105.00 | 13.46 | 13.46 | 26.10 | 39.56 | 4.78 | 37,024 | 3,794 | 91,015 | 68,482 | 12,012 | 6,283 | 24,103 | 0 | 22 | 22 | 209 | 6,180 | 423,815 | 7,909 | 546,649 | 187,567 | 6,210 | 21,537 | 20,090 | 41,627 | 568,186 | 588,276 | 82,253 | 43,701 | 2,446 | 95,360 | 52 | 1,769 | 691 | 7,168 | 280 | 14,676 | 3,189 | 104,297 | 1No | 59,941 | | 421,593 | 129 | CA0139 |
27Napa | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Christina | | Kreiden | Library Director | 1492 LIBRARY LANE | ST. HELENA | 94574 | 1143 | (707) 963-5244 | (707) 963-5244 | http://www.shpl.org/ | 4.00 | 6,033 | 7,634 | 1,044 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 18,335 | $808,708 | $5,303 | $0 | $214,920 | $1,028,931 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $494,057 | $263,319 | $757,376 | $40,620 | $5,167 | $45,787 | $26,566 | $35,136 | $107,489 | $164,066 | $1,028,931 | $0 | 13.00 | 2.00 | 3.00 | 5.00 | 8.00 | 0.62 | 25,691 | 2,114 | 56,544 | 5,659 | 6,596 | 2,867 | 10,350 | 0 | 25 | 25 | 86 | 2,254 | 110,245 | 11,842 | 158,982 | 63,154 | 7,812 | 3,674 | 8,541 | 12,215 | 162,656 | 171,197 | 33,429 | 18,459 | 1,166 | 20,242 | 0 | 0 | 119 | 1,962 | 263 | 4,847 | 1,285 | 22,204 | 1No | 10,666 | 38,215 | | 15 | CA0141 |
48Stanislaus | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 149-99 Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Diane | | McDonnell | County Librarian | 1500 I ST. | MODESTO | 95354 | 1166 | (209) 558-7801 | (209) 558-7814 | http://stanislauslibrary.org | 1,521.00 | 548,057 | 424,013 | 36,275 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 6 | 148,547 | $10,686,868 | $235,126 | $4,207 | $634,361 | $11,560,562 | $235,126 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4,945,941 | $2,163,130 | $7,109,071 | $524,166 | $5,732 | $529,898 | $165,759 | $93,873 | $789,530 | $3,489,055 | $11,387,656 | $326,206 | 170.00 | 16.00 | 19.00 | 121.80 | 140.80 | 6.20 | 257,996 | 30,315 | 561,335 | 231,509 | 15,793 | 323,681 | 32,320 | 33,810 | 24 | 24 | 373 | 29,016 | 2,337,754 | 124,826 | 1,611,024 | 835,357 | 42,515 | 106,600 | 9,350 | 115,950 | 1,717,624 | 1,726,974 | 2,120 | 806 | 5,324 | 178,418 | 138 | 1,040 | 402 | 4,737 | 315 | 13,207 | 5,864 | 184,195 | 0Yes | 173,798 | 1,908,374 | 150,106 | 139 | CA0140 |
38San Joaquin | 4Municipal Library | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 0City/County | 149-99 Cooperative Library System | 0Mr. | John | | Alita | Director of Community Services | 605 N. EL DORADO ST. | STOCKTON | 95202 | 1999 | (209) 937-8362 | (209) 937-8221 | http://www.ssjcpl.org | 1,409.00 | 682,810 | 190,049 | 36,140 | 1 | 12 | 1 | 14 | 180,333 | $9,360,508 | $33,462 | $0 | $421,407 | $9,815,377 | $33,462 | $741,039 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $741,039 | $4,157,216 | $1,892,425 | $6,049,641 | $601,100 | $58,900 | $660,000 | $302,000 | $111,500 | $1,073,500 | $4,602,398 | $11,725,539 | $490,585 | 158.00 | 21.00 | 22.00 | 45.00 | 67.00 | 6.00 | 287,805 | 45,392 | 718,393 | 2,718 | 28,454 | 1,254 | 42,163 | 0 | 51 | 51 | 718 | 23,339 | 773,374 | 140,784 | 1,283,323 | 722,309 | 26,594 | 57,702 | 115,824 | 173,526 | 1,341,025 | 1,456,849 | 10,352 | 16,010 | 4,814 | 144,296 | 418 | 3,364 | 614 | 7,554 | 340 | 21,613 | 5,846 | 155,214 | 0Yes | 150,695 | 524,675 | | 217 | CA0142 |
42Santa Clara | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Cynthia | | Bojorquez | Director of Library and Community Services | 665 W. OLIVE AVE. | SUNNYVALE | 94086 | 7622 | (408) 730-7314 | (408) 730-7300 | http://www.sunnyvalelibrary.org | 25.00 | 149,831 | 133,055 | 8,289 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 60,800 | $8,528,599 | $3,360 | $0 | $249,836 | $8,781,795 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,740,638 | $2,250,357 | $4,990,995 | $424,474 | $16,920 | $441,394 | $270,699 | $141,198 | $853,291 | $2,937,509 | $8,781,795 | $0 | 89.00 | 18.44 | 19.44 | 32.04 | 51.48 | 1.06 | 107,758 | 8,978 | 245,296 | 294,255 | 14,625 | 301,407 | 30,309 | 15,229 | 47 | 47 | 227 | 3,292 | 683,739 | 95,602 | 2,079,013 | 1,182,012 | 131,469 | 97,333 | 114,482 | 211,815 | 2,176,346 | 2,290,828 | 9,079 | 18,883 | 974 | 77,700 | 127 | 3,526 | 374 | 11,281 | 161 | 8,704 | 1,475 | 92,507 | 1No | 77,208 | 206,770 | | 55 | CA0143 |
49Sutter | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | James | | Ochsner | Director of Library Services | 750 FORBES AVE. | YUBA CITY | 95991 | 3891 | (530) 822-7137 | -1 | http://www.co.sutter.ca.us/doc/government/depts/library/library | 681.00 | 96,956 | 45,083 | 12,033 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 26,554 | $1,011,163 | $39,482 | $243,515 | $109,167 | $1,403,327 | $34,482 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $655,857 | $345,250 | $1,001,107 | $45,824 | $5,327 | $51,151 | $5,293 | $2,640 | $59,084 | $343,138 | $1,403,329 | $0 | 15.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 11.00 | 12.00 | 6.00 | 38,336 | 3,951 | 113,427 | 5,412 | 1,001 | 2,617 | 3,779 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 89 | 4,136 | 510,003 | 3,065 | 296,021 | 135,840 | 782 | 5,236 | 623 | 5,859 | 301,257 | 301,880 | 36,174 | 43,093 | 616 | 37,600 | 185 | 1,628 | 1,205 | 40,120 | 134 | 2,995 | 2,006 | 79,348 | 0Yes | 113,959 | 29,154 | 18,523 | 48 | CA0144 |
50Tehama | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | Todd | P. | Deck | County Librarian | 645 MADISON ST. | RED BLUFF | 96080 | 3383 | (530) 527-0604 | (530) 527-0604 | http://www.tehamacountylibrary.org | 2,951.00 | 63,995 | 16,431 | 3,521 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 24,140 | $565,657 | $12,000 | $0 | $0 | $577,657 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $277,882 | $174,034 | $451,916 | $9,683 | $250 | $9,933 | $1,500 | $2,250 | $13,683 | $0 | $465,599 | $0 | 8.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 | 4.00 | 7.00 | 3.00 | 20,543 | 2,735 | 155,545 | 75,742 | 2,322 | 2,101 | 2,442 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 50 | 2,874 | 97,668 | 3,312 | 155,378 | 43,213 | 656 | 2,890 | -1 | 2,889 | 158,268 | 158,267 | 90 | 267 | 376 | 11,276 | 6 | 120 | 72 | 2,394 | 10 | 349 | 454 | 13,790 | 0Yes | 8,284 | 41,015 | -1 | 21 | CA0145 |
54Ventura | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Heather | J | Cousin | Library Services Director | 1401 E. JANSS RD. | THOUSAND OAKS | 91362 | 2199 | (805) 449-2660 | (805) 449-7912 | http://www.tolibrary.org | 56.00 | 131,457 | 142,377 | 10,380 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 106,460 | $7,694,501 | $12,000 | $0 | $162,232 | $7,868,733 | | $814,825 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $814,825 | $3,264,876 | $1,383,423 | $4,648,299 | $309,562 | $89,046 | $398,608 | $280,128 | $48,152 | $726,888 | $938,005 | $6,313,192 | $814,825 | 113.00 | 18.63 | 18.63 | 47.63 | 66.26 | 10.43 | 145,979 | 15,413 | 343,814 | 16,873 | 18,069 | 7,281 | 34,429 | 3,050 | 116 | 116 | 395 | 5,309 | 827,695 | 69,512 | 792,678 | 415,676 | 11,623 | 63,251 | 385,396 | 448,647 | 855,929 | 1,241,325 | 318 | 378 | 692 | 47,540 | 14 | 784 | 300 | 6,000 | 31 | 64 | 1,006 | 54,324 | 0Yes | 100,531 | 1,378,400 | 87,057 | 73 | CA0169 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Hillary | A. | Theyer | City Librarian | 3301 TORRANCE BLVD. | TORRANCE | 90503 | 5059 | (310) 618-5950 | (310) 781-7599 | http://www.Library.TorranceCA.gov | 21.00 | 147,101 | 124,595 | 10,254 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 96,104 | $7,674,827 | $0 | $0 | $128,000 | $7,802,827 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $5,841,567 | $-1 | $5,841,566 | $325,000 | $68,000 | $393,000 | $90,000 | $108,000 | $591,000 | $1,370,260 | $7,802,826 | $0 | 110.00 | 21.00 | 22.00 | 51.00 | 73.00 | 15.00 | 162,627 | 16,781 | 367,150 | 3,799 | 32,279 | 587 | 37,755 | 0 | 15 | 15 | 602 | 13,980 | 690,104 | 124,654 | 1,291,749 | 676,082 | 44,914 | 14,438 | 323,843 | 338,281 | 1,306,187 | 1,630,030 | 423 | 461 | 1,350 | 65,672 | 82 | 942 | 262 | 5,766 | 30 | 1,820 | 1,694 | 72,380 | 1No | 86,957 | 545,735 | | 80 | CA0146 |
51Trinity | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Kacy | L. | Guill | County Librarian | 351 MAIN ST. | WEAVERVILLE | 96093 | 1226 | (530) 623-1373 | (530) 623-1373 | http://library.trinitycounty.org | 3,222.60 | 13,628 | 5,870 | 1,024 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 11,442 | $325,850 | $4,225 | $0 | $0 | $330,075 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $126,394 | $108,289 | $234,683 | $0 | $52 | $52 | $876 | $0 | $928 | $84,183 | $319,794 | $0 | 6.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 2.05 | 3.05 | 1.25 | 10,319 | 969 | 36,824 | 4,622 | 1,813 | 2,267 | 4,694 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 42 | 2,006 | 29,775 | | 32,972 | 7,142 | 0 | 1,356 | | 1,356 | 34,328 | 34,328 | 53 | 263 | 104 | 1,596 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 104 | 1,596 | 0Yes | -1 | | 839 | 14 | CA0147 |
52Tulare | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Darla | | Wegener | County Librarian | 200 W. OAK AVE. | VISALIA | 93291 | 4993 | (559) 713-2720 | (559) 713-2703 | http://www.tularecountylibrary.org | 4,824.30 | 347,273 | 57,751 | 11,665 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 81,915 | $4,080,225 | $60,271 | $0 | $89,406 | $4,229,902 | $60,271 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,610,734 | $551,301 | $2,162,035 | $198,775 | $22,399 | $221,174 | $56,699 | $60,677 | $338,550 | $1,729,317 | $4,229,902 | $0 | 50.00 | 9.00 | 10.00 | 35.80 | 45.80 | 6.02 | 111,078 | 14,154 | 285,453 | 19,502 | 6,255 | 3,531 | 11,151 | 0 | 41 | 41 | 133 | 23,972 | 306,592 | 45,084 | 587,695 | 229,187 | 11,179 | 39,016 | 212,312 | 251,328 | 626,711 | 839,023 | 49,378 | 67,600 | 5,182 | 57,462 | 133 | 741 | 293 | 2,791 | 41 | 1,205 | 5,608 | 60,994 | 0Yes | 54,646 | 590,700 | 7,560 | 93 | CA0148 |
52Tulare | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 9San Joaquin Valley Library System | 1Ms. | Heidi | G | Clark | Library Manager | 475 NORTH M STREET | TULARE | 93274 | 3857 | (559) 685-4505 | (559) 685-4503 | http://www.tularepubliclibrary.org | 16.00 | 64,661 | 29,307 | 8,030 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 31,408 | $1,325,350 | $0 | $8,800 | $11,000 | $1,345,150 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $447,937 | $283,118 | $731,055 | $27,616 | $7,377 | $34,993 | $21,704 | $21,945 | $78,642 | $377,314 | $1,187,011 | $0 | 16.00 | 2.00 | 4.00 | 11.00 | 15.00 | 6.25 | 22,731 | 4,867 | 103,542 | 7,316 | 9,798 | 1,629 | 6,776 | 131 | 29 | 29 | 93 | 2,169 | 155,689 | 42,350 | 202,501 | 61,955 | 3,546 | 8,333 | 13,976 | 22,309 | 210,834 | 224,810 | 22,615 | 18,171 | 576 | 13,806 | 58 | 1,115 | 320 | 6,545 | 75 | 2,739 | 954 | 21,466 | 0Yes | 28,807 | 70,394 | 4,100 | 30 | CA0149 |
53Tuolumne | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 149-99 Cooperative Library System | 1Ms. | Maggie | | Durgin | County Librarian | 480 GREENLEY RD. | SONORA | 95370 | 5956 | (209) 533-5507 | (209) 694-2722 | http://www.tuolumnecounty.ca.gov/library | 2,217.00 | 54,707 | 33,400 | 4,459 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 25,728 | $1,039,378 | $25,092 | $0 | $41,043 | $1,105,513 | $25,092 | $4,364 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $4,364 | $518,234 | $348,831 | $867,065 | $56,878 | $12,877 | $69,755 | $15,209 | $5,767 | $90,731 | $147,717 | $1,105,513 | $0 | 19.00 | 2.00 | 2.00 | 9.75 | 11.75 | 4.19 | 25,448 | 3,424 | 79,593 | 1,777 | 2,580 | 0 | 2,961 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 224 | 5,523 | 162,866 | 6,181 | 147,395 | 41,829 | 199 | 4,921 | 300 | 5,221 | 152,316 | 152,616 | 641 | 689 | 996 | 21,476 | 0 | 0 | 131 | 969 | 54 | 1,210 | 1,127 | 22,445 | 0Yes | 26,732 | 16,803 | | 28 | CA0150 |
35San Bernardino | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 1Ms. | Yuri | | Hurtado | Director | 450 N. EUCLID AVE | UPLAND | 91786 | 4732 | (909) 931-4200 | (909) 931-4205 | http://www.uplandpl.lib.ca.us/#Library | 15.00 | 76,790 | 71,333 | 18,781 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 25,210 | $1,156,000 | $29,000 | $0 | $0 | $1,185,000 | $27,068 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $80,100 | $2,000 | $82,100 | $41,400 | $0 | $123,500 | $1,000,000 | $1,123,500 | $0 | 19.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 14.00 | 18.00 | 8.00 | 35,894 | 5,720 | 93,246 | 9,937 | 6,304 | 5,378 | 2,969 | 262 | 10 | 10 | 45 | 2,608 | 250,458 | 8,264 | 163,076 | 88,960 | 2,847 | 5,971 | | 5,971 | 169,047 | 169,047 | 0 | 0 | 496 | 13,266 | 72 | 1,309 | 152 | 3,051 | 8 | 909 | 720 | 17,626 | 0Yes | 29,050 | | | 19 | CA0151 |
54Ventura | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Jackie | Y. | Griffin | Library Director | 5600 EVERGLADES ST. SUITE A | VENTURA | 93003 | 6591 | (805) 677-7150 | N/A | http://www.vencolibrary.org | 1,809.00 | 253,743 | 313,697 | 93,602 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 84,409 | $7,118,067 | $191,803 | $70,048 | $747,342 | $8,127,260 | $49,279 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,358,650 | $1,675,612 | $5,034,262 | $347,402 | $25,249 | $372,651 | $289,262 | $85,266 | $747,179 | $2,457,240 | $8,238,681 | $69,066 | 76.00 | 14.00 | 14.00 | 46.88 | 60.88 | 4.54 | 135,341 | 22,338 | 384,554 | 176,747 | 13,292 | 39,248 | 22,823 | 65,856 | 46 | 46 | 329 | 21,164 | 701,546 | 80,245 | 571,167 | 262,573 | 9,358 | 583,188 | 105,551 | 688,739 | 1,154,355 | 1,259,906 | 468 | 863 | 8,030 | 123,324 | 151 | 1,260 | 769 | 6,524 | 1,560 | 17,623 | 8,950 | 131,108 | 1No | 61,471 | 1,593,453 | 305,684 | 103 | CA0152 |
35San Bernardino | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 3Inland Library System | 0Mr. | Christian | | Guntert | Director of Community Services | 15011 CIRCLE DRIVE | VICTORVILLE | 92395 | 3914 | (760) 245-4222 | (760) 245-4222 | http://www.victorvilleca.gov/Site/CityDepartments2.aspx?id=148 | 74.00 | 123,565 | 51,812 | 2,949 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9,000 | $675,999 | $0 | $0 | $40,000 | $715,999 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $388,360 | $55,886 | $444,246 | $76,970 | $3,596 | $80,566 | $14,187 | $10,539 | $105,292 | $127,857 | $677,395 | $0 | 14.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 9.00 | 10.00 | 6.00 | 21,642 | 5,682 | 64,242 | 0 | 4,562 | 4,535 | 6,776 | 0 | 11 | 11 | 25 | 3,100 | 204,099 | 7,400 | 140,287 | 74,809 | 2,832 | 1,599 | | 1,599 | 141,886 | 141,886 | 17,876 | 22,881 | 420 | 15,418 | 30 | 704 | 91 | 989 | 15 | 1,589 | 541 | 17,111 | 1No | 55,871 | | | 33 | CA0207 |
43Santa Cruz | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 5Pacific Library Partnership | 1Ms. | Carol | C. | Heitzig | Library Director | 275 MAIN ST., SUITE 100 | WATSONVILLE | 95076 | 4695 | (831) 768-3406 | (831) 768-3404 | http://www.watsonvillelibrary.org | 6.00 | 53,334 | 64,328 | 22,422 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 46,600 | $3,328,100 | $38,883 | $0 | $17,221 | $3,384,204 | $38,883 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,922,546 | $971,685 | $2,894,231 | $125,000 | $20,000 | $145,000 | $31,000 | $20,000 | $196,000 | $148,000 | $3,238,231 | $0 | 55.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | 26.00 | 36.00 | 40.00 | 42,428 | 9,967 | 131,422 | 648 | 7,102 | 395 | 4,822 | 76 | 39 | 39 | 126 | 7,280 | 553,234 | 61,422 | 254,122 | 138,348 | 41,557 | 11,247 | -1 | 11,246 | 265,369 | 265,368 | 671 | 1,733 | 1,032 | 15,684 | 78 | 1,833 | 68 | 1,276 | | | 1,178 | 18,793 | 1No | 123,458 | | | 66 | CA0153 |
18Los Angeles | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 7Southern California Library Cooperative | 1Ms. | Paymaneh | | Maghsoudi | Library Director | 7344 S. WASHINGTON AVE. | WHITTIER | 90602 | 1778 | (562) 567-9920 | (562) 567-9946 | www.cityofwhittier.org | 13.00 | 87,708 | 141,982 | 18,458 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 52,329 | $3,555,796 | $0 | $44,096 | $423,357 | $4,023,249 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $2,056,909 | $560,296 | $2,617,205 | $132,088 | $29,449 | $161,537 | $81,027 | $28,519 | $271,083 | $667,508 | $3,555,796 | $0 | 73.00 | 13.00 | 13.00 | 31.50 | 44.50 | 5.00 | 100,805 | 12,120 | 266,809 | 1,425 | 15,116 | 459 | 10,811 | 0 | 24 | 24 | 325 | 5,119 | 580,027 | 194,994 | 306,742 | 176,074 | 5,690 | 4,553 | 313,465 | 318,018 | 311,295 | 624,760 | 76 | 11 | 2,324 | 85,198 | 29 | 215 | 95 | 3,635 | 705 | 26,287 | 2,448 | 89,048 | 0Yes | 27,566 | 20,403 | | 106 | CA0154 |
10Glenn | 4Municipal Library | CI2 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Jody | | Meza | Library Director | 201 N. LASSEN ST. | WILLOWS | 95988 | 2794 | (530) 934-5156 | (530) 934-5156 | http://www.cityofwillows.org | 657.00 | 13,553 | 11,662 | 2,865 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8,662 | $259,062 | $40,223 | $0 | $0 | $299,285 | $34,984 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $97,836 | $49,028 | $146,864 | $10,790 | $388 | $11,178 | $963 | $0 | $12,141 | $93,014 | $252,019 | $0 | 9.00 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 5.50 | 6.00 | 0.50 | 16,313 | 3,473 | 54,080 | 5,412 | 544 | 2,617 | 1,511 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 2,704 | 26,583 | | 22,959 | 8,022 | 108 | 739 | | 739 | 23,698 | 23,698 | 48 | 118 | 170 | 3,246 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 59 | 1,099 | 171 | 3,252 | 0Yes | 6,023 | | | 21 | CA0155 |
55Yolo | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Greta | C. | Galindo | Library Services Director | 250 FIRST ST. | WOODLAND | 95695 | 3411 | (530) 661-5980 | (530) 661-5980 | http://www.cityofwoodland.org/library | 8.00 | 59,616 | 25,540 | 6,478 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 23,000 | $1,887,670 | $58,677 | $27,000 | $80,105 | $2,053,452 | $57,677 | $564,274 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $564,274 | $695,236 | $439,945 | $1,135,181 | $98,021 | $5,717 | $103,738 | $30,361 | $24,148 | $158,247 | $663,043 | $1,956,471 | $636,217 | 30.00 | 5.10 | 5.10 | 9.31 | 14.41 | 7.09 | 33,924 | 4,074 | 84,848 | 6,329 | 3,925 | 2,831 | 8,547 | 0 | 16 | 16 | 95 | 2,498 | 189,428 | | 276,077 | 134,974 | 10,793 | 6,134 | 1,853 | 7,987 | 282,211 | 284,064 | 46,007 | 24,155 | 1,472 | 47,154 | 147 | 3,320 | 172 | 2,362 | 90 | 12,078 | 1,791 | 52,836 | 1No | 9,333 | 48,401 | 29,000 | 18 | CA0156 |
55Yolo | 1County Library with Dedicated Tax | 9County or Equivalent, overlap | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 1Ms. | Chris | L | Crist | Interim Library Administrator | 226 BUCKEYE ST. | WOODLAND | 95695 | 2600 | (530) 666-8005 | (530) 757-5593 | http://www.yolocountylibrary.org | 1,023.50 | 159,280 | 89,701 | 11,701 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 75,061 | $6,285,906 | $24,847 | $8,050 | $852,246 | $7,171,049 | $24,847 | $250,000 | $15,000 | $0 | $11 | $265,011 | $2,692,256 | $1,451,120 | $4,143,376 | $359,365 | $23,266 | $382,631 | $136,072 | $63,954 | $582,657 | $1,644,980 | $6,371,013 | $247,330 | 139.00 | 17.13 | 17.13 | 39.46 | 56.59 | 8.60 | 125,134 | 27,740 | 364,306 | 7,217 | 20,647 | 3,031 | 30,200 | 41 | 6 | 6 | 318 | 13,453 | 784,032 | 100,060 | 1,119,931 | 424,710 | 52,875 | 78,869 | 1,924 | 80,793 | 1,198,800 | 1,200,724 | 7,849 | 10,929 | 3,936 | 102,638 | 329 | 5,924 | 729 | 9,190 | 121 | 5,881 | 4,994 | 117,752 | 1No | 124,227 | 252,468 | 151,944 | 120 | CA0157 |
29Orange | 4Municipal Library | CI1 | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 1Municipal Government (city, town or village) | 6Santiago | 1Ms. | Carrie | A | Lixey | Director | 18181 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY | YORBA LINDA | 92886 | 3437 | (714) 777-2466 | (714) 777-2873 | www.ylpl.org | 20.00 | 67,890 | 49,585 | 11,130 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 28,350 | $4,731,583 | $0 | $21,494 | $260,883 | $5,013,960 | | $3,671,037 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $3,671,037 | $1,712,033 | $826,020 | $2,538,053 | $214,670 | $33,483 | $248,153 | $195,488 | $82,132 | $525,773 | $1,726,059 | $4,789,885 | $3,656,499 | 67.00 | 8.75 | 9.75 | 22.28 | 32.03 | 7.50 | 56,415 | 5,778 | 120,186 | 10,542 | 15,551 | 2,931 | 15,130 | 216 | 31 | 31 | 114 | 3,234 | 293,344 | 98,079 | 772,689 | 451,588 | 4,252 | 84,452 | 81,781 | 166,233 | 857,141 | 938,922 | 0 | 21 | 822 | 81,960 | 94 | 2,689 | 189 | 5,616 | 124 | 3,935 | 1,105 | 90,265 | 0Yes | 45,458 | 156,642 | 52,505 | 28 | CA0158 |
56Yuba | 0County Library General Fund | 8County or Equivalent, entirety | 1Member of a Federation or Cooperative | 2County/Parish | 4NorthNet Library System | 0Mr. | Kevin | | Mallen | Interim Library Director | 303 SECOND ST. | MARYSVILLE | 95901 | 6011 | (530) 749-7380 | (530) 749-7386 | http://library.yuba.org | 643.00 | 74,577 | 37,350 | 5,573 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 25,000 | $370,672 | $0 | $0 | $39,500 | $410,172 | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $208,441 | $46,183 | $254,624 | $18,508 | $1,057 | $19,565 | $9,703 | $2,145 | $31,413 | $84,928 | $370,965 | $0 | 9.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 8.00 | 9.00 | 1.00 | 25,984 | 2,427 | 89,986 | 5,412 | 7,195 | 2,617 | 9,584 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 20 | 1,352 | 54,647 | 686 | 128,492 | 38,717 | 411 | 2,944 | | 2,944 | 131,436 | 131,436 | 277 | 45 | 954 | 8,064 | 24 | 144 | 25 | 186 | 5 | 315 | 1,003 | 8,394 | 0Yes | 11,666 | | 20,188 | 36 | CA0159 |